Tuesday, March 10, 2020


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

   As of Thursday March 5, 2020 news report read:  Two new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ontario, bringing the province’s total number to 22.   Of all the cases, the first four in the province have been resolved, with each of those patients testing negative consecutively at least 24 hours apart.
The question remains.... those sent home.... do they still carry the virus?  What certainty can the government give that these people are not carriers.
After all no one seems to pin point how the virus is transmitted.   Everyone speculates but no one can give any solid answers much like the vaccine for this virus still not available.   What is the complexity, could it be the governments of the world have no interest in developing a vaccine?
Just this friday March, 6, 2020 this headline was published:
All Protocols Followed and Risk to Ontarians Remains Low
TORONTO — This afternoon, Dr. David Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health, confirmed two new positive cases of COVID-19 bringing the total number of confirmed cases in Ontario to 28. Of these, four cases in the province are all resolved, with each of those patients having two consecutive negative tests at least 24 hours apart. 
The Canadian government does not seem to put to much worry on this epidemic and keep telling the general public that Canadians have nothing to worry about.
The real question is how many lives will it take for the government wake up and realizes that 1. we have no vaccine for this virus and up to now we been treating as if it was the regular flu.  2. We have no real plan of action in order to avoid the spread.  The TTC this past week sprayed anti bacterial   solutions on key high travel areas.
What is the Canadian government waiting to do something about it.  Why does the chief medical officer keep telling the general public that there is nothing to worry about when people die and the virus is spreading at an alarming rate right across the planet.
Personally, I believe Canada and most world governments are being caught flat footed on a very serious public health tidal wave.
I would go as far as speculating that this was a plan by design to see how far  a virus can go through the globe. 
Sociologist for the longest time have been warning that over population is the beginning of the end to any civilization as eventually all resources become depleted and disease over takes life.
Governments have also know that population explosions are controlled in three ways,  1. War  2. Famine 3. disease.  If this stands true then what are we to make of this COVID 19 VIRUS?
Is this an attempt by the Chinese government to control population?  Could it be that this attempt to control their population through a planned disease that is now out of control?
Could this be the beginning of mass detention centers across the country in order to take control of the virus spread? 
The United States has already set out military facilities as centers to monitor, treat mass numbers of people in the event of a epidemic across the United States.
What will it take for the Canadian government to wake up and realize that this trojan horse is a very serious threat to national security and public health.
How many of us must die before the government says enough is enough.  One lost life should be one to many.   In the medical profession there seems to be this theory that every 50 years or so humanity is faced with an outbreak of some sort of virus... that it comes and goes...  Can we afford to sit and wait?   Today if you go to your doctor, they take your temperature, listen to your lungs and in most cases deem it the flu as we are in the flu season.   How do we know that thousands are not being misdiagnosed and sent back in the general population infecting even more people.   I think the Canadian government is acting irresponsibly by not taking a more pro active role in combating a virus that has no remedy other then drink  fluids, rest and possibly take antibiotic.  Can we afford to wait and see?  The trojan has been deployed how many Canadians must die before we take it as a serious national threat?

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