Saturday, February 17, 2018

from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
Creating a healthy immune system starts in your gut
Creating a healthy immune system doesn’t mean just supporting it during cold and flu season. It is an ongoing process that creates a sustainable, internal environment to protect us from short-term illness and long-term diseases. One of the best ways to ensure a healthy immune system is to ensure the health of our gut! But why?
You should start to think of the gut as being the barrier that protects us from the outside world. It is also important to know that approximately 70% of our immune system resides in our gut. Our “gut-associated immune system” and the gut lining is highly selective and designed to only allow properly digested amino acids, fatty acids, simple sugars and certain molecules through the gut wall into the body and bloodstream. When the gut lining is inflamed (due to food sensitivities, bacterial imbalances, medications, antibiotics, low stomach acid, poor diet and low digestive enzymes), unwanted and improperly digested food proteins bypass the damaged gut lining and make their way into the bloodstream. This triggers an immune reaction and eventually over time leads to the development of allergies and autoimmune conditions (the attack on our body’s own healthy tissue)
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, celiac, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's/colitis), lupus, psoriasis, or eczema, you are going to love the newest ebook I am writing, Managing Autoimmunity through Digestive Healing. I am working with an alarming number of clients lately who have presented these conditions, and I knew this was a much-needed book to release to help you guys. Stay tuned to my Instagram page @marissaliana and my website for the launch of this ebook.
By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
A Great View, But Will it Kill You?
 What is the greatest threat to having a heart attack, the nation’s number one killer? Ask this question and most people will answer it’s having high blood cholesterol. Or they respond, it’s due to hypertension, obesity, diabetes, or a stressful lifestyle.

But suppose you ask what things will improve the chance of surviving coronary attack? I’d predict that after some hesitation the answer will be having someone nearby to administer cardio-pulmonary respiration (CPR).  But how many will know it depends on the floor you’re living on in a high rise building? And what should you know about the 26th floor?

I’ve now been living for 35 years in a high rise condo in Toronto. But my wife and I never considered that whether we chose to have a view of Lake Ontario or the city might be a lethal decision. Now, a report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal by Ian R. Drennan, an advanced care paramedic and his colleagues, says the floor you live on can be a matter of life or death.

 Their study shows that more than 400,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur every year in North America. They add that, “in spite of continued attempts to increase resuscitation care, survival to hospital discharge in most communities remains below 10 percent.”

They continue, “rapid defibrillation and high quality CPR are essential to survival, with an absolute decrease in survival of 7 to 10 percent for each minute of delay to defibrillation!”
Today, and in the future, an increasing number of people will be living in high rise condos. For instance, over a five year period in Toronto there’s been a 13 percent increase in those living in high rises. Moreover, 40 percent of homeowners over the age of 65 reside in high rise buildings, the very ones who are at higher risk of cardiac arrest. This will result in an increased number of 911 calls from high rise condos.     

 So what can go wrong? Drennan and his colleagues outline a number of obstacles, some just lacking in good sense. For instance, the majority of studies consider the time it requires from the moment a 911 call is placed to how long it takes for help to arrive at a residence. But with a condo, ambulance and fire-fighters face either a flight of stairs or an elevator.

 The CMAJ reports elevators pose a significant problem. Barriers to elevators are the main cause of delay. Elevators may be in the process of moving a new resident in, or moving one out. Or it may be rush hour in early morning or late afternoon causing an increase in wait times.

          I found it disturbing to read that in 67 percent of cases the ambulance stretcher could not fit into the elevator!  In a similar number of cases, an entry code was needed for access, or doors to the building were locked. Or a lack of directional signals occurred in 82 percent of cases. Finally, no one was available to quickly escort medical personnel to the patient.

            So who survived? This is not a reassuring story. For those living below the 3rd floor the overall survival rate was 4.2 percent. It was 2.6 percent if you lived above this level. But suppose you had purchased a condo above the 25th floor with an eye-catching panoramic view of the city. At this high level there were no survivors!  

          What’s the message? Life is a game of chance at any time and in any location. But this study shows you may pay a price for a lofty view, namely your life, when chest pain suddenly strikes.    

          So if you live in a high rise condo, or plan on moving to one, find out the number of barriers that will delay first responders to your floor. See if there are any   automated external defibrillators at specific locations nearby that would increase survival. Then learn about instruction for personnel to learn how to use them. The study revealed that bystander use of them was low.

My floor number is not above the 25th. But I admit this was not good planning, just good luck.
by Wayne & Tamara
   I’ll get right to the point. Lately my best friend Matt has been blowing me off left and right. I have no idea why.
We used to hang out every night. Now days go by and I don’t see him. Not that he’s really doing anything. He’s usually home, and sometimes people come over and hang out at his house, but I have no idea why he doesn’t ask me.
One thing I should tell you is that we were friends with this guy Jacob, and then Jacob and I had a huge fight and no longer speak. Matt feels stuck in the middle. I don’t know if that has anything to do with this or not. But I know if Jacob is around, Matt won’t even call me because Jacob’s there.
I’m hurting bad because Matt’s my best friend and I feel I’m losing him. I’ve tried everything. I’ve blown him off for a couple of days, hoping he’d realize what he’s missing, but he’s stubborn, just like me, so that doesn’t work.
I can’t “talk” to him, because you know how guys are, they can’t talk about their feelings. I want to save this friendship more than anything, and I need advice. I’m at a loss.

