Saturday, February 20, 2021

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
    I have a question for humanity at large.  Why does it have to take a catastrophe for humanity to learn preparedness?    Why do we use catastrophe to put blame and shame.  When the rest of us are guilty of the same?
Let’s look at what is happening in Texas.  A severe storm hits.  Texas gets caught with it’s pants down.   Everyone is quick to take sides and point blame on why Texas was not better prepared?
Common sense would tell you.  How could they have ever been prepared?
Was the world prepared for COVID?    Almost a year later does the world even have a clue on how to truly deal with it?
It appears that no matter what the catastrophe is.   WE ARE NOT PREPARED.  Simple and factual.
We may have some safeguards in place.  We may be able to soften the shock.  The reality is we can’t expect to always be prepared.
Take these scenarios in consideration.   What if North America over night faced a terrorist attack that deemed our water ways toxic by some foreign agent?
How would we deal with it.  Are we prepared for such an event?
The answer is NO.
Something not so severe.   What if there was an attack of nuclear threat in two or three cities.  Would we be prepared?  NO again.
Then if we are quick to admit that ‘NO’ we would not be prepared.  How is it we are so quick to condemn Texas for what they are undergoing?
I am concerned over the future of humanity as we are balancing our future on a very thin line.  Much like the atomic clock is warning us that we are within seconds of huge ‘RESET’.   
Meaning:  The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents how close we are to destroying the world with dangerous technologies of our own making. It warns how many metaphorical “minutes to midnight” humanity has left. Set every year by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, it is intended to warn the public and inspire action.
Pretty much the doomsday clock was invented after WWII. it pretty much means the threat of an all out nuclear war. If the clock strikes midnight (pun intended) it means there is an immediate threat of nuclear weapons being used if they have not already.
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced on Wednesday that its symbolic Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight, the same as last year. That's the closest the timepiece has been to symbolic doom in the more than 70 years of its existence.
On January 23, 2020, the Clock was moved further, to 100 seconds (1 minute 40 seconds) before midnight, meaning that the Clock's status today is the closest to midnight since the Clock's start in 1947.
A nuclear war would start fires in cities and industrial areas and pump a lot of smoke into the stratosphere above where we live. In the upper atmosphere, there's no weather or rain to wash it out, and the smoke enveloping the earth would last for years, sending temperatures plummeting.   Would we prepared as a civilization?    What would happen to civilization?
It is obvious what would happen.
Scientist for the longest time have been warning that over population will only lead us towards one of three things.    War, famine or disease.
The bible through it’s teaching have warned us for thousand of years of the same.
Why are we not listening?   Could it be due to the same reason we can never be prepared for anything unexpected?
It is not to live in paranoia.   But to live in awareness of your surrounding.  Society is what keep us civil.  Unfortunately what govern us is our primal instinct.   An instinct that blinds us of forthcoming dangers as it has us to pre-occupied with current dangers.  Texas is not to blame.
Humanity is to blame as we lack the fortitude to self preserve when the writings are so obviously written on history walls.

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