Wednesday, August 15, 2018

ACNE - Sluggish liver and constipation could be the culprit!

Healthy Living
Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
ACNE - Sluggish liver and constipation could be the culprit!
    Our liver is a major detoxification organ in the body, and so is our skin! The liver is often sluggish or overburdened due to increased stress placed on it from alcohol, drugs/medications,  processed foods, trans fats, preservatives, food dyes, fructose, etc.
When our liver cannot keep up with the demands placed on it, excess toxins are either 1) stored in our fat cells or 2) eliminated through one of our other 6 elimination systems:
our lungs
lymphatic system
our digestive tract/colon
our SKIN through sweat***
our kidneys
and the blood
This is why improving the health of our liver and internal environment is so important for improving the health of our skin.  Another important reason why liver health effects acne is attributed to the fact that our liver is the site of hormonal detoxification. Specifically, the liver creates serum proteins that act as hormone carriers, manufactures hormones such as estrogen and testosterone and regulates sex hormone levels by eliminating excess hormones through bile. Once the liver has processed old hormones, the liver dumps these hormones into the gut with bile so that they can be carried out by our feces.
IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE BATHROOM REGULARLY (AT LEAST ONCE PER DAY) these hormones can get reabsorbed back into the bloodstream and worsen hormonal imbalances. hormonal acne often appears on the face around the chin and jawline.
If this resonates with you and you’d like a protocol to balance your internal environment and heal your skin from the inside out, I highly recommend you check out my Ebook protocol Heathy Skin From Within at under the shop tab.
Until next time, stay well! Marissa

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