Saturday, October 12, 2019

 by Joe Ingino

   HELLO... HELLO ANYONE OUT THERE... OR have we all become mental zombies out of  our own ignorance?    This election it appears that the local candidates running have either come to the realization they don’t have a chance in hell at winning.   therefore why approach the local media to release information about themselves... Or is it that these candidates by their own recognition have surrendered to the fact that voters do not vote on information but on the party hype.
I just don’t understand if it is out of arrogance, ignorance and or not having the intellect to reach out to those they so want to represent.
We live in a real strange Canada.   A Canada slowly becoming a 3rd world nation.
My argument is strengthened by the recent debate.  What a national disgrace.   Here we have what was supposed to be Canadian leaders and instead it looked like a bunch of confused minds jockeying for a big paycheque.
I CALL FOR ALL CANADIANS TO NOT TURN OUT  this election.  Show them that we had enough and that to change for the sake of changing makes no logical sense.   Like really!!!  Andrew Scheer, is that different then Justin?    One wears red the other blue.   They are the ultimate ‘YING/YANG’ of political ideologies.    If we swap one boy for another we will never get men to work on what matters to hard working Canadians. It was so bad that during the debate the NDP leader mocked the PPC leader over questionable racist tweets.   This is the same guy that goes on Canadian National television wearing a turban.    A turban in many eyes being a clear symbol of Canadian social etiquette defiance.   Now tell me his actions as leader of the NDP are not prejudice and racist.  
We as Canadians are inclusive.  As such we must blend in not stick out.
It is not about having rights and exercise them without disregard for the bigger common good of the inclusive society.  Is it not a slap in the face to flaunt personal preferences or believes over others?  Is it not insulting  noting that on someone wanting to represent you.  To show open public defiance and in the same breath turn around and warn you.  If you say anything about my choice to social defy you. I will become insulted and point and label you racist.     Don’t get me wrong I do not have anything against turbans.  I just think like silent Canadians that we have played the prejudice victim card to far.  We as Canadians have standards and those standards have been compromised in the name of a false equality.  As equality would consider that we must put our native land cultures/cultures/traditions aside in the name of better good for Canada.
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
  George Orwell, 1984

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