Monday, January 6, 2020

  If we learned anything from our brothers to the south is that politics is about money, greed, power and all that is wrong with society.
  The old role model concept in politics does not exist.  It is not about the good for the people.  It is about the good for your career.
The Democratic party has shown time and time again that it not about the people.
Here in Canada no matter where you look.  The same appears to be the case.  The Liberals are no angels and clearly champion what the democrats in the U.S. dream about.   The conservatives go from one scandal to another.  In reality there is no real leadership in the conservative camp.
Trudeau won the election over the conservatives on name recognition and nostalgia.  The bottom line.  No matter Liberal, NDP or Conservative.  Canada is in bad need for change.  For true leadership.
Democracy in Canada is  hypocrisy.   We are led we have choice but in reality we do not.
Then what is the answer when democracy if failing across the globe?
Now mind you.  Trump in the U.S. in part is bringing back integrity to the Republican party by getting things done with the people of America first mentality.
Something we need in Canada.   I believe that we in Canada have a unique opportunity to bring to the world a new ‘ISM’.  One that incorporates all nations into one.    An ‘ism’ that is Canada’s people first.  One that will have a compassionate heart for the needs of the global community but not at the expense of the quality of life of Canadians.
I became involved with the Canada for Canadians Party of Canada. Soon to be registered to bring to Canada just that new political identity.
“PEOPLEISM” is the new way to govern nations.  
For way to long we have lowered our standards.  We have allowed politician to negotiate in many cases in their personal best interests without considering long term affects on the quality of life for Canadians.  Peopleism will invest in you.  Your family.  Peopleism is about eliminating expenditures that can offset programs to improve the quality of life for Canadians.  No one in Canada should be homeless.  No one in Canada should go hungry. No one in Canada should be denied health care services.  More needs to be done for addiction and mental health.  We must cut as a nation the corporate bleeding of jobs to foreign nations.  We must take Canada back.  We must restructure what we pay our elected officials as it is not about representation but reenumeration.  This is wrong.  Won’t you join me in the new ‘ism’?

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