Rob, in Daniel Defoe’s famous tale, Robinson Crusoe finds himself shipwrecked, alone on a deserted island. In despair he cries out, “Oh that there had been…but one soul saved out of this ship…that I might but have had one companion…to have conversed with!”
Loneliness is one of our worst feelings. As the song says, “One is the loneliest number.” It calls up a primal fear and the memory of waking in our crib, believing we are solitary in the universe.
You don’t know why Matt cut you out of his life. It could be a preference, an unintended slight or a miscommunication. It could be he takes Jacob’s side. Or it could be Matt does not even see what is going on. But you will never know until you ask.
Perhaps Jacob wants to take your spot. Perhaps he is a person who plays two against one or a person who seeks revenge. But even if it is a guy thing not to talk about feelings, you should be able to have your say.
If you accidently did something, you need a chance to make it right. If it’s just a matter of liking Jacob better, that shouldn’t put you completely on the outs. But the more time that goes by the less chance there will be to remedy this.
When we feel we have been wronged, we can’t let things go. You can’t let the clerk shortchange you or the bank rip you off. You have a right to say, “Hey. This isn’t the correct change,” or “I think there is something wrong with my bank balance.”
We are not telling you to protest aggressively, we are telling you that you have a right to question. Think of it not as a confrontation but as a plea for information. Why did this happen? Can it be mended?
We fear the unknown as much as we fear loneliness. If you continue not knowing, it will only compound your problem. Robinson Crusoe said he felt condemned to “silent life.” You don’t have to choose the same fate.
Wayne & Tamara

Friday, February 16, 2018

 H. J. Rogers
Harvard Law School '66
  "And the L-rd set a mark upon Cain . . . . "   Gen. 4-15.      

        It's been well over 50 years but I can remember the haunted look in Tom Cronk's eyes.  To borrow from Audie Murphy, another WW II vet, they were the eyes of a man who had been "to hell and back".  For Cronk it had been the South Pacific, Iwo Jima and all that.  The only physical scar that was visible was the absence of four fingers and half of his throwing hand.  At his trial they said that he had held onto a hand grenade a little to long. So instead of a fist he had a thumb and a piece of hard bone at the end of his forearm.  Rather than being handicapped, according to Dr. Chuck Kelly, late of the Benwood Clinic (and at last report stretched out insentient  on his back at Peterson Place), Cronk was able to deliver a near lethal blow with the "hand".
        "Some guy was hassling Tom at this dive bar on the Island.  They say Tom just sat there on the stool with his back to him.  The guy was running his mouth, challenging Tom to fight him.  Suddenly Tom spun around and hit the guy across the face with that bony hand and absolutely cold-cocked him.  Then he spun back around, finished his drink, and and got up and left. The guy still laying there on the floor.  They say he didn't move 'til the E-Squad showed up and carried him out on a stretcher."
        Late one afternoon in the middle 50s, Cronk killed three people with a .45 in center Wheeling.  A fellow named Dennis who used to hang around AA and drive the old vets to the VA hospital in Pittsburgh told me how he was playing in the courtyard with some other kids that day.  Cronk just showed up with the gun in his good hand and then BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!  "It just sucked up all the air.  We sat there for the longest time.  Then I could hear the sirens a long way off.  It seemed like it too them forever to get there."
        When Cronk woke up in the Ohio County jail the next morning he thought the cops had arrested  him for drunk driving again.  He asked the Deputy when he came by with the breakfast wagon "Hey, when am I going to get out to post bail?"  He would tell me this years later one night in the guard's dining hall at the old West Virginia prison in Moundsville.  He said that the guard stared at him for a long minute before he said "Tom, you ain't gonna get to post no bail.  You killed three people last night."
        As a high school sophomore at Shadyside [Ohio] high school, I had attended Cronk's trial.  It was pretty much cut and dried with the only questions being whether he would get the death penalty or a life sentence.  As I used to put it when I would tell this story to a fellow drunk, Cronk killed everyone except the personal he should have killed, his estranged wife.  He killed her mother, father, and, as I recall, an aunt or a younger sister.  The defense lawyer made much of Cronk's WW II record, his Purple Hearts and the rest of his medals, which is how the prosecutor spun it.  Even to my untutored ear, this made him sound more like a cold-blooded killer than a man suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.  Back then, of course, members of the Greatest Generation (my Father was an infantry lieutenant and spent 3 and 1/2 years in North Africa and Italy) were supposed to suck it up when they got back into mufti.  Unless you were "shell-shocked" with that 1000 yard stare, no one was going to cut you any slack (and then not very much, especially if you self-medicated with alcohol.)
        As I recall, after Cronk was convicted, there was no pre-sentence investigation, no witnesses for the defendant, nothing.  With little or no argument from the attorneys, the judge sentence him to die in the electric chair.  [The electric chair passed out of style years ago.  Americans have long obsessed with a "humane" way to kill a human being.  I think that the Chinese have attained the "state-of-the-art" in the death business, i.e. the offending wretch lies prone on the ground and the executioner---whose face may or may not be "well-hidden" in compliance with the words of the Nobel Prize winner for literature---fires a small caliber bullet into the base of the skull.  I have read that a surgical team then "harvests" the saleable organs in the best tradition of hillbilly hog butchering.  Nothing is wasted, my grandfather said, except the squeal.
         When I showed up as prison guard in early 1963, I soon spotted Tom Cronk (along with 3 fellows from my hometown of Reader which had a population of c. 500.  So it's a small world, right?)  I was surprised that he wasn't on death row.  When I asked the record clerk, he said that the Governor had granted a partial pardon of sorts, which somehow had cut the sentence to that of 2nd degree murder.  Back then, that carried a 5-18.  Cronk's father owned an IGA Grocery store in south Wheeling (within earshot of the murder scene, which means that he may have heard the gun go off.)   The governor, W.W. Barron, who would later go to prison himself, probably sold the family a pardon.  Unfortunately, for West Virginia, this was just "chump change" compared systemic looting of the State than occurred during that administration. 

         [As an item of full disclosure, I got my job at the prison by paying "social calls" on the Democratic chairman and the district committee man and woman.  I then took the application to our State Delegate Herbert Schupbach and the next day the governor's office called and told me to report for work.  TO THE VICTOR BELONGS THE SPOILS !!!]
        The prison administration depended on Cronk for maintenance work and I had to get him out late one night to work on an electric problem.  By the time he was done, it was two or three in the morning and I could see that he was wide awake and in no hurry to back to his cell.  I took him over to the guard's dining hall and I fried up some eggs and bacon while he made a pot of coffee.  Then he started talking about his drinking and what had happened to get him in prison.  This is when he told me about asking the jail guard about when he could post bail.  HE HAD BEEN IN AN ALCOHOLIC BLACKOUT WHEN HE KILLED THREE PEOPLE !
        He wasn't trying to con men or excuse himself.  The recitation was cold and factual.  Later I would think about the trial.  There had never been a hint about him even drinking before the murders, not a suggestion about him being literally unconscious while he killed his wife's mother and father and another relative.  All that I remembered the defense trying to do at the trial was to generate some generalized sympathy because he was a veteran.  Besides, most people, even if they believed a story about an alcoholic blackout, would not consider it exculpatory.  Very few judges would give an instruction that voluntary intoxication could even be considered as a mitigating factor.

