Friday, December 18, 2020



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
       Russian author Leo Tolstoy,  in his book  War and Peace.  a book about people trying to find their footing in a world being turned upside down by war, social and political change, and spiritual confusion.  May  be said that in part this is what many are going through today.  We are at war with COVID-19.   Our social and political leadership is being exposed for what they are.... nor left or right.... it appears they are one of the same.  It is not about the people but about politicians at all levels filling their own pocket at the expense of hard working taxpayers.
George Orwell’s 1984 book another warning from the past...  Litarete genius that in part fore warned us of a very real future.
What was George Orwell's purpose for writing 1984?
In writing 1984, Orwell's main goal was to warn of the serious danger totalitarianism poses to society. He goes to great lengths to demonstrate the terrifying degree of power and control a totalitarian regime can acquire and maintain.
Having witnessed firsthand the horrific lengths to which totalitarian governments in Spain and Russia would go in order to sustain and increase their power, Orwell designed 1984 to sound the alarm in Western nations still unsure about how to approach the rise of communism.
Today with the decay of political ‘isms’.  The world is in a free fall.  We have a Prime Minister that talks about a global social GREAT RESET.
About the world becoming one under one government.   It started with the phantom of climate control to now the very true threat of a pandamic.   An opening for governments to restrict movement and exercise serious violations of human right and freedoms.
We the people are being fed the pill through fear of infestation, when in reality it shoudl be the responsibility of the government to go after a vaccine and the real infectious point of threat.  No, instead they put fear in people and pass all kinds of regulations to restrict movement.
As we the people have been conditioned to be a good citizen we follow with limited challenge and anyone opposing will face strict reprecautions.   Tolstoy and Orwell both warned us of such powers by a govenment.   Why are we not listening.
  Our government has gone as far as telling us how and with who we should be celebrating one of the most important holidays of the year.
I can rationalize common sense.  I can’t rationalize hypocracy.   Government tells us to stay home.  They tell us to shut down our businesses.... and yet they increase and or threaten to increase staple items.  
As we turn with hope to 2021.  One has to wonder how this GREAT RESET will play out in our daily lives.   What will it mean when we are once again faced in 2021 with this COVID threat and what will be forced to give up in the name of public health.
In the words of John Lennon - ‘SO THIS IS CHRISTMAS’ -
“So this is Christmas - And what have you done? - Another year over - And a new one just begun - And so this is Christmas - I hope you have fun -The near and the dear one - The old and the young - A very merry Christmas - And a happy New Year - Let's hope it's a good one - Without any fear - And so this is Christmas - For weak and for strong - For rich and the poor ones - And so happy Christmas - For black and for white - For yellow and red ones - Let's stop all the fight.  The world is so wrong”
How reflective of what is going on in our society today.     As 2021 we should all be doing our part to combat COVID.   Not letting government tell us what to do.  But doing what makes sense in order to prevent the spread.  My Christmas wish is that we as a people as a nation stop looking at each other as the same but instead as unique.  As through our uniqueness we can become one strong nation of tolerance and understanding of all people.   I wish that we stop worrying about foreign lands and truly take care of our people.   That we stop the global thinking and put our hard earned resources into building on this great nation.   It is Christmas and it will always.  Let no agenda or hidden interst compromise a Canadian cultural custom and tradition.  We as a nation can celebrate Christmas any way we want.  It is up each and everyone to do what is right.  DO IT.  MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.  

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