Friday, October 19, 2018


    I do not understand it.   I put my name in the race for Mayor of Oshawa out of duty and service.  I do not need the job as I have one.  As the editor and publisher of our community newspaper.  I have heard from many of you about  the things that need improvement  in Oshawa.   From taxation to public safety and every thing in between.  I am not a politician. I am a hard working business person.  Someone that values a hard earned dollar and knows first hand what 12 - 14 hours work days are all about. 
I share with you the hardships and economic restrictions that keep us showing up at the work place day in and day out.
For the past 20 years I have seen our city on the decline.  We live on one of the most beautiful cities in Ontario.  A city that has great potential.  Yet, we are southern Ontario’s best kept secret.   We have lost are way.  We have been governed by administrator and not visionaries and or business people.
In today’s multi million dollars corporate municipal environments.  Holding the line just does not do it.   We need to engage in change.  We need to truly care about our people.   Not like my  fellow candidate Dan Carter and attack just  because someone does not agree with you or has a different opinion.   As you read by now.  After the most recent debate.  Carter publicly attacked me after I approach him to kind of condole him for in my opinion the barrage of attacks he was taking from fellow candidates. 
Carter turns to me and says to me ‘SEE YOU IN COURT’.   I was a little surprised.  Why would he take me to court?  If I had done something to offend him one would have thought he would have wanted to set up a meeting discuss it.   NO. He attacked me.  I can understand he was flustered as he was constantly being thrown off his game.  Still that does not given him the excuse to attack.   Is this how he will respond once he is mayor?   Is this a good quality to have as a community leader?
Personally if someone has done something against me.  The last thing I would consider is a legal challenge.   A smart business person knows. You get more out of negotiation then you do out of litigation.   Case in point.  City of Oshawa vs Durham Region.   Instead of prolonging it and negotiate a settlement with the Region.   Mayor Henry in an attempt to gain points with the Region.   Settles weeks before he announces his candidacy for Regional Chair.
Now we the people are stuck with 9 million dollars and about 1.5 million in lawyers fees.
Is this good governance?  
No wonder we have sat dormant for 20 years.  Our elected officials appear to be out for themselves and utilizing our resources to up their careers.
Look at Carter and his action.  Instead of negotiating and discussing indifference.  He threatens to run to his lawyer... Like really.   Is he not aware that by filling a claim against one. It is the quickest way to have a counter claim filed against you.  
Are legal challenges the way to settle indifference?
I put my name to do good for this city.  I put my name not to go after people.  I put my name to help build our downtown not threaten their pocket books with frivolous law suits.
I am a grown man.  I only become offended by something if it is true.  If there is no truth to the allegation.  I walk away and do not become concerned with hearsay and ignorance.
Carter if you feel so damaged and hurt... meet with me and at the least let me know why.
I feel I been victimized and  as a victim it is hard to understand the aggressor if you do not understand what you have done wrong.
I think if anything Carter’s actions are abusive.   Abusive from the point of view that he attempted to intimidate as he is a city councillor.   Intimidate as he has the independent wealth to file a claim for unknown reasons against me.  Or is Carter going to free load and use city legal department to draft his paper work and make us the taxpayers file on his behalf?
I sometimes get penalized for asking key questions.  Questions that many don’t want asked.
As a responsible member of our community it is my duty to find the truths that are  hidden from us.
Much like why do we pay such high hydro bills?  The rates are low but the surcharges kills us. Why do grandfathered properties pay such high property taxes.  Should we not be rewarding home owners that have been part of our community for over 30 years.   Should we not do more to address the ever ending problem of addiction, homelessness and those in need?
Should we not be more worried about the creation of jobs for our graduating students from High School, College and University?
Should we not be putting our minds to finding way to attract major developers and opportunity to Oshawa?
Is this the kind of leadership we need?  We want?  Or we need?
On October 22nd we are all going to be faced with some serious choices.   Do we vote the status quo in and expect 3 - 7% property tax increases to offset bad decisions like the THREATENING OF LAW SUITS.   Or even worst. Wasteful expenditures as Mr. Carter and his council are guilty of doing?
My Oshawa is not about going after people but about bringing people together.  Bringing opportunity by utilizing our resources to attack developers, investors and most importantly industry and trade.
We have a lake front/air port/downtown/ that will never be developed under the current status quo.  Investors will not come and have to deal with the red tape.  With council made up of under qualified individuals in the field of investment and or economic development.  Individuals that are easily influenced by public opinion and rely on consultants.   Council members like Carter that when confused and cornered run for legal council instead of resolve.
WE NEED VISIONARIES AND TRUE COMMUNITY LEADERS.  Leaders with a back bone to stand against the winds of adversity and the perseverance to over come adversity at all costs.
Community leaders with a proven success in business and service.
I have served our community for over 20 years as your community newspaper editor and publisher.  I have served in just about every service group in our community.  I have initiated the downtown INGINO initiative in order to stimulate growth, traffic and interest in our core.
I know Oshawa.  I have a proven record of leadership with a no nonsense approach that yields optimal results.
We are at the even of further change.  From the marijuana legislaltion to affordable housing.  We need to address the never ending population growth in our region.  We must invest in preparing with a solid plan of action.  A plan of action that will include proper execution of stages in order to achieve the bigger goal.
A goal that will transform us from being dependent on GM. To finally be able to once again stand tall in trade, industry and commerce.  
A Plan that will takes us from the  1920’s we are today to the global stage.  A transformation like never before.  Opportunity like never seen before.  Now is the time to act.  There is nothing in it for me but the knowledge that I be in part responsible for making history in the transformation of this great city in to a global beacon for future generations to follow. 
Please be part of Oshawa future on October 22, 2018
Joe Ingino
With your help we can make it happen.
Vote Ingino for mayor in 2018

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