Saturday, December 5, 2020



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

  Life is funny.  We go around wearing this big badge of pride over our rights and freedoms when in reality we have none.   We are divided by political ideology that in part is one of the same.
What once started by the people for the people today has become nothing short by the people for a few people.    Look all over the world.  Money, power and greed are the global characteristics of law and order that are held by few in the name of the  best interest of the masses.
Today we are facing one of the worlds biggest social transformation in human history.   Traditionally, governments ruled by law with direct consequences related to the infractions.   This system of governance has failed as our legal system is not about retribution, fairness or justice but about manipulation, wealth and social status/race.
We are facing this day one of the worst kind of wars.  A war that has been brewing for centuries.   I say that this COVID-19 attack was not a mistake but a direct attempt to control the masses by design.
China, the last of the true communist countries for centuries has slowly taken over one industry at a time.  Today, they control the world.  Under Trump, the Chinese felt threatened.  They felt the threat within their own borders as the uprise for pro-democracy was surging.  Since the COVID attack.  No more uprise in China.  No more issues with social disobedience.
COVID-19 is  a phantom enemy that we still do not understand.   Just this week a miracle vaccine was introduced to the world.  A vaccine that to date has very little side effects known or at least made public.   This new form of vaccine has very edge cutting technology that include NANO technology.  A technology that has been in the work for at least 50 years.  A technology that has all kinds of applications including the ability to trace, control and manipulate it’s environments.
As it stands all governments of the world have opted for shut downs in the hope to combat COVID.  It has helped... but far from being the solution.   Then now, we the world population are set to trust a vaccine.
They say that in Russia they have freedom and choice.
“That under communism they are given choice.  The problem is that they  are only given one and the freedom to choose.”
This is what is happening to us.   How far will government have to go to utilize the same thinking when it comes to this vaccine?   After all, the virus is a world threat.  What is to say that this is the beginning of a new world order.  YOU ARE TOLD WHAT TO DO IN THE NAME OF PUBLIC HEALTH - NATIONAL SECURITY.
You are given one choice and that is to be immunized.  If you fail to choose it.  You will be deemed an risk and health hazard and be sent to government run facility until such time as you die from the disease or immunize.
You think it is far fetched?   As it stands we have given the right for the government to shut down our businesses.  Given them the right to tell us how to celebrate events and what to say and how to say it.   Under the act the government is operated was designed for acts of wars.  Not for control of the masses to cover for the negligence of our government.  It is their duty to keep us safe.  Not our duty to surrender our rights and freedoms to compensate for their incompetence.
What is to say that this new vaccine is not the beginning of a new world social order.  Technically if you do not get vaccinated you many not be able to return to work.  You may not fly.  You may not be allowed access to government offices and chosen facilities.
Prepare yourself for Immunity Passports implanted inside your body.  This sound completely absurd, but is it?    The Politicians are really angered they cannot over rule the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to force the people to be vaccinated against their will, with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine.  So the politicians have come up with a solution. It is called ‘DENIAL OF SERVICE’.  They are prepared to deny you access to:   All forms of public transportation, Banking, Shopping, Medical facilities, Travel mobility between Provinces or cities, Attendance at schools, Colleges, Universities, Government access, Fed., Prov., Municipal, Public entertainment events, Work access, Driver license, Trade Certification and much more.
Eventually you will have no choice but to volunteer to take the vaccine or end up in a government operated detention facility with others sick and holding out on taking the vaccine.   This leaving you exposed to COVID-19 until you die or submit.
You say that is crazy talk?   Look at what is happening now.   Facebook for example is now in the practice of censorship.  This is the message you get if you post something that they do not approve:  FALSE INFORMATION FOUND IN YOUR POST - Independent fact-checker at USA TODAY say information in your post is partly false.  To stop the spread of false news, we’ve added a notice to your post.
Organizations like CNN spreading bias information.   Who are these global corporations that attempt to control our thoughts and emotions.  
Some have publicly noted that this vaccine will hold bio/chemical agents that could make it easy for world government to monitor control and alter human bahaviour.   China for the longest time has practice through their artificial intelligence program.   Mass cataloguing of it’s population.  If the theory over the vaccine stands true.  This could mean that with the right technology government can detect who has been vaccinated and who has not.  Where people come and go.    For the longest time globalist have talked about one world currency.   Just this week Bill Gates released a statement on how in the next 50 years “we the people are to become part of the technology’.  Implying that we will not use anymore credit cards, cell phone and or computers.   That it will all work through micro chipping and or similar nano-tech devices.   The cry is real.  VACCINATE NOW OR ELSE.
Can you afford to risk it?  Can you afford to take it?
Remember no choice in this case is the choice.

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