        Still later I would think "Did he remember me being at his trial?  Is he trying to send me a message?"  I had started to drink on a nightly basis after I went to work at the prison.  I soon had my first blast of alcoholic ecstasy---that one glorious drunk that alcoholics have and spend the rest of their lives trying to recapture.  And I clearly remembered it.  So I may have been feeling a little guilty.  However, the more I thought about it, the less likely it seemed that he would connect the face of the young guard with the high school boy at the trial.
        What Tom Cronk did for me was to plant in my mind something like the tuning fork in 2001: A Space Odyssey, so that when the blackouts started coming fast and furious 20 years later, I knew that I was in big trouble.  I loved to drink, I loved guns, and I had a short fuse.  I remember thinking "If I do kill somebody, I want to know who it was and why I did it."  I had my last drink on 25 May 1982 and by the grace and mercy of G-d and the fellowship of the men and women in the 12-step programs I have not found a reason to drink or use any mind-altering chemical over the intervening years.
        Tom Cronk made parole and returned to Wheeling.  I learned that he attended some 12-step meetings but we never met again.  I would later read in the paper that he killed his son but was not charged, because it was deemed self-defense.  The son had made some sort of home invasion.  I owe Mr. Cronk a debt of gratitude.  Thank you, Tom.   

Monday, February 12, 2018

What Do You Think? by Wayne & Tamara

What Do You Think?
  Before I ask you this question, I need to give you a little background information. One of my gifts from God is crunching numbers and analyzing investments. I model my approach after the master himself, Warren Buffett.
I've done well enough that I will be able to retire a few years sooner than most. I had a triple on one stock and a double on some others. I also pulled a one year quadruple out of the Canadian medical marijuana stocks. I pass word along to friends and family.
My mom's older sister pulled out of her investment group because they would not take my picks. She now invests on her own based on my advice. She will call and ask, "What have you got for me, son?" My aunt said the pot stocks made for interesting conversation at her bridge tournaments.
Now for my question. My cousin asks for advice. I give it to him. He will tell me he bought some pot stocks, but not the ones I told him about, and lost money. I will be like, "Too bad. The ones I gave you are up 24% this year."
Why are there people who ask for advice, but don't want to take it? Why would losing but doing it his way be better than making money from my picks?

Cameron, there’s a short video on YouTube called “It’s Not About the Nail.” A man and a woman are sitting on a couch. We see a close-up of the lower part of the woman’s face as she talks about the pressure she is under. She despairs that it will never stop.
As the camera pans to the man’s face, he says, “You have a nail in your head.” And she does. The camera shows a nail sticking out of her forehead. But the woman replies, “It’s not about the nail. Stop trying to fix it. You always try to fix things when all I need you to do is just listen.”
The woman then explains she’s not sleeping very well and all her sweaters are snagged. At that point the man stops trying to fix things and empathizes with her. They go to kiss and she recoils in pain when the nail in her forehead bangs into his forehead.
The video is about gender differences, but it raises an interesting question. What makes you think people asking for advice are asking for advice? The two biggest reasons for seeking advice we see are: people wanting to confirm their own opinion and people collecting advice about a problem they will do nothing about. Some people simply want a sounding board. Others are just making conversation or schmoozing. And some people want a shoulder to cry on. A woman with a cheating husband may not want to hear, “Kick him to the curb.” She wants someone to tell her, “Oh, you poor dear. Everyone has their troubles.” Don’t be angry with your aunt’s investment club. It’s about deciding as a group. And your cousin? For him, it may be about proving he has more talent, brains and acumen than you do. Unfortunately for him, it’s not working out.
Often when people ask for advice they are a little desperate. They are not in the frame of mind where they can take it in. Like suggesting a fire safety plan to someone whose house is on fire.
People need to hear advice with the right example, the right metaphor, at the right time for it to register. Until that happens, it’s not about the nail.
Wayne & Tamara
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Wayne & Tamara

The Right Answers about Flu Could save Your Life By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
 The Right Answers about Flu Could save Your Life
          “Get the shot”, is the message now the flu season is here. But how effective is the vaccine? What is the chance of a mismatch? Are there serious complications? Should you get your shot at the local pharmacy? Or treat yourself with over-the-counter products? Should you rely on natural remedies? The right answers could save your life.

