Tuesday, February 25, 2020


By Joe Ingino

   I was at the U.S. during the latest democratic debate.   No matter the town people  engaged. Everyone attacked another. Meanwhile Republicans enjoying the easy picking of info each candidate attempted to toss towards the other.   From whom ever they pick.  They are done.  To many wholes in the U.S.S.DEMOC
I understood that the Democratic party stood for:
 The modern Democratic party emphasizes egalitarianism and social equality through liberalism. They support voting rights and minority rights, including LGBT rights, multiculturalism, and religious secularism.
  To me it sound like if this stood true.  They in the name of inclusion.  Would no go public and slug it out.
I don’t think it is about winning or loosing... as I said previous.  NO chance to defeat Trump.   The way I see it.  Once Trump has served his terms as required by law.  He would have his wife run and she would win.  No question about it. The desperation by the democrats is so great that they are bringing a billionaire.  Then they slice him and dice him... maybe they are blinded by hate for Trump they heard a successful man...bite,bite,bite...without realizing maybe he would stood a chance.
I can tell you one thing from experience.  Ever since Trump took office and introduced the Oil and fracking to middle America.   America has become oil self serving.  No more arab oil.  I know America is very conservative as when you travel through some of those small towns.  They are friendly and polite but in an eery kind of way.  
The Democrats have run aground.  And now to Canada.   If Justin can’t figure out the magic potion.   Face west and look left comrade.  Learn from a guy that has turned his country around.
That pipeline is the ticket.  That pipeline is your re-election.   The country is on a downward spiral.  No jobs, no real opportunities and sit waiting for something possitive to take place.  Justin need to unite the country.  He needs to give a vision.  He needs to take direction so that future generation can look back and learn from.  NO INSTEAD IN CANADA WE ARE LEFT PLAYING COWBOYS AND INDIANS.  It should be if it is good for the nation it is good for you.

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