Thursday, October 24, 2019


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

   Yesterday as I was taking my morning shower.  I had some what of a revelation.   For a moment I began to think.  What if I woke up one morning and there was no  water, no hydro, no sewage?
How would life change for humanity in an instant.   We all have heard at one time or another that society and or civilization is held up by  a very thin series of logistical wires.
Take for example as you walk across your lawn to your car every morning.   All the different logistical system you are crossing over and under.  Many essential services that keep us in comfort.   From hydro wires above or below to television/telephone cables not to mention water/gas/sewage.
What if we woke up one morning and all this was compromised?
Could civilization survive?
It is a scary thought as without the essential we would encounter some major problems.
Have you ever thought of the tap water you drink?   The many miles it travels in order for it to reach your tap?   Or from where exactly does that water come from?  How about the logistics in place for that  water to flow from point A the lake to your tap, point B.
Without running water society would go into chaos as drinking water is essential to life.   Adequate sewage is essential to hygene and the spread of disease.
Without hydro we would have no contact with the world.  Without hydro the many pumps that pump sewage and fresh water would not work.
How would you deal with getting fresh water and at the same time deal with your daily bodily functions?
We live in a very complex society held by a very fragile logistical system. 
This  bringing to question the idea of what if!!!
What if due to an electromagnetic shift either man made or other would   eradicate electricity as we know it.
  How would society cope with the chaos.  Are we prepared for such mass shift from being dependents of a system to having to go out and improvise like many of our forefathers did.
Are we mentally prepared for such shift?
The world is a very fragile place and due to our own negligence and or act of war could see us in a predicament as never experienced before.   Why did the many civilizations before us all of a sudden disapeared?   They all experienced some sort of calamity due to their own failure of infrastructure logistics.
“To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.”   Jonathan Sacks

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