Saturday, November 24, 2018

Those Dam Russians...

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Those Dam Russians...
  The headlines read..... “Trudeau must come clean about Russian interference in 2015 Canadian election: Conservatives.”
Really..... Like, I don’t know how many times I read that....I keep saying.... LIKE REALLY.
The Russians interfering with Canadian politics....   As if Canadian politics are not messed up enough on their own?
If I ever read ‘fake news’... this has to take the cake.... As if the Russian even know where Canada is or care for that matter...
Canadian politics is so messed up that we could actually have Russian confused on who to back...
The Liberals are no different then that of the Conservatives.  The little engine that could NDP’rs are so desperate that they are the gray line between the Cons and Libs.
It must the only country in the world that it really does not matter who wins.... Nothing will change. 
The cost of living will continue to go up...our dollar keep sliding and jobs keep going south on us... Why would the Russians want to waste time in Canadian politics.
My understanding is that any government entity is only interest in another country political condition is if there are any gains to be made by doing so.
Most countries collect intel from one another to keep tab on the local economies and or any military movements.
Canada the cocktail of ethnic make up... has lost it’s unity.... If it is not for the Quebecois holding small pockets of culture, intellectual reservation and preservation of tradition.   Canada, has become a stew of cultures that can’t be defined other then called foreign.
Then the question... why would the Russians want to waste their time and resources on manipulating political outcomes?
We can stretch that thought even to the U.S.    Why would the Russian want to mess with American politics and if so... Why would the help the Republicans win?
Trump has turned that country on it’s head...   The Russians would want someone in power with more of their political inclination... not a guy like Trump.
CNN and it’s ever ending wet dream of impeaching Trump.... will go to any lengths to drag this out... As for the U.S. Russian investigation...That has to be the worlds biggest joke.
Like really...
It is a modern day witch hunt that serves no purpose other than to deviate from the real world issues.
Issues like the China move to take over the south seas and control shipping, industry and commerce coming in and out of the region.
Russia messing with Canadian politics.....   I can’t stop shaking my head at the stupidity of the notion.
Personally I think we need to restructure Canadian politics and take out the financial factor out of it.   Eliminate the factor that only the wealthy amongst us can afford to run for office.  We must eliminate and educate on the value of serving the people of the land.    We must re-allign our view when it comes to how we treat all our people.   Not some.  We need to put priority in building Canada.

Joe Ingino

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