Saturday, December 12, 2020



By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Under the rule of communism. You are forced to comply or else. You are forced to contribute and not question.
Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social individuality.
Is Canada becoming a socialist/communist regime? Could the NDP have no more purpose as it would explain its alignment to the Liberals? Have we become so polluted and convoluted by popular pressure that we lost the essence of freedom?
Could this be why we are having Chinese troops training in Canada? Is there a military invasion in the works? As if we do not have enough problems with China. Not only did they infest the world with COVID. China holds our citizens in jails for no real crime. Canadian intelligence has reported more than once of the influence in Canadian economy and society by Chinese mafia and government.
But wait... we can’t really label them communist or socialist as our government believes in filling their pockets first. That is not very communist. Could it be that there is a confusion in terminology? Could our government actually be fascist?
After all by definition: Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
Have the Liberals in their quest/desperation for power lost their way and now are on run away train type of political mentality...
Could this be the rise of a CommuFascist “ism”? Or are they one of the same? Could this be the new globalist mentality. Me first the people second?
I do not disagree that COVID-19 is real but by the same token I am not prepared to allow the government to take my freedoms away, while they figure it out.
First and foremost we the people of the world have been attacked by China. This was cause by the Chinese of that they still take no responsibility.
Since it hit our shores. Our governments out of pure ignorance decided to implement all kind of emergency acts. Emergency acts that were originally set forth in the event of war. Not pandemic. Then why are we under a state of war with no enemy. Why are we becoming the prisoners of war in our own nations.
Politicians think that the vaccine is the silver bullet. I say malarkey. I say that the vaccine is the beginning to something much bigger.
Look at the baffon of Christine Elliot. A woman in politics by association and marriage to the late Jim Flaherty. A woman in charge of our health and yet has not medical academic background. She serves as Ontario Minister of Health. A lawyer by profession.... yet now she has the authority to tell the rest of Canada. ‘VACCINATE OR I WILL RESTRICT YOUR FREEDOM’. Who is this wonna be ANTIFA/NAZI that has given herself such powers.
This week a news reports read: Ontarians could face restrictions if they refuse to get COVID-19 vaccine. Elliot believes there are two types of people who are hesitant to receive the vaccine, “strict anti-vaxxers” and those who don't want to receive it first because they are still concerned about its safety. Dah. How can this woman/government be so irresponsible. In order to make the politicians life less stressful and make it look like they have a grip on COVID. They bank on possibly contaminating the population at large with something even more sinister, the vaccine. Elliot, knows best. Anti-vaxxers, really. So concerned citizens over the safety of this poison they want to inject people are being threatened that if you don’t have the card you don’t get access. REALLY. Is the card they will issue with every vaccine not the reverse of wearing a yellow star to identify you of who you were back in 1945?
I may be a lot of things... but i am not blind. Sure that for all vaccinations you are carted. After all how can you prove that you have been vaccinated. The question here is much more clinical. We spend billions on finding the cure for HIV and we come up with nothing. We spend years to find the cure for cancer...and nothing.
Now all of a sudden in a matter of months. A new technological break through with mRNA vaccines have elicited potent immunity against infectious disease targets in animal models of influenza virus, Zika virus, rabies virus and others, especially in recent years, using lipid-encapsulated or naked forms of sequence-optimized mRNA.
The problem is not the vaccine. The problem is our government not putting the effort to truly understand the virus transmission. The government bets on person to person. This is as far as they are going to take it.
Yet, the virus has shown in raw sewage. On many surfaces. The virus has been known to mutate. Where is the scientific data on this? Could this virus be nothing short of a political shock wave to destabilize society using the ignorance of our elected officials? After all as a Minister of Health we have someone with no medical background. How are we the people to expect her to know and make the adequate decisions that affect our lives.
Yet, she says stay home. Close your businesses and get the vaccine or else and we are forced by law to abide.
This is wrong. What we should be looking at is understanding the real threat of the virus. The real intent of the virus. We should be not putting the population at large by force in lock down but instead go after the perpetrator of this pandemic. No instead Canada opens the doors to China. I can’t wrap my mind over who made that decision. Why do Chinese troops need to train in Canada? Why not northern China? Could it be that China has other interest as Canada is so close to the United States? The next evolutionary step for humankind is to move from man to kind. The question here is what kind of society are we becoming. The GREAT RESET has begun. Shénsù

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