Monday, August 27, 2018

Acne problems + not prioritizing restful sleep?

Healthy Living
Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
 restful sleep?
  Lack of sleep can actually MAJORLY contribute to your skin problems. Here’s why.
The adrenal glands are responsible for producing *stress hormones* such as -cortisol as well as small amounts of *sex hormones* like -estrogen, -progesterone and -testosterone levels in the body. Since hormonal imbalances can lead to acne, stress and lack of sleep burden the adrenals and cause our hormones to be produced in unfavourable amounts.
One major role of cortisol is to increase blood sugar. Chronically elevated blood sugar/blood sugar imbalances is also a root cause of acne! Fatigued adrenals/blood sugar imbalances and lack of sleep then lead to sugar cravings, which further disrupt blood sugar balance. It’s a viscous cycle!
If you suspect you’re of adrenally fatigued and suffer from chronic acne, you may experience the following symptoms:
Dependant on coffee or stimulants to get you through your morning/day.
Midsection weight gain.
Difficulty handling stress and tend to work off of worries. Often feel light-headed when standing quickly from a seated or lying position. Craving for salty foods.
Low sex drive.
Trouble staying asleep at night.
Horrible PMS or Menopause.
In my Ebook HEALTHY SKIN FROM WITHIN - I teach you how to take control of your adrenal health, skin health, and how to properly assess the root cause of your acne + skin issues. You’ll receive a full 14-Day Skin Healing Meal Plan, supplement guide, product recommendation guide, food list & so much more.
Until next time, stay well! Marissa
Acne problems + not prioritizing

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