Sunday, September 30, 2018


    The debate to legalize the use of recreational marijuana is over.   Soon the government will make it legal for citizens to indulge in recreational marijuana.  Much like everything in society.  Enough people support a particular social change.  The change will take place.   Traditional values and standards will be compromise to accommodate a new acceptance.   In the recreational use of marijuana it appears that the containment has over turned the establishment.  It seems like everyone is using.
With this thought.  The government in it’s usual conscious fashion... turns around and looks for ways to capitalize on the overturn... on the ‘POPULAR’ position in society.
Sure the Feds and the Provinces sit to make huge tax revenue off this new Goose that will be laying the new Green/Golden egg.   The Federal government still can’t make up it’s mind how to distribute it..on what way will bring them the most revenue.  All they know is that the legislation was approved and passed and now the pandora’s box will have to be accommodated by the Provinces and the municipalities.
Some are crying ‘GREAT’ finally.   Others are grinding their teeth.  No matter what your personal preference is.  One thing we share is civil responsibility.

I do not smoke and or drink.  I can appreciate my air clean and my communities safe.  I can also respect those that wish to smoke and drink.  It is a free country.   I do become offended by smoke... second hand.  I do have a problem with noticing someone walking down the street intoxicated.   These concerns appear that they are not mine alone, but that a large margin of the population also share them.
The other day I was getting into my car and I was approached by a very prominent local business person and asked.   “You are running for office, I am a concerned business person and parent.  How will you protect my family from second hand smoke at public places?  How will you protect my business that a retail pot shop will not open next door?”

At first, the question had so many parts.  Then I looked at him and said.   It is a matter of waiting to see what the Federal government regulates and how to the Provinces and subsequently to municipalities.   We must also wait to see what this will mean for the different provinces.  Will each province be allowed to regulate distribution and places of usage.   Once this is established then we as a municipality can begin to assure that we do not have issues of use of marijuana in public places.   Much like with alcohol.  Oshawa should have clear bylaws on where and how a person may consume marijuana.   I would strongly push that there be no smoking on public streets, near schools and or at any public venue.
I also would propose that even though legal.  It is the responsibility of the user to assure that if found to over indulge that they be held accountable by law.   A fine, jail time... depending on the severity.  Much like how we deal with drunk drivers.
As the new mayor of your city my first and biggest priority would be the protection of our citizens.  The safety and well being of each one.  Including the use of marijuana for medicinal and or recreation.

As for distribution within the City of Oshawa.  I would learn from the mistakes of previous administrations and not bound the sale to any particular place.  I wanted it spread out and widely available so the stigma will not linger at those shops that sell them.  In the name of protecting our citizens. I will also impose a ‘POT’ tax levy on any and all businesses selling.  In the form of licensing.   Before licensing.  We would conduct a 7 day wait period in which at that time neighbors would have the opportunity to oppose the licensing of such business or existing business that wants to get into the sale of pot.   The license would be hefty and renewable every month.   The key is not to punish the retailer.  But to use money from such lucrative business to invest in city programs.  (ie. kids sports, park improvements...)

Then the question was further pursued... ‘How would you deal with dwellers of apartment and or subdivision smoke related complaints.   Technically individuals would be on their property yet the strong smell of pot would linger.’ 
This is another great question.  As it stand we have smokers both of cigarettes and cigars.  If you happen to be living next to one.  I can appreciate your frustrations.   In this case it becomes a matter of basic human decency as in many cases approaching your neighbor and expressing your concern over foul smell would be enough.

In the pot model.  We as must not presume the same would be true.  Even though second hand  cigarette/cigar smoke is harmful and offensive to some.  Pot smoke carries a much more dangerous over tone.
Pot smoke must be addressed as not only possibly offensive but a  health harmful due to it’s medicinal properties.
Then as your new mayor how do we handle this.  Pass an environmental bylaw.  A bylaw that would prohibit you from smoking out in a residential or business area where others may smell the smoke.  A bylaw that would be enforced by fines.  The question then is how do we enforce.
Well, like any complaint.  It has to be investigated.  Those that file the complaint must make available evidence of such contravention in the form of pictures, witnesses.   The fundamental principle behind this bylaw would be not to create a tear between neighbors but to build bridges of understanding and civility.
If a situation escalates, the police and the proper civil avenues are available to both parties.  We as a City must assure that our citizens have quality life style.  Part of that quality is doing your part in the community.  Hostility will be met with hostility.  Compassion with compassion.
One thing we forget about the whole pot argument.   As great as it may be for medicinal purposes and as great as it may be for the prevention of future disease.   Marijuana has been proven to be the second step towards much deeper narcotics.    First it is alcohol, then pot, then narcotics.
The key to breaking this vicious and at times fatal cycle is education and resources to offer individual that show distress.   Addiction is not a choice per se but a way to cope with serious underlying psychological issues.
We as a society must address this with hard core therapeutic services.   We must look at ways of creating one of Canada’s largest and most recognized addiction treatment centres.  
Can it be done?
In my world nothing is impossible as long as you have th vision and the ability to bring people together to make it happen.
As your new mayor I would be committed 24/7 to making things happen in our city. 
I will not wait for Council to decide but have council work on things as they are happening. No more wasting time on what could be.  No more letting opportunity pass us by.
Tomorrow is here and we need not to sleep.   In 2018 we have a true unique opportunity to make great things happen in Oshawa.   You have a choice.  Vote in Carter and live another four years with the status quo.  Or vote INGINO and take a chance on positive change. Your choice.
Joe Ingino
With your help we can make it happen. Vote Ingino for mayor in 2018         Joe Ingino

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