Thursday, February 13, 2020


By Joe Ingino
Plato's Republic presents a critical view of democracy through the narration of Socrates: "foolish leaders of Democracy, which is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequaled alike."
I remember during one of my visits to Cuba turning on the television and channel after channel Castro this Castro that. The political message was intertwined in the news items and you knew that freedom of the press was nothing but government propaganda. We snub our noses at socialist regimes not to mention communist countries as oppressive of it’s people. For the longest of time in the United States some people actually believed that Russians were born with tails and grew horns, especially during the height of the cold war. Crazy!!!
Well let’s look at the role of the media and how they can influence popular opinion. Governments throughout history have depended on the ability to oppress through the control of information. Whether it was to announce war or economic stability. The voice of government was deemed a source of acceptance, criticism and opinion.
The right message would control the population at large to do whatever government wanted.
With this said. One has to wonder about modern society as the general population at large are now for the first time in human history have the ability to access infinite sources of information on just about any particular topic. With the introduction of the internet. Myth is debunked. Popular thought challenged.
The governments of the world find the internet a threat to their stability as for the first time in history the masses can unite under popular believes and fueled their position through a variety of uncontrollable sources. Since the Internet hit the masses. Government all over the world have grappled with what to do. How to control it and how to manipulate it. Government pages don’t work. Mass media messages fail to hit their mark over the net. The only option available is to intertwine within the system in a format that people can relate. The open news networks. If a government has influence in one news agency then they can spread their agenda without the people knowing what is happening to them.
This in part explains the many network channels favoring one political party over another.
Take CNN for example. “CNN The most trusted name in news” or so is their slogan. Are they really? Trusted by whom? You can’t watch CNN for more than five minutes without hearing the word Trump in one form or another. Some may say that it is much like in Cuba a government controlled station. The only difference is that the name Trump is used in a negative way. Denouncing every action the President takes. Attacking the Presidents character, family, friends and etiquette. It appears that character bashing is their primary agenda. How can this be the ‘most trusted name in news’? How are the people to trust something that is obviously skewed towards a particular political party?
With all this talk of ‘DEEP STATE’ operating withing the United States. One has to wonder if CNN is not their news outlet. Their voice to the world.
A ‘DEEP STATE’, by definition: is a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies (DEMOCRATIC PARTY) or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.
CNN is clearly spreading propaganda and not news. By definition propaganda is: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. As for CNN, “BREAKING NEWS”. In the ‘Situation Room”, is nothing as giving themselves importance to spread a hidden agenda.
Is this not act of treason against the United States? Is this not anti-American?
Treason by defenition is: trea·son the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The action of betraying someone or something.
If this stands true to definition. Is not attempting to defame, bash the office of the Commander in Chief and attempt to kill the integrity of his presidency in an attempt to create a social coup?
A coup by definition is: In a coup, it is the military, paramilitary, or opposing political faction that deposes the current government and assumes power.
Is this not what CNN attempts to do by attempting to influence people’s minds? Is CNN not guilty of being part of a DEEP STATE attempt to support a political coup of the United States elected government?
Can this not be deemed an act of treason against the people of the United States and democracy?
CNN by broadcasting bias news are they not controlling peoples opinion through a form of mind control?
Mind control (also known as brainwashing, reeducation, brainsweeping, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform) is a general term for a number of controversial theories proposing that an individual's thinking, behavior, emotions or decisions can, to a greater or lesser extent, be manipulated arbitrarily .... Is this not the purpose of CNN.
CNN under the protection of freedoms and liberties can’t be touched as they run under the umbrella of freedom of the press.
CNN is the new weapon against the people. A form of playing with people’s ignorance. One thing that has to be remembered is that no matter how educated a person may be. The world clock stops for no man and we never know the truth that govern us.
Those that control our political system or as we know it. Our government. Have the ultimate control over our futures.
It is no more about the people. It is not about doing what is right. Democracy has become about money, power and control. It has become an oppressive power at all points of political interests.
Look at the shamble the Democratic party is in. CNN reporting on the democratic cacusses as if they are going to make any difference who they elect. The Democrats have no real contender to go up against Trump. This is why they are betting on bashing and slandering his good name.
The Democratic party is desperate. Unfortunately, the Democratic party has no real strategist to lead them to unity. During the debates more time was spent in fighting then showing unity on key important issues. This is not a time to air difference within the party. Now is the time to unite and all candidates pull for one of the same cause.
It is sad to see the real face of democracy. The candidates making empty promises and versing what could/would benefit the people. In reality it is clear that all the democratic candidates are in it for themselves. It is about a larger pay day and more power. Democracy is being tested as religion has. We live in a life of never ending change. Is CNN the voice of the DEEP STATE? Should CNN be deemed the enemy of the state?
What do you think?

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