How Effective is the Vaccine?
          Australia’s flu season, during its winter and our summer, usually predicts what happens in North America. And during Australia’s past winter, there were 215,280 cases.
          Dr. Ralph Campbell, reporting in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, says this increase was most likely due to a vaccine mismatch. In effect, it was the wrong vaccine for the current virus. But suppose researchers achieve a good match. Campbell says the vaccine’s effectiveness still only provides 40 and 60 percent protection. And with a mismatch, the protection can be as low as 10 percent!
          So why is it so difficult to find the right vaccine for today’s virus? Because the flu virus is clever. It has the ability to undergo rapid change, known as mutation, making itself resistant to the vaccine.
What Kills Most People?
          Influenza can be a mild or fatal illness. But people don’t normally die of influenza. Rather, death is the result of a secondary infection, such as pneumonia. This is often related to poor health and a weakened immune system, particularly in the young and elderly.
So How Do You Develop a Healthy Immune System?
          Dr. Campbell says a good start is to take a daily multivitamin pill. This ensures you’re not lacking in the B vitamins, zinc and selenium. He also suggests daily amounts of vitamin A 10,000 IU, and 400 to 1200 of vitamin E, and in the winter months 1,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D.
          A report in the publication, LifeExtension, says that as we age our blood and immune cells contain less vitamin C. And that stress decreases the amount of C. For example, diabetes patients and those suffering from gastritis have half the amount of C in their blood. Cancer and arthritis patients one third the amount, and following a traumatic accident or surgery, levels can drop as low as 10 percent! We are also under stress when influenza hits like a10 ton Mack truck!
          Few people realize that during an acute infection, immune cells contain as much as 100 times more vitamin C in their blood than under normal conditions. So it’s important to keep a reservoir of C in the blood at all times in case it’s suddenly needed. One way to do this is by taking a least 4,000 milligrams of C daily.
How Do You Treat The Severe Infection of Influenza?
          Dr Campbell says that vitamin C, if started early, can prevent the worst flu symptoms, a dose of 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams with each meal. Or 1,000 milligrams an hour until loose stools occurs. But, if pneumonia develops, large amounts of intravenous vitamin C can fight both viral and bacterial infections. I often wonder how many patients die of pneumonia each year deprived of intravenous vitamin C.
What Not To Do
          Dr. Campbell reports a drive by pharmaceutical companies and doctors for patients to take anti-viral drugs when flu is suspected. These can result in a slight decrease in duration of symptoms, but 10 percent of patients develop side-effects, some of which are serious. He also suggests that if you decide on a flu shot, get it from your own doctor who knows your medical history. And never make the mistake of treating yourself with over-the-counter drug store products as some   cause severe liver injury.
          I’m not your doctor and only he or she can decide on the value of a flu shot. But I fight infection by taking 10,000 milligrams of C daily. I use Medi-C Plus, a powdered form. Several brands are available in health food stores.
          Why10,000 mgs? Because I’ve had a heart attack and C also fights hardening of arteries as well as infection. But for others 4000 mgs. is adequate unless the flu strikes. It’s then imperative to increase the amount.  
Dr. Campbell is the author of the book, The Vitamin Cure for Infant and Toddler Health Problems.
Online Comments

Will eating vegan/vegetarian eliminate midsection weight gain? from Marissa Liana

from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
Specialized in Applied Holistic Nutrition from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition.  b.a. (Honours) in Kinesiology from UOIT.
 Will eating vegan/vegetarian
eliminate midsection weight gain?

This is an interesting question and a common concern of many people! Firstly let me start by saying that any diet, whether that’s vegan, vegetarian, ketogenic, or Paleo can be amazing for you OR horrible for you (and your midsection) if done incorrectly. The quality of your food and where it comes from is probably more important than any “diet” you are following #KeepItSimple.

With that being said, I DEFINITELY think that a proper plant-based diet (just eating MORE PLANTS - which is very common when you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet) can decrease midsection weight gain! But why?

1) When you eat more plans, you consume more fiber! Fiber is SO important to bind and eliminate excess hormones like estrogen, which is associated and often the culprit of midsection weight gain. Cruciferous plants also contain indole-3-carbinol which improves liver detoxification and removes excess estrogen/hormones from the body which contribute to weight gain and estrogen dominant conditions.

2) More plants = more food for our body’s beneficial bacteria. Plants and fiber are PRE-biotics which feed our PRO-biotics and keep them healthy. Healthy probiotics help to regulate inflammation and hormonal balance for an overall healthy hormonal profile and fat distribution.

3) When you lessen animal protein in your diet, you remove an added source of hormones and antibiotics if you’re eating factory-farmed animals. This one speaks for itself for creating a healthier hormonal profile in the body!

If you want help doing the same and you’re looking for a total hormonal detox and diet refresh, I recommend checking out my Fresh Start 14-Day Holistic Detox on

Another 3 - 6% by Joe Ingino

Another 3 - 6%
    How do you like them apples... after all is said and done.   It appears that the City of Oshawa may be facing another 3 - 6% tax increase.  Thanks to the great leadership from our phantom municipal elect.
The question here is have our municipal elect done their jobs this term?   In my 20+ years at the newspaper I can tell you that this council has operated in total silence.   No rocking the boat. No questioning direction and no leaks.
Is this good leadership?  Or is it just a synchronization of the good old boys club?   In my opinion Oshawa city council is prejudice and bias.  They have shown time and time again clear bias and prejudices towards business people in our community wanting to do business with them.
I remember not to long ago.  Having a conversation with a major Toronto developer.   In conversation I asked why he did not initiate any of his projects in Oshawa.   He looked at me and said, “as long as Oshawa has that type of government, I will not waste my time or money.”
From the hefty charges for permits to the endless red tape.  I have a question for our development department... why is it that the same ghetto  builders keep getting approved.
I have a question for council.   What are  you planning on doing with our lake front property that that the Feds so generously allowed you to have to develop?
What gives with the airport?  A new tower, a repaired run way and no customs? 
Personally I believe that the city has missed it’s opportunity for major changes in Oshawa.  They keep giving up prime farm land to Ghetto builders.   We need to refocus our development.  We need to revamp our downtown by flattening out what we have and build new and modern structures to bring in industry and trade.
Under former administrations.  The giveaway of our downtown to the College/University has proven to be another mistake.
We need to work with investors and world class developers to rebuild our core.  To attract the right folk that will invest in the future of our city.
Under the Johnny duo dormant reign... of John Gray and John Henry.  Their biggest accomplishments are a Walmart a Costco and a few third rate buildings that when summed up together don’t add up to a bag of beans in comparison to the billions we could generate from working with investors and developers.
During the last election some may remember that I ran for the office of Mayor with the intention to bring a world class structure to our lake front.   Some called it to advanced, aggressive for Oshawa.
Yet here we sit.  Last year Oshawa taxpayers got hit with a 3% tax increase.  This year with another 3 - 6%.  No real explanation.   No real direction... It is as if our city elect have followed some game book pre-set by a former administration.
As a tax payers and citizen. I hold every city official responsible for the lack of jobs, progress and the tax increases.
I as a community leader have yet to see one major development.  I have yet to see one person walk up to me and comment on how better life is due to their efforts.
Then the question is.   Should they be voted back in?
Can we afford another 4 years of nothing to show for?   Or is that what  the tax payers want?
Otherwise why would you keep voting the same incompetents in?
Interesting questions that are left in the wind of “I don’t care, they are all crooks anyway” mentality.  Sad, as our children will pay or our negligence.

