Friday, December 27, 2019

  We in Canada are fallen victim to the realities of a changing world.  We are slowly opening our eyes and realizing that governments of the world all are infected by the same cancer.   That being greed, wealth and power.
   No matter the country greed, wealth and power reign supreme.  No matter the political ideology at it’s core root it is all the same.  Right, left and everything in between has lost integrity and moral disciplines.
  It appears that no matter the ‘ism’.  They are all in it for the money and power.  The average tax payers has been grinned down to nothing more than just another number in a sea of numbers.
  Look at the recent fiasco with the abrupt resignation of the Conservative party leader.  Few years back again when Patrick Brown was leader he had to step down.   Don’t get me wrong.   I am not just picking on the conservatives.  The Liberals are no angels.   It is just that the Liberals marketing scheme is better than that of the NDP and conservatives.
Corruption is all around us.   Under the Liberals we are slowly eroding Canadian standards and principles and allowing the injection of foreign interest to change our laws, our policies and our standards.
This is wrong.   We as Canadians are to passive.  We utilize the ‘it will never happen here’ mentality.  This type of collective acceptance of reality has proven fatal in many other global villages.   Look at Syria!
Do you think for a moment they would face what they have?   We in Canada need to regroup and take back our country before it is to late and we are fooled into accepting the unacceptable.
The question then will be who will come to liberate us?
   As the co-founder of Canadians for Canada.  I can tell you that many of you reading this have had enough with what is taking place in Canadian politics.   We as voters have no real choice.  No matter who is in power we the average people do not benefit from it.  We are at the mercy of the policy of the day.    This has to change.  Under a CFC government our resources would be invested back into Canadians first.   Our standards raised and our integrity as a nation restored.  
The CFC would be a welcoming and inclusive party for all that choose to integrate and conform to Canadian standards, customs, culture.   It would welcome anyone from any nation that has Canada best interest at heart.   The CFC would champion human rights and freedom of speech while safeguarding that no internal or external interest compromise and or infiltrate this great nations root core.
We as Canadians need to stand tall and proud again.  We need to paint with one brush.  We need to eliminate the thought that Canada is to serve anyone’s needs but in fact Canada is the place of opportunity, prosperity and the place for advancement.
We need to restructure our social system and bring government back to the people and not in a socialist fashion. Not in a conservative ‘us, us,’ mentality and not in a liberal fashion.  As it clearly not working.  We need to create the new global ‘ism’.  Peopleism, taking care of Canadians needs first. Assuring that  we continue to be the great nation we are. Canada.

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