Saturday, January 30, 2021

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
  Come on people am I the only one that is tired of swallowing the pill that it is for own good?    It appears that the government keeps dishing out one shit pie after the other as we are forced to eat and not question.   At first they put fear in our hearts and told us that if we stayed at home that the COVID situation would subside.   So far if anything it has gotten worst.  They used the togetherness pill.  Together we can beat it.  Why can’t the government come out and tell us that they have  no clue on what they are doing and it is better to hit and miss then to actually do something positive. With all the top notch world recognized Universities in Canada.  You mean to tell me that we can’t put great minds at work to find out once in for all.  1.  How this is really transmitted.  2. How to develop technologies to visualize real hot spots and spreads.
No instead the government is playing the isolate and wait game and in the process they are finding new ways to issue out fines and penalties for anyone opposing their lack of knowledge.  Not to mention restrict our human rights.
In my opinion the government has no clue on how to put an end to this virus attack from China.   Just this week the government passed a resolution that read in part:
‘ As soon as possible in the coming weeks, all air travellers arriving in Canada, with very limited exceptions, must reserve a room in a Government of Canada-approved hotel for three nights at their own cost, and take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival at their own cost.’
The heading read, it could cost travellers up to $2,000.  Really where are they forcing people to stay at the Royal Hilton?   
Personally I think this is so wrong from so many angles.  First.  Why are we not shutting down all flight until we get a grip on the original COVID.  Only in coming CANADIANS citizens =to be allowed back in.  No one is allowed to fly out of Canada.   This would stop the infection of the Brazilian and African new variant.
Secondly if the government demands quarantine of citizens.  Citizens should not be made to pay for it... I think it is the duty of the government to make available such facilities.  No instead they are forcing people to pay.  This is wrong.
Sociologist for decades have been warning us of the importance of keeping the population ignorant.    Under communist regime this reigns number one.     In North America we are kept ignorant by creating confusion.   A confused mind is easily controlled.
I say this because we are being distracted from the bigger picture.    First it was the COVID attack.  Our economies went down the tube.   We put up a strong fight to come up with a  vaccine and when it finally looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel... We quickly find out that no it is not light but instead the 5:00 o'clock Express out of Sao Paulo Brazil.   A new strain of COVID-19.   As we scramble with the realities of this new threat we look to the sky for guidance only t be bombarded by the reality of an African strain different then that of Brazil and the U.K.   
Where will this end.  Is this the end.   After all, religious or not... it did say in the bible that the end of time would come via disease.   Social scientist have been warning us that the only logical way to control population is through war, famine and disease.
But before we get overly dramatic.   Can we first focus on point of origin.   When the the EXXOn oil spill took place.   EXXON was held liable.  The damage to the environment was monumental.   EXXON paid and we recovered.    Now today we have China for whatever reason infected the world with an agent that has killed millions.   Why is the world sitting idled and not hold China responsible?   
Furthermore.   In north America and Europe have been pushing world class pharmaceutical to come up with a vaccine.   We did.  The west  begun immunization... and just as the ball to success began to roll...  The west gets hit with a new  variant of Covid.    
Now let’s look at the source of these new strains.   Brazil and Africa.  Poor countries and poor continent.   Who is supplying these countries with a vaccine?   Yes China.  
According to a world report, China’s drug makers have arrangements to supply nearly 400 million Covid-19 vaccine doses to other countries, as roll-outs begin around the world and governments scramble for access to jabs.  
Three front-running Chinese firms – China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), Sinovac Biotech and CanSino Biologics – have made those deals to supply countries in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, according to public data compiled by both British analytics firm Airfinity and the Duke Global Health Innovation Centre in the United States.  
The question is who assures that the vaccines from China are effective?   Are we to suspect that the China vaccine is the causation of the COVID variant?     As we the west  battle for survival could the enemy be once again attacking us without our knowledge.   Are the Letters: Nikita Khrushchev's chilling prediction: 'We will take America without firing a shot' coming to reality as the Chinese communist regime continues it quest for global domination without firing a shot?    
What is your take?

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