Monday, October 8, 2018


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
    Oshawa is a City with great potential.  Oshawa the crown jewel of Durham has always been the envy of neighboring municipalities for decades. A giant among smaller neighboring municipalities.  A giant that has sat dormant for to long.  A giant that need and will be awaken into a giant of opportunity for all.  
GM made Oshawa great.  It created opportunity and jobs.  Unfortunately, GM is not what it was.   Corporate Canada has changed due to technology.  As technology has forced us to enter and operate in a global theatre.     An environment that is mandated by the bottom line.  Corporate pride has been compromised.  The integrity of workmanship has shifted and today robotics replace good old fashion engineering.    Line work has become a commodity that can be shifted and moved around. 
This shift, has unfortunately cause Oshawa jobs and economic stature.   Today’s Oshawa is hurting.  We are a small town mentality running a what should be a world class city.   Our Oshawa has the potential but not the drive and or intellect to drive it out of it’s economy quick sand.
Our City Staff include some great minds and intellect within their professional disciplines.  Unfortunately due to poor leadership or lack of leadership.   City staff must rely on policy as a guideline to hold the corporate line.   For this reason nothing gets done... and it from red tape to committee back to council only to be referred back to staff.
We have a city council that lacks vision and direction.   We have council members that have no world experience in the fields of investment, development, finance, industry, trade and commerce.  Then how is it that we as taxpayers expect them to bring world class opportunities to our doors?
One of my first meetings will be with city staff.   To assure them that they shall not fear job loss for taking chances and making positive decisions.   To contribute to the process without fear.
I as the new Mayor will be the CEO of the corporation and will take personal responsibility for any of the City employees decision.  I entrust that they have the expertise and knowledge to expedite and cut red tape.  Together we will bring the city back to the people.
No more freedom of information requests for simple and easy to access information.  This has been the complaint of many.   We need to open the books, open the doors and return city hall to tax payers.
From the days of Nancy Diamond.  Diamond a top notch administrator with vast knowledge of staff and political infrastructure.   She was not a visionary or true community leader as her biggest job was to hold the political and social line.   Her approach towards the community is ‘make no ripples in the water’ and the people will love you.   Diamond was a political dynamo in that she manipulated her environment like no other.   When John Gray defeated her, people thought there would be change. Unfortunately, Gray was no leader.  He was another Diamond in the rough.   A person that sat through council with little or no affect in changing Oshawa.  The Nicholson/Gray team had reached it’s peak.  Gray, plagued by controversy.  From the camaro purchase to the building of the GM Center using OPUC money.   He had to go.  Then the people of Oshawa made the same mistake and swapped another ‘status quo’ member (council).   John Henry.  A city councillor and moved him up to Mayor.   The same disastrous outcome.  HAVE WE NOT LEARNED.  We can’t be pulling the same tools from the same tool box when it has shown time and time again that these tools are not getting the job done.
Now in 2018, we have Carter.   One of the biggest tools we ever elected to office attempting to move up in pay.   This is all it is.   I say this with such conviction because... what has he done for the people of Oshawa in his four years?   Look at downtown.  Look at the only store front he is able to secure a campaign sign.   AN EMPTY FOR LEASE UNIT.    Really this is leadership?  This is what Oshawa needs?
In a public appearance Dan Carter made it public how he recollected his first week as a councillor.  How lost he was.  How he turned to Nancy Diamond and confided in her that, and this is in his own words, “NANCY I  THINK I MADE A MISTAKE AND DON’T THINK I AM CUT OUT FOR THIS TYPE OF WORK”.   According to Carter.  Nancy turned to him and said, “I want you to go home kiss your wife on the cheek.  Come back tomorrow and tackle this with intent”.  What this meant was Nancy just gave birth to another of her rookie council ‘YES MEN’.      Even though Henry was mayor.  Nancy Diamond and Nester Pidwerbecki ran the show.
The question now is he fit to be Oshawa next mayor?  According to his own admission he also suffers from a learning disability.  Is he able to go through all the material that is required in order to run a city?
Some have speculated that this in part is why Henry endorsed his buddy in crime Dan Carter.
Henry weeks before his announcement to run for Regional Chair, settled a 10 million dollar pending law suit with the Region.  This was quickly expedited.   Could it be that Henry wanted to look good before the Region.  Could it be that once again Henry sold out Oshawa tax payers for his own personal gain?  The people of Oshawa are now on the hook for 10 million and 1.4 million of legal fees to the Region.  THANK YOU HENRY.
Could this be why Henry endorsed Carter...  Thinking he would use Carter name and voter following to win the region and in turn knowing that Carter was not mentally able to run the city to run the city from the region?
Interesting speculation.   The bigger questions is.. are the people of Oshawa that stupid to fall for it again.   To draw a tool from the same tool box to rebuild our City.  When it has proven time and time again that we need a new tool box.   A new vision and leadership.
Under and INGINO administration.   Red tape will be gone.  Access to information and procedure will be the new Oshawa.  Open door policy to my office and council will be job one.
My goal and primary function will not be to run the administration, as we have staff to do that. My goal and primary function will be to open the doors of prosperity and opportunity.   To search find and bring to Oshawa partnerships from all levels of government, industry, trade and commerce.   I will entrust all staff when given an task that they will executed quick and to the best of their knowledge.
No more waste, No more consultants.  No more us against them.  We will act as one corporate body on one corporate mission.  Save taxpayers money.  Stabilize taxation.  Make what is good about Oshawa better and what is better world class.
We will not cut corners when it comes to safety, security and assurance that all citizens are guaranteed the basic living needs.   We must assure that everyone has access to services and systems that are essential to quality of life.
We will open our ears to ideas in the community that have in the past been shun and or silenced.   
The time for change is now.  The time for opportunity has never been better.   Think of your children, grand children.  Do they not deserve opportunity, security and good paying jobs.
In 2018 you can vote Carter and endure tax increases, the usual statistical dribble and a fake smile.  Or you can vote for real change and a new Oshawa. It is up to you.
In 2018 vote INGINO.
Joe Ingino
With your help we can make it happen.
Vote Ingino for mayor in 2018

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