Saturday, November 28, 2020



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

  Now before you CNN watchers get all huffy and puffy.... Let’s put this in perspective.   I am not calling myself a redneck.   My beloved government treats me as one.
By dictionary definition a redneck is: Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Texas, Georgia, and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).
  In other words.  A humble some what ignorant person with a good heart and down to earth qualities.  Someone that has rooted believes and family values, country and faith over anything else.    The type of people that in the past have sacrificed during world wars for the betterment of the freedoms we exercise in modern society.
  With this said, my government makes me feel like a red neck as it takes my good heart and soul and discards it in the name of some equality that does not seem to exists.   How are we to be equal when there are so many obvious differences.  How are we to believe in a God when we allow so many Gods to force us to accept their believes.
  Here in Canada we are a confused people.  Something started under multiculturalism to educate rednecks has now turned into a tool to oppress rednecks and anyone that opposes submission to acceptance to foreign culture and traditions.   Crushing the good hearts and souls of those folks... rednecks that build this country.
   Good people coming together recognizing that our cultural difference  and what each brings is what won wars.  Segregation through force compliance only divide us as a people and create classes of people within the races.  Was that the purpose of multiculturalism?
Don’t think so.
Today under the Liberal governments attempt to help people the government is practicing open segregation.  Segregation by definition:
Racial segregation in the United States is the segregation of facilities, services, and opportunities such as housing, medical care, education, employment, and transportation in the United States along racial lines. The term mainly refers to the legally or socially enforced separation of African Americans from whites, but it is also used with regard to the separation of other ethnic minorities from majority mainstream communities.
If you go under the government of Canada web page.  Under sub heading Targeted support: Supporting Black business owners and entrepreneurs through the Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund. We are supporting Black business owners and entrepreneurs through the Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund that will provide loans of between $25,000 and $250,000.
This initiative is part of the Black Entrepreneurship Program, in which we are investing up to nearly $93 million.
It continues:  Under-Indigenous businesses. Relief measures for Indigenous businesses. Supporting business through the pandemic and into recovery.  Supporting the Indigenous tourism industry. Indigenous peoples can also access all other benefits.
Is this not segregation?   Is this not  the legally or socially enforced separation of African Canadians and natives from whites?
How are we to all go around our lives pretending everything is alright when our own government practices segregation.   As a redneck are you not insulted that special privileges are being given to one race over another.   Are the Italians, Hispanics, Middle Easterners not insulted by such actions from the government.
Furthermore why is it that the government makes the assumption that Black entrepreneurs and Native folk have some sort of handicap.   Do we not live in a free and democratic society where we are rewarded by our efforts and our accomplishment and not by hand outs and charity.
Why does the government feel  as they have to belittle these two races in such way.  Why is the government practicing racism in the name of good intentions?
As a proud Canadian redneck.  I find this insulting.   Remember when I say Canadian redneck I am in reference to those in Canada that come from a slew of races that only purpose is to live free and happy.  To contribute to this great country and not to sit and expect to be accepted and or given handouts.  
I would find it highly insulting to turn to the government web page and find.... A section entitled.  Euro/Italian Entrepreneurship Loan Fund.   It would make me feel on the one hand....   Why does the government feel I have a handicap that I need help.  On the other. Wooo hooo.  I get in front of the line over all other races.
Is this the Canada we rednecks fought for and sacrificed during world wars?
The bigger question is... Since these special services are for Black folk only.   Does it not imply NO REDNECKS apply?
Not even the natives!!!
What a pandora box.... the government on the one hand cries inclusion and tolerance and by it’s own admittance it segregates in the name of assistance.
We the people of this nation are being mislead.   I wonder sometimes about the motives and intentions.  Then I look at the character and intellect of those leading us and one kind of feels compassion as we the rednecks have more common sense then he/she that is supposed to be leading us.
Look at this COVID fiasco.  No one know what it really is other then a virus.   We are forced to give up our civil right without knowing the true causation and act out of assumption and scientific hype.
Careful of your government as it is as redneck thinking as the most humble amongst us.  TRUST BUT QUESTION.

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