Local budgets By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
Local budgets are being passed across the Region this past week with many touting low tax increases or trying to say it will cost a cup of coffee a week type of spin play.
If you look at the budgets and factor in that they have approximately 3 percent in assessment growth, consider that is the increase on top of what the tax increase is. This means that the growth did not pay for the increases in the City.
Budget increases have become way too easy across the GTA. We pay for services that are not mandated or required under the Municipal Act and the money that should be set aside for Infrastructure renewal is not. That money is gobbled up by special interest groups, Councils trying to be all things to all people and funding hospitals, colleges and universities that the Provincial government should be funding.
I was reading another local publication that went after Oshawa City Council bigtime for not setting aside dollars for Oshawa's public infrastructure deficit and the crumbling, degradation that will ensue.

This is not an Oshawa only issue, but an issue that exists in all older towns and cities. I would liken this problem to needing a new car. You know you will need one desperately in 5 years, however you decide to spend the money on frivolous items until the day comes that you need the car and you are now screwed.
It is possible to put aside money and significant money for infrastructure renewal and hold the line on taxes. You won't see that happening around Durham, but I have several of Canadian examples of municipalities that are doing this.
My message to our taxpayers is to look well to the future, someone has to.
Till next week
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

Monday, February 5, 2018

Give me your interpretation of two scenarios from Wayne & Tamara

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara
Give me your interpretation of two

First, I have a younger cousin I will refer to as Ed. Until just a few years ago, we were tight, more like brothers. You would like my cousin, though you would never get close to his hot buttons like I do. For example, he gets into disputes with the Boys Club and YMCA over how they administer his son's sports leagues. It's not so much the wins and losses, but his way of doing things is always the more sportsmanlike way to go.
Ed and I and his brother picked football games for years. The arrangement was that Ed would collect our picks and keep up records. You could change your picks until right before the game started. All you had to do was call or send an email, and all parties would be notified of all changes.
Recently I beat my other cousin on a game. Ed tells me "Kevin" changed his pick before the game. I received no notification so I did not accept it. Ed accused me of being a bad sport. Ed would have held me to the letter of the law, but to do so with him was just not sporting.
Second scenario. Two days after Christmas I had a wreck on the way home from work. The trooper ticketed me. I told her I would fight the ticket. I knew I was in the right. In addition, the trooper was talking with the other guy, an ex-cop, about people they both knew on the force. She almost ignored me, other than to keep changing the reason why I was at fault.
Though she advised me not to, I fought and beat her ticket. I called the top ranking trooper. He was most concerned about my allegations of favoritism.
The original trooper comes to our house to apologize, tells my wife and me an amended accident report would be issued, and a ticket issued to the other guy. She assured me it was an honest mistake and not favoritism. What lessons can be learned from this craziness?

Gavin, someone said life is the only game where the point of the game is to figure out the rules. Both incidents illustrate that point. Ed’s behavior follows a simple rule. We often judge others by a strict standard and ourselves by a more relaxed standard. When Ed sees others bend the rules, he thinks they are of bad character. When he bends the rules, he thinks the situation justified his actions. In psychology this is known as the actor-observer bias. The trooper story involves the same rule enlarged to a grand scale. We protect people in our group and expect them to protect us in a similar situation. The phenomenon often goes by the euphemism “professional courtesy.” The doctors’ code of silence about colleagues’ professional mistakes is legendary. It’s also well-known among police officers. But the practice of protecting your own extends to bishops, street gangs, the military, and you-name-it. Like actor-observer bias, it is self-protective. It shields people from something they would rather not face. The consequences. In every group some do what’s right in every case. Others follow the cultural norms of the group. It is to our advantage to understand this wellspring of human behavior, rather than falling for platitudes like, always think the best of others.
Life is the only game whose purpose is to figure out the rules. We didn’t sign up for the game. Our parents signed us up. Now that we’re here, we should understand how things work.
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to:

The Nitric Oxide Key to Prevent Heart Attack By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
The Nitric Oxide Key to Prevent Heart Attack
          Ask anyone what causes a sudden coronary attack and they will say it’s the result of high blood cholesterol, lack of exercise, obesity or smoking. Now, a report in the publication “LifeExtension” says doctors must start thinking “endothelium”. I’d bet few readers could even spell this word. So why is it so vital? And what natural remedies make it healthy?

          The endothelium is the ultra-thin, one cell thick, innermost lining of arteries. It produces nitric oxide. And it’s ironic that just this single layer of cells, if unhealthy, results in decreased blood circulation, hardening of arteries, and is a major cause of the big killers, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.  
          During our early years, a youthful endothelium is due to nitric oxide (NO). But as we age, our body’s production of NO decreases, and any of the three big threats can prematurely end our lives.
          Researchers report that the typical North American diet ingests daily 4 to 5 grams of arginine, an amino acid. These are broken down in the body by a number of enzymes, one being nitric oxide synthase eNOS, creating nitric oxide.
           During this physiological process, endothelium is constantly exposed to oxygen-rich arterial blood. Without oxygen we would die, but oxygen also produces a metabolic reaction, called oxidation, that destroys some eNOS.
          So how can we boost the production of NO as we age and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease? Until recently, this presented a challenge for doctors.
          A good start is to eat dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, drink apple juice and eat small amounts of dark chocolate. If you enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner this also adds to the amount of nitric oxide. It’s also prudent to take a brisk walk daily as this has the same effect. There are also a couple of natural remedies.
          Researchers at LifeExtension report that both laboratory and human studies show that pomegranate extracts can lower blood pressure, triglycerides and improve HDL, the good cholesterol.
          Equally important, pomegranate has also been found to protect the eNos enzyme from the oxidative chemical stresses that damage it. This results in increased levels of nitric oxide which can shrink atherosclerotic plaques, increase blood flow and decrease hypertension.
          Since I had a heart attack at 74 years of age, I’m always looking for ways to boost my level of nitric oxide. So I’ve added a small amount of pomegranate concentrate to my diet. I don’t have a weight problem but since pomegranate extracts contain sugar, this is the last ingredient many North Americans need if they’re fighting obesity. In addition, researchers do not yet know the exact dose of pomegranate needed for cardiovascular health.

