Friday, March 27, 2020

The Weakest Point
Is Our Strongest Hold
    If anything this recent global attack on civilization should be a wake up call to be better prepared in case of another global calamity.
 Some have been calling  that China should be held responsible for this  horrific attack on civilization.   The London Press published an article  entitled, “Did coronavirus outbreak begin from infectious disease lab in Wuhan?”  
  Before anyone goes and gets all huffy and puffy.   We as an educated civilization must ask the right questions in order to prevent future incidents.   We must cut through the politically correct and call it as it is.  The facts don’t lie and if there is blame to be placed on any one country we must find the facts.
You must remember we are dealing with a communist country that are notorious for misinformation and covert undertakings.
Whether this global epidemic was caused by design or by human error. The world needs to know and those responsible should be held accountable as lives have been lost and liabilities in the trillions are still surging. 
The London Press article went on to explain:
 The National Biosafety Laboratory, located in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the only lab equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses.  And Wuhan is at the centre of the outbreak, with nearly 77,000 people infected and more than 2,500 deaths in China.
  The virus may have been carried out of the lab by an infected worker or crossed over into humans when they unknowingly dined on a lab animal. Whatever the vector, Beijing authorities are now clearly scrambling to correct the serious problems with the way their labs handle deadly pathogens.
However, the Wuhan lab said the accusation that the outbreak was caused by a leak has caused great harm to our research staff on the front line of scientific research.
China has all to gain and nothing to loose.   Before the attack.  China had just lost a huge trade deal with the U.S.   It appears that Trump had halted the decade long of raping and pilaging of the west for their own industrial benefits.
China was on the ropes.  Logically speaking.  What better way to retaliate the world then by attacking it’s people.
China is not known to be a military actions first as America is.   China much like they did to our trade and industry.  They are silent oppressors.   They slowly and calculatively take over and control market places.  This in part is the Chinese success. 
Some may argue... how can you say Joe that China would kill it’s own people.  That is absurd.
Yes it is.  For us in the west that is unheard of.   But we are talking a culture across the globe that does not like us.   A culture that is them first everyone else second.   A culture that has been killing it’s own people for decades.   From political oppression to general events that the rest of the world will and never hear about.
We must look beyond our logic our common sense in order to understand the Chinese end game.  Surely highly speculative, but the facts are out there.   We must put on our global eyes in order to make sense of their possible attack on the world.
Since Trump came out and publicly stated that this was “China Flu”.  China, has gone public stating that they now have no new cases other then those that foreigners are bringing into the country.  Like really.
One of two things.  One, they are all infected and they stop reporting.  Or two, the communist way of informing people has kicked in.   They failed to report cases and anyone reporting will be reprimanded with extreme prejudice.
The question that lingers in my mind is... what ever the source.  We have as a civilized society failed to be prepared.  The global think tank believes that if we stay away from each other long enough the virus will die off.   The question is that a real remedy.   As we stand in the first three weeks in Canada of this threat.   We lost a lot of life and affected our economy.
I don’t sleep at night wondering.  What if now that we are at our weakness.  Our water supply becomes compromised by yet another foreign attack?  What then. Would it be the end of civilization?  One thing for sure about modern civilization.  The worst is yet to come and when it does... this  is when we become strongest.   Sad that we must wait till such threshold.

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