Saturday, January 9, 2021



By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
I call for the resignation of all politician and or official that violate the stay at home order and or the travel restriction mandate.
The headlines read:
Halton region police chief travels to Florida amid COVID-19 pandemic.
Did he really need to go to florida? Is he not the top dog when it comes to enforcing law on violation of Fed/Provincial legislation related to Covid?
Why is this man still a Chief of police?
NDP Deputy Leader Sara Singh said Doug Ford cannot give Finance Minister Rod Phillips a free pass for his choice to leave the country for a vacation in December, while instructing everyone else to stay inside their home.
Another... How is it that the finance minister can travel and the rest of us must stay home and not even be allowed to go to work.
I call for his resignation.
ONA President Vicki McKenna, RN, notes that international travel for non-essential purposes breaches federal travel guidelines during COVID-19.
"It is disturbing to see reports of prominent politicians and at least one hospital leader opting to knowingly break the guidelines that the majority of Ontarians are following," she says. "While we certainly understand the need for a break – and our front-line registered nurses and health-care professionals are themselves exhausted following many months of providing care for their patients, residents and clients – we remind everyone to follow the guidelines and travel only if the need is essential."
The leaders of OPSEU/SEFPO are demanding the full resignation of Thomas Stewart as CEO of Niagara Health and St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton after revelations that he vacationed in the Dominican Republic over the holidays.
Like really? These are all 250k plus positions. All positions of authority and responsible for assuring compliance of legislation related to COVID-19. Yet, they clearly are in violation. Showing no respect or care for what the rest of the population are undergoing. These are the same people that call for total shut down. While they still collect their 250k plus a year.
You and me worry over where the next mortgage payment will come from. Will you last the next 6 months. Yet these over paid incompetents run our lives and do not follow the same rules.
I am tired of hearing this buffon of Ford telling people they must close down their businesses. You want us to close down our businesses. You stop taking pay from the people.
You live amongst us. You worry about your daily bread. What am I saying. The man is a millionaire. As for our chief medical officer. Cut her pay until she and her people come up with a real plan to beat the spread of the virus.
To just come up with ‘STAY APART’, wear a mask and stay home just does not cut it.
It is proving tha isolation is not the way to beat the virus. There is more to this then these over paid incompetents care to know about.
I call a pay freeze to anyone that has anything to do with the decision making process of closing down businesses.
See how quick they will come up with a totally different strategy when their pay checks disapear and they are still responsible for mortgages, utilities and food.
If we can learn anything from what is going on in the United States. It is that the system is broken. Democracy is dead. Our governments do not work.
Governments today are about power and greed. It is about filling your pockets as quick as you can while you are still elected in office.
It is not about doing what is right. What is best for the country.
This COVID-19 and all it’s off shoots. Are nothing but marker to the end of civilization. Every political ‘ism’, has failed the test of time.
Political ideology only work in small groups and communities. As soon as the population number surge.
The system fall apart. We the people in modern society have become nothing short of numbers in a system that is far from fair or working in our best interest.
From politics to law. The flaws on the service to the people are huge. Our policies and laws are not reflective of the current times.
We live in a world of misconceptions and easily influence public conscious. Individualism and free thinking is a mirage in a sea of misinformation and convoluted opinion to sway public thought. Who is this Ford to tell us to close down our businesses. Who is this Canada Chief Medical officer Theresa Tam person that can’t figure out a plan to stop the spray of this Chinese released virus?
I say cut their pay until such time as they come up with a real plan. The vaccine is not a plan. The vaccine is nothing short than a prayer and hope that the numbers will fall.
I do not think that any official knows the true threat. The true spread. I personally believe that this virus is by design to infect the population at large. This so called virus. I do not see it as the magic bean that will stop the spread. It will slow it down. Far from controlling it and or bringing it to a halt. If we are to entrust those that lead us. They should then led by example. If they expect us to suffer financial hardships. Should they not endure the same pain?
We must demand accountability. We must demand fairness in an unfair world.

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