            So for several years I’ve also boosted nitric oxide by using a safe, easy, natural remedy, NEO40. Dr. Nathan S. Bryan at the University of Texas, a world authority on nitric oxide, says NEO40 is effective because it contains L-citrulline, vitamin C, beet root and hawthorne.

          For years doctors have known that nitroglycerine eases coronary pain by dilating arteries. But the mystery was why arteries expanded. Three Nobel Prize winners have now proven it is due to the miracle molecule, NO.
          Why a “miracle molecule”? Because NO also helps to decrease the risk of diabetes complications by increasing circulation, easing nerve and joint inflammation, Researchers at the University of Calgary also report that patients suffering from depression show significantly lower levels of Nitric Oxide.
          Since NEO40 increases blood supply to all organs in nanoseconds, it’s also helpful for those suffering from erectile dysfunction. And, if you’re planning a trip to a high altitude region, you will be less likely to be affected by high altitude sickness if you start taking NEO40 before leaving.
          For all problems, one tablet, slowly dissolved in the mouth in the morning and at bedtime for two weeks will help to establish a blood level of Nitric Oxide. Later, one tablet should be taken every morning. NEO40 is available at Health Food Stores.

Next week:  How knowing the right answers about the flu can save your life. . 

Online Comments

We can learn from our peers By John Mutton

Regional Talk
By John Mutton        I spent most of the week in LA on business and I am astounded at the constant traffic issues in Los Angeles County. Indeed we are closing in on that type of a problem here. While congestion only used to occur at rush hour now we have congestion on Saturdays and Sundays, very similar to Los Angeles.

We have so many people travelling one person and one car and given the transit alternatives this will continue. Transit improvements are essential to Durham and the entire GTA, but how do we afford it.

Judging by the amount of empty buses driving around Durham, I am not sure if we are properly deploying our routes and money. Peer reviews of our system by some of the top transit providers in the world should happen so we can get it right from the get go. Light rail is an option I would like to see looked at as we had a great system in the Greater Phoenix Area when I lived in Arizona. It was a simple system, however it worked fantastic and gave good options to all public to travel the major urban centres.

We can learn from our peers, let's not repeat mistakes and let's look at those that have done the trial and error to get our transit system right and maybe, just maybe we will get more people out of the car. A transit ride needs to be easy to understand, clean, safe and faster than a car. These are some of the things that must happen for the public to embrace public transit and support the cost. We can't run empty buses around and be fiscally responsible at anytime.

Till next week
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

Technology 101 By Joe Ingino

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Technology 101
    I remember when the internet was nothing short of a blip on a phone line.  I remember being one of the first to buy at what at that time was top of the line.  It came with a huge monitor.  A huge card reader...paper cards.  An apparatus with an actual old type phone.  It was ‘turbo’ charged... At that time it was the thing to have.  You turn on the computer and the screen was blue with yellow letters.  The applications were very limited.  Mostly typing and accounting.   I remember the printer with the perforated paper...
How far we have come.  I remember we were the first internet provider in Durham.  Could not sell one client.  NO one had a computer.  We would give away free emails. Again no one even knew what that was.
Today, the population has been educated.  The population has evolved...and who does not own a computer and or a smart phone?  Well, let me correct that.   A smart phone for a dummy.  I say this because in our ignorance we give up many civil liberties.
Allow me to explain.  Your smart phone is a tracking device.  A listening device and an image gathering portal.
I was a licensed private investigator many moons ago.   We had to do surveillance the old fashion way.  A good camera.  A lot of coffee.   Listening devices in those days was so primitive.   In today’s world.  A different story.  Many law enforcement services hire surveillance companies to monitor individuals as they can’t due to laws.  The old get a judge to sign for it days... are gone... unless it has to be official.
In today’s world.  As long as your phone is near.  Anyone with the right knowledge of the technology can listen in. Watch you and monitor you 24/7.   You turn off the phone.  No problem.  As long as the battery is attached to the phone it is as easy as pie.  If you remove the battery.  The battery leaves a residual of about 48 hours that can still extract information of the phones surroundings.   You take the phone chip out and the batteries.  Well now you turned the surveillance into a real challenge.  As long as you have the chip.   A signal can be sent to a phone tower as a distress.  The chip will not send a signal back as it has no power... but it can be found by a simple mathematical triangulation formula.
I will explain.  It is like looking for a ring in a sandy beach... The technology is like a big metal detector.... in this case the signal sent over the tower... picks out the card.
In the works, there is a new technology that will utilize a contact lens to project information directly to the back of your eye.  This technology will allow you to make calls, run all your aps and store information in a device behind your ear or in your ear. 
It is a new bio/electronic technology that uses the body natural elements to conduct information...
Talk about the ultimate infringement on your privacy.
I am still at awe... as how technology is nog being challenged by religious scholars.
After all the mark of the devil in society is not one of the great fears? 
In one way or another we are all catalogued.  From your birth certificate to your social security card.
Now electronically we are all assigned a name that  bares all our information including ample DNA.
Some may read this and wonder...  REALLY!!!
Technology for the past 60 years has been developed with only one intention.   To control and monitor the population at large.   Think about it for a moment.   Governments at the highest levels biggest threat is revolt of the people.   Anarchy has to be prevented, predicted and monitored.   In the event of a global incident.  Is it not in the best interest of the elite to be able to control the masses?
Look at what took place in Hawaii not to long ago.   Someone pressed the wrong button and millions of messages went out warning people of a possible nuclear attack.  Was it an accident or a real time monitor of how people would behave, react and or respond.   That in my opinion was a glimpse at the power of technology and how it can be used on a drop of a hat to influence the mobilization of a population not to mention the crafting of public opinion and or thought.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

