Saturday, January 16, 2021

IT SMELLS LIKE CIA U.S. coup d'état - Ala Carte

U.S. coup d'état - Ala Carte
By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

 In this age of high tech highways, gadgets and the likes.  It has become real easy to keep the population at large ignorant of the facts.   Today population control has never been easier as the new technology has not only made it easier to track, monitor and influence the population at large like never before.   From your smart phones tracking/listening/habit monitoring computer servers to the manipulation of the digital media.   We the people are victims of our own ignorance.   Can one speculate that the 2020 elections is a corporate/high tech/CIA covert operation as part of the largest ‘GLOBAL RESET’.   At a reset that will benefit corporations.  Give them the power to make unlimited wealth and control governments at will?
AS PER WIKIPEDIA DEFINITION:   (CIA) United States involvement in regime change describes actions taken by the United States government, both overt and covert, to alter, replace, or preserve foreign governments. In the latter half of the 19th century, the U.S. government initiated actions for regime change mainly in Latin America and the southwest Pacific, including the Spanish–American and Philippine–American wars. At the onset of the 20th century, the United States shaped or installed governments in many countries around the world. Look at what happened in the Ukraine for example:   Ukraine was a playbook CIA coup d'état
The very first act of the western-backed insurrectionists which represent a small percentage of the population and have managed to overthrow the government was to attempt rob Russian speakers in Ukraine of their language.   In reference to the U.S.  Could it be assumed that the democratic party is that small percentage of the population?   Could a covert coup d’etat happened in America?  Can big tech have monitored as they are doing now.  Controlled peoples votes?   Has the CIA been compromised and be working for profit for global corporations including FB, Twitter’s of the world?
Look at what happened in On Aug. 19, 2013, the CIA publicly admitted for the first time its involvement in the 1953 coup against Iran's elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh.
The documents provided details of the CIA's plan at the time, which was led by senior officer Kermit Roosevelt Jr., the grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. Over the course of four days in August 1953, Roosevelt would orchestrate not one, but two attempts to destabilize the government of Iran, forever changing the relationship between the country and the U.S.
Mohammad Mossadegh (COMPARED TO MODERN DAY TRUMP) was a beloved figure in Iran. During his tenure, he introduced a range of social and economic policies, the most significant being the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry. Great Britain had controlled Iran's oil for decades through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. After months of talks the prime minister broke off negotiations and denied the British any further involvement in Iran's oil industry. Britain then appealed to the United States for help, which eventually led the CIA to orchestrate the overthrow of Mossadegh and restore power to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. August 19, 1953: Massive protests broke out across Iran, leaving almost 300 dead in firefights in the streets of Tehran. Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh was soon overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the CIA and British intelligence. The Shah was reinstalled as Iran's leader. According to Stephen Kinzer, author of the book All the Shah's Men, Roosevelt quickly seized control of the Iranian press by buying them off with bribes and circulating anti-Mossadegh propaganda. He recruited allies among the Islamic clergy, and he convinced the shah that Mossadegh was a threat. The last step entailed a dramatic attempt to apprehend Mossadegh at his house in the middle of the night. But the coup failed. Mossadegh learned of it and fought back. The next morning, he announced victory over the radio.  Impeachment proceeding, the onslaught of CNN type broadcast denouncing Trump.  In Iran they used Islamic clergy.  In the U.S. they are using Congress and the Senate.  Could this be happening in American soil by our own Intelligence Agency?   Has the CIA been compromised and working in the best interest of the highest bidder?   After all.  Trump in his tough stand on many issues has brought upon himself many that envy his ways of enduring all challenges.   This self made dynamo has turned the political arena upside down and accomplished many feats that other presidents only dreamt.    From his oil and gas changes to the wall.  His tough stand on many items that others never dared take on have made Trump a target of controversy and embarrassment as how Trump could accomplish so much in so little time.     As you look at the bigger picture and ask yourself... how in the world did a careered ‘YES MAN’ like Biden ever win 2020 election.   As you hear Biden speak.... You can’t but shake your head at asking the obvious.... what went wrong.     Nothing but the possible use of the CIA playbook. After all to over throw a government or regime who else would you call?  Who else has the experience to operate covertly.
Who are you going to call with more experience in coup d'état?
No other than the CIA.  Here are the CIA world accomplishments:   
1800s: 1805: Tripolitania. 1846–1848 Annexation of Texas and invasion of California. 1865–1867: Mexico. 1887–1912: U.S. Empire, Expansionism, and the Roosevelt Administration. 1887–1889: Samoa. 1893: Kingdom of Hawaii. 1903: Panama. 1903–1925: Honduras. 1906–1909: Cuba. 1909–1910: Nicaragua
1900s:  1917–1920: Austria-Hungary. 1918–1920: Russia. 1941–1945: World War II and the aftermath. 1941: Panama. 1941–1952: Japan. 1941–1949: Germany. 1944–1946: France. 1944–1945: Belgium. 1944–1945: Netherlands. 1944–1945: Philippines. 1945–1955: Austria. 1945–1991: The Cold War. 1945–1948: South Korea. 1945–1949: China. 1947–1949: Greece. 1948: Costa Rica. 1949–1953: Albania. 1949: Syria. 1950s. 1950-1953: Burma and China. 1950–1953: Korea. 1952: Egypt. 1952–1953: Iran. 1953–1958: Cuba. 1953: Philippines. 1954: Guatemala. 1954: Paraguay. 1956–1957: Syria. 1957–1959: Indonesia. 1958: Lebanon. 1959–1963: South Vietnam. 1959: Iraq. 1959–2000: Cuba. 1960–1965: Congo-Leopoldville. 1960: Laos. 1961: Dominican Republic.  1987: Burkina Faso. 1989–1994: Panama. 1991: Iraq. 1991: Haiti. 1992–1996: Iraq. 1994–1995: Haiti. 1996–1997: Zaire. 1997–1998: Indonesia. 2000: Yugoslavia. 2002: Venezuela. 2003–2011: Iraq. 2006–2007: Palestinian territories. 2006–present: Syria. 2007: Iran. 2009: Honduras. 2011: Libya. 2015–present: Yemen. 2019–present: Venezuela.
From this list.  The United States seems to be the only one not included.   The question will it soon be. This to me is troubling to think that the CIA has sold out to the highest bidder.  Under mining the president in order to over throw the United States.
All the markers are there.   If you follow the CIA playbook.  It is as if it follows all protocol.   Has the global reset begun and we the people are being led to catastrophic future.    Not to seem bias... but I would have respected Hilary running against Trump.   Biden in my opinion lacks the mental integrity to hold office.  He has been a ‘YES MAN’ for over 40 years and he has difficulties public speaking?   Is he just a puppet the CIA and supporters picked in order fully control the U.S. government?   Could this actually be a  foreign government initiative utilizing key people at the CIA to accomplish the weakening of the U.S. across the globe?    We await with anticipation January 20th,2020.  We await with even more anticipation the outcome of this very dangerous time in America.   What is your take?

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