Sunday, September 30, 2018


Starting your morning with a healthy elixir is a great way to alkalinize your body, support digestion and improve detoxification
Some of my favourite morning mixes will include spinach, wheat grass, dandelion leaf, spirulina, lemon juice a activated charcoal. These promote digestion and detoxification in 2 important ways: .
1) Promote liver health by supporting liver detoxification and improving the flow of BILE from our liver and gallbladder. Adequate bile production and flow is SO important to properly break down and digest our fats as well as carry excess hormones and cholesterol out of the body. If you suffer from high cholesterol, symptoms of low essential fats (dry skin, hair, cracked nails) and/or hormonal imbalances, you want to support your liver’s production and flow of bile.

2) Green superfoods and even lemons help to alkalinize the body. Being too acidic (lower pH level in the body) is associated with lowered oxygenation which negatively affects digestive function and rate of digestion. When food takes longer to digest, it can ferment causing fermentation acid to build up which then worsens the sensation of heartburn and bloating/gas.
How do you become less acidic? By eating a more alkaline diet and starting your morning with a greens drink or elixir! It is also important to avoid or limit foods that increase acidity in the body such as refined sugar, red meat, processed foods, fried foods and refined oils like canola oil.

If you enjoy these tips and suffer from digestive issues and/or hormonal issues, you will love my Bikini Bod Beat the Bloat Ebook + Holistic Detox Bundle It comes with a *4 week digestive healing and detox meal plan *All recipes, pictures and instruction, *Digestive healing + Detox supplement guide, an overview of the digestive system and common culprits to your digestive distress, and my favourite resources to detox your life today! More info at Get started today!
                                             Until next time, stay well! Marissa

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