CANADIAN POLITICS By Joe Ingino b.a. Editor/Publisher

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Conservative Party of Canada
They say that if you are in the market for a good guard dog. You should not consider a poodle.
Then why is it that we keep drawing these bitches (as per dictionary definition: bitch - biCH/noun
noun: bitch; plural noun: bitches; noun: a bitch 1. a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter.) as per the poodle reference...
Now don’t get me wrong. The NDP and the Liberals don’t offer much of a better choice as their candidates are pedigree of their own breeds. Literally.
You have to give it to whoever is the political strategist for the Liberals. They had no one in their stable to run against the conservatives. So what did they do. Dusted off an old Canadian history book an noted that Trudeau was the beacon for the Liberals. That during the Trudeau era Pierre ruled as a Canadian emperor. The Liberal strategist may have tried cloning him and that did not work. Then they got the clever idea of a monarch type thinking.... who would be next to the throne? And here comes clueless Justin. Justin Trudeau, a nobody. But the perfect Poodle. He looks good has no clue what he is doing and he follows his handlers instructions to a ‘T’. Struggling through life like most of us... Living in “La vida loca” by being a Trudeau. All of a sudden the Liberal Party is desperately polishing a young turd into a gold nugget. It was a long shot for the Liberals but it worked. At the voting centers, most did not even care it was not Pierre. All they voted was on ‘TRUDEAU MANIA’.
When it was announced that Justin won. You could feel it in your soul how Pierre from his resting place once again congratulated all the ignorant Canadian with his infamous Canadian salute.
If I am wrong. Let me ask you a question. If Justin did not have the Trudeau name attached. And he was Justin Smith representing the Liberals. Would he had won?
Now to the NDP. As if the NDP were not left for dead during the last election. The NDP strategist had to get clever. They did not have a Justin to turn to... but could thank the Liberals for all the minorities from what Trump would deem “shit hole” countries. The NDP did not even have a poodle. They had an old toupee. Remnants from the old Ed Broadbent era. Then someone yelled... let’s round up the wagons and find a chosen one from the immigrants to lead us. The European blood line was thin. The Oriental door would have to many drawbacks. Hey, them South East Asian could do the trick in rounding up the minority votes. The logic in my understanding would have been. Why not play the minority card and take from that Liberal pool in order to revive this dead horse we call the NDP. Jagmeet Singh, in my opinion could ideally be Canada’s next Prime Minister. All the writings are on the wall... Much like many did not think Trump could pull it off. Keep an eye on Mr. Singh.
And then we have the Conservatives. In their glory day, instead of listening to the people. They became arrogant and the old boys club mentality predominated. This cause them the fall or some may call it surrender to Trudeau Mania. Do they have a chance at winning? I say NO. I say this with confidence as the Conservatives are nothing but a kennel of poodles. They have no real direction except the wet dream of being voted back in. Not for the betterment of the country for that of the preservation of the good old boys club. This is wrong. Look at those they choose to be Provincial and Federal leaders. Careered yes men. Are these bitches the characters to run our country?
Really!!! What the Conservatives need to do is re-invent the wheel. 1. Find a true leaders from outside of the good old boys... that will never happen as the political pyramid won’t allow it. 2. Set a real conservative agenda that is fair for all Canadians inclusive. Take a lesson from the Trump, ‘AMERICA FIRST’. 3. Go after the grass root voters. The people that don’t turn out. The problem they can’t is because the Conservatives are to into themselves and to ignorant to be in the political game. The party is so blinded by power and wealth... by the ‘ME NEXT’ mentality that the stench is repugnant.
Just look at those they have as their choices candidates... The Conservatives are doomed.

Like Really UOIT!!! By John Mutton

Regional Talk
By John Mutton      
Over the past 5 years, I have been proud and privileged to be able to recommend and steer philanthropic dollars to health care and academia. To the point of about 2 million dollars in each sector and much of it locally, has only gone to make a better health care and education system for us.
At UOIT we steered $200000 to two classroom donations, half a million to University Hospital for prostate cancer, 110k to Richmond Hospital Foundation for a lung box for children and those with asbestos poisoning and much, much more.
One of my big pushes has been in eliminating drinking and driving everywhere, we have been working with the province, the federal government on drug wipe technology and with many police departments, transit carriers and local contractors like Gay Company who have become the first Zero Tolerance Contractor in Durham Region. We have been working with Sheridan College and their equivalent to the Police Foundations course, putting on an assembly and bringing the industry experts from Alcohol Countermeasures Systems to cite their global campaign against drinking and driving heavily supported by Arrive Alive, MADD and SADD.
We believe that education and prevention is the key to saving lives.
I must say that in Durham Region I am VERY close concerned. We have had more DUI's by transit and school bus drivers than anywhere in the GTA. This led to a resolution by Pickering Councillor Maurice Brenner that was endorsed and passed by most Councils in Durham about demanding Alcolock devices be put on all public transit in Ontario.
What I will tell you right now is shocking. Durham College will not meet or discuss this issue, even over a social tea....shame. Especially when other colleges and Universities (ie UOIT locally) have met on this.
You can guarantee if I am successful in the Regional Municipal Election, I will bring everything I have in my power to the table to ensure all of Durham is doing what it can to PREVENT driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and Durham College better reconsider their position.

Till next week...
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

Readers Say “Cancer Patients Deserve Better” By W. Gifford-Jones M.D

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
 Readers Say “Cancer Patients Deserve Better”
          Several weeks ago I wrote that Canada’s Federal Minister of Health had announced 100 million dollars would be available to fight the opioid crisis. In addition, it would now be easier for addicts in treatment centers to obtain heroin.

But I argued there was no such easy access to heroin for terminal cancer patients in agony. I’ve received tons of mail from angry readers.

          From E.D. “I watched my Father die a horrible death due to cancer. He lost all dignity, begged doctors for heroin, as morphine did not help. A vet of the Korean war should not have suffered this way.”

