Saturday, November 2, 2019


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

 In a society that is all about ‘ME, ME, ME’.  In a society that carries on with apathetic attitudes towards humanity.   Are we worthy of remembering those that have fallen before  us.   Men and women that have sacrificed for our freedoms, our civil and human rights?  Men and women that have paid the ultimate price in the preservation of our culture, customs, traditions and way of life. 
Are we anything but hypocrites to once a year stand out on a cold day to remember the efforts that we violate on a daily basis?
Look how we treat our veterans.    We can pay 10 million dollars to a hockey player.  Yet, a wounded veteran... or any veteran for that matter will never ever see anything close to a million.  They in most cases are left at the mercy at the policy  of  the government of the day.
True condolence is not remembrance once a year in a show of false pretense.   As a government.  In oder to show true appreciation.   Every veteran and or immediate family member to a veteran that has passed should receive a set amount of money as appreciation for their or their family members contribution to this great nation we all call home.
No, instead we fill our eyes with tears in a false and in my opinion demeaning act or remembrance.  Is this what our forefathers fought for? Is this what our current troops are fighting for?
A pat on the back and a few words of encouragement.  While the rest of the population lives their lives in many cases in violation of the principles that of those that are serving and risking life for?
Like really, lets call a spade a spade here.
In our modern society if you believe in Canada first you are labeled a Nationalist.  If you express your point of view on the invading by foreign norms, traditions and customs you are labeled as suffering from a ‘PHOBIA’.  Is this what those soldiers gave their lives for?   Did they not die protecting the right to express our opinion without persecution?  Did they not serve with fear and uncertainty in their hearts..knowingly that they where serving their beloved country, Canada?    Are we to label these fallen as had suffered from a phobia?   A bunch of Nationalists.   We live in a confused society.  Forced to comply or else.  During remembrance day.  We should not be remembering those that served.  But reward them as they should.   And if our hearts leads us so passionately to remember and our eyes need to fill with tears in the process.  We must keep in our hearts the principles and convictions of those that have served.  Canada first all enemy or opposing our great nation second.   Right is right and wrong will be made right.  Now whipe your eyes and take action.  CANADA FIRST.
“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”  Mark Twain

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