Saturday, November 21, 2020



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

   Come on people wear the dam mask.   At the least it gives everyone else a false sense of security.   The more I read reports and studies the more I come to conclude that governments of the world have no clue on what COVID-19 truly is other than a killer virus.
     What I can’t wrap my mind around is how it is that we have failed to learn from the first wave.    Now it seems to be fashionable for hospital to cry wolf over the lack of resources and beds... DAH... One would have thought that after the first wave we would have made the appropriate changes to be sure we be ready for the next wave.
No instead we are sitting ducks.  It is easier to close down businesses and pass out fines then to get to the root of the problem.
Until today we still don’t truly know true essence of transmission.  We are under the assumption that it is person to person.   NO one has yet been able to confirm it beyond a shadow of a doubt.   
Governments go for the easy kill and just tell people to stay indoors and self isolate.   Is that the real solution?
 Personally I believe that the virus is airborne (Airborne transmission is defined as the spread of an infectious agent caused by the dissemination of droplet nuclei (aerosols) that remain infectious when suspended in air over long distances and time.)
Not so much person to person but person to surface to person.  I also believe that the virus is being spread through our water supply.
They tell us that the virus has a life span and can only life for a short period of time on particular surfaces.  I believe that to be wrong also.
A study from Canada showed the ability to detect COVID-19 in raw sewage...if so does this mean the virus can live through our sewage systems?  If so then the fumes from the sewage carry the virus?
We will never know.  All we know for sure is that our civil liberties are being taken for a perceived (own good).
I don’t see this ending with a vaccine.   I see this becoming more complex.  I see large number of people being forced to go to camps.  The virus will become mandatory and anyone opposing will be removed from society.   Another scenario, I see is that the true essence of the vaccine will become known.  
You must remember that the active agents in these vacines are extremely powerful and can ideally be DNA manipulators.
No other vaccine in history has managed to change the make up of the host in such way in order to be effective.
Now that we in Durham region facing our second shutdown.   Should we not be preparing for the third wave?    While we endure this rise in cases we should be learning from our experience so we can cope with any future waves.
I know one thing.  Many local businesses will not be able to endure the shut down.  As it stand we have lost many and there is no real help on it’s way.
As a community we need to stand together and all do our part.
If wearing a mask is the answer then wear it.   If anything protect yourself from another's infection.
We live a dream in a nightmare world as we awaken to the realities of COVID-19.

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