Friday, January 17, 2020

By Joe Ingino 1.17.20   Iran on Friday vowed "harsh retaliation" against the U.S. attack on Qasem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, though no one is certain when or how the country will respond. Iran declared a traditional three-day mourning period after his death.  Well on Tuesday Iran carried out their threat by bombing American installations in Iraq.
  What is wrong with the Iraqi elite?   Are they that ignorant of the facts.  Have they not learned anything from Iraq?  Afghanistan, Lybia?   They can talk big but at the end of the day, they are no match.
The only reason the US did not unload on them is not to bring in the Russians and Chinese.
I bet as you read this there are high level negotiations on how to justify the obliteration of Iran so that all the global powers get a piece of the action.   That regime has to go.   This Qasem Soleimani was a known terrorist.  He killed innocent people according to reports.   If true, the Iranian people themselves should have got rid of him.
No instead he dies a national hero to some?  Really.   The U.S. goes in and kills him in a strategic fashion and Iran retaliates by bombing facilities full of innocent people and at large.  No real strategy.
Then Iran dares not call themselves terrorist.  Really!!!  They bomb to send messages.   To instill fear and terror.  To flex limp muscle...
On Wednesday, January 8th.  President Trump made a very out of character appearance on National television.   He did the usual finger pointing at the democrats but instead of taking an aggressive stand.  He made it sound like the death of ISIS was good for the people of Iran.
Almost pleading for the people of Iran to stand behind him the fight against terrorism.
When in reality.  Iran has acted out against the west time and time again.  Still today they are threatening further actions.... 
You got to wonder all that they are not telling us.  Like who took those pictures that CNN kept broadcasting of the out bound missiles?   Who tipped off the  bases in Iraq that there was threat inbound?
  To ad insult to injury on Saturday January 11, 2020  the Iranian government goes public to announce that the recent downing of a commercial aircraft over Iranian territory was a human error.
This is the same Iranian government that wants nuclear weapons...  Come on folks.   Let’s call it for what it is.   The Iranian apology just does not cut it.   As a human being we can respect the apology as a nation we demand action.  We lost 57 fellow Canadians. 
What is our Prime Minister doing....  attempts to blame the Americans.    Really!!!   Trump goes out and kills a killer and Iran has the right to retaliate?   Is that not act of support for terror groups?
Then if so.  Why should we take the apology to be nothing but hypocrisy and insult to the west, Canada and the world.  Who is Iran that can go around threatening and flexing muscle or else.
I think it is time to take action and do more than pretend all is well.   Iranians for the longest time have been rateling the cage of tigers.  I think it is time to turn the tiger loose.
What I don’t understand is the mentality that the Iranian government employs.   Sadam, ran his mouth, Kadaffi the same.  Where are they now?
In my opinion Iran is next.  As for those conspiracy theory thinkers... It does not mean WWIII.  Far from it.  Iran is a thorn in Russia, Chinas back side.  Do you really think they care if the U.S. liberates/invades.  The Iranian are noticing the writing on the walls and this is why they put out the hypocritical apology.  Only to turn around and do it again.   They had no right to retaliate.

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