          J.F., an English nurse, says, “When I came to Canada I couldn’t believe heroin was not available. I was told my patients might get addicted. I thought they   were joking as these patients only had a few days to live. You are right, not all lunatics are in the asylum.”

          Another nurse comments, “I trained in a psychiatric hospital where drug users were sent. Most addicts relapse and often tell you they just wanted a warm place for a few weeks. Safe injection sites are wrong and addicts should be sent to northern Canada to get over their addiction.”

          From an ex-military man, “I’m appalled that self-inflicted wounds are rewarded and not punished. To add insult to injury I’m paying for it.”

          D.S. replies, “Boy, did you hit the nail on the head! It blows my mind how the Minister of Health can spend millions on the opioid crisis when many cases are self-inflicted. I too am enraged that heroin is not available for cancer patients.”

          From Sault Ste. Marie, ‘Thanks for having the balls to say what is so apparent to any sensible observer. The biggest crowd on Main Street is in front of the methadone clinic! Send them to boot camp for six weeks to cure their addiction!”

          D. J., from Victoria B.C., replies, “Absolutely loved your column and wish our country had more outspoken doctors like you. It was criminal how my partner had to suffer when addicts are so babied and coddled. Please keep pounding away on these knuckle heads and the so-called political correct people.”

          Another reader had this ironic comment, “Our medical system has gone mad giving free drugs to addicts. Programs such as AA are available to alcoholics. Hopefully we won’t make the same mistake and start giving free liquor to them!”

          Some readers wrote it was the first time they had ever answered a column, but this one rang a bell. Others were so annoyed they said they would lock up these politicians and toss away the key.

          A few readers thought I should have more empathy for addicts. Didn’t I   realize that some doctors had over-prescribed these painkillers and bore much of the blame for the opioid epidemic? Others believed the solution could be solved by more treatment centers to fight the epidemic.

          But it was obvious from the volume of letters received that politicians were not in tune with the general mood of the nation on this issue. Taxpayers resented money being spent on addicts, when so much was needed in other health areas. Many sent congratulations for stirring the pot.

          Other readers wished to send money so I could once again fight for the legalization of medical use of heroin for pain. But 38 years ago several hundred thousand dollars were required from readers before heroin was finally legalized in 1984.

          It was a tiring and hard-fought battle. It was followed by the frustration of seeing the use of heroin strangled by asinine bureaucratic red tape. It was a battle won and a war lost. I will never forgive those who fought me and lied about the benefit of heroin. I hope they, if suffering from pain one day, will understand the suffering they needlessly caused patients over the years.
          So my sincere thanks to those who offered financial help. Now it’s too onerous a task for me to attempt again. But I do admit that if I were younger I would fight this idiocy again. 

Online Comments

The Odds from Wayne & Tamara

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara  The Odds
   Hello. I need advice. About a month ago I confronted my spouse about being involved with a coworker. He admitted to the relationship. Physically, he said, they only kissed, but he did not offer this information readily. Our counselor had to pull his teeth to get it out. The day after the admission he was very patient with my questions. Now he be

comes easily agitated and shuts down. I feel I need answers in order to move on, because some of his comments don’t add up. This scares me. The counselor suggested I consider calling the other woman. This freaks me out. I am not afraid to ask, just worried she will be bitchy. I’m trying to be patient with my spouse in hopes he will come around, but I don’t know what to do.

Lexi, a few years ago, a U.S. credit card company got in trouble for failing to tell customers that it could reduce their credit line if they used their card at certain businesses. The list of businesses included massage parlors, pawn shops, pool halls, tire retreading shops and…marriage counselors.
The company didn’t have a moral axe to grind. They simply needed to determine who posed a financial risk to them. So they ran the numbers. What they found is that couples in marriage counseling are at a high risk of imploding.
So there’s that. And there’s this. When a police officer comes up to your window and asks, “Do you know how fast you were going?”, most people won’t tell the truth. But it doesn’t matter because the officer already knows the answer.
Unlike the policeman, however, you don’t know the truth. You don’t know where your husband is in the marriage. He’s already decided he can involve himself with another woman. What else might he be lying about? You have at least one thing to build on. You have a good counselor. He or she is like a detective, able to get an admission from a suspect, when it is called for. Your counselor knows what happens next must be based in reality. That’s why he or she is trying to help you get to the truth.
If you call this woman, one of three things will happen. You will get information that conflicts with your husband’s story. She will tell a prearranged story identical to your husband’s. Or she will be belligerent and tell you nothing. Of course, there is a fourth possibility. She might tell you she fell for your husband’s lies about you. But whatever happens when you call, you will be inching toward the truth.
That’s why the next person you should call is a lawyer. Consider it an investment in peace of mind, like having an emergency plan for a flood, fire or tornado. You don’t have to enact the plan. But you need to have one in place in case you need it.
Consider also turning marriage counseling into individual counseling for you alone. Your counselor wants to counsel based on facts. A good lawyer wants the same. Only people dealing with the truth of your situation can help you.
There’s a market for people who sell fiction. There are people who want to be told comforting lies. But you don’t want to be one of them. You want to be like the credit card company. You want to run the numbers. You want to know the facts. You want to understand the risk. Only then can you decide on your wisest move in a perilous situation someone else placed you in.
Wayne & Tamara
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Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Bachelorette By Joe Ingino b.a.

By Joe Ingino b.a.
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Bachelorette
    Like really!!!  How pathetic has television become that people are watching programs like ‘The Bachelorette’?
  As if it is not bad enough that we must endure the 24HR Trump network...oops silly me.  I meant CNN the most crooked news source.
Now the Bachelorette... and for un-explained reason after watching I can’t stop saying ‘LIKE REALLY’...  Nonetheless, how low can our social morals go.   20 women falling in love with one looser.  At the least put a half decent looking guy. 
No.  Instead they have Shaggy from Scooby Doo as their prince charming...  I have a question for the show producers... Where are all these low self esteem women that are so hard up to find true love by dropping their panties in front of a camera for America?
You got to wonder... Do these women not have any moral integrity?  The real eye catching thing of the whole show is the fact that they have all these Barbie types.  No fat Bertha’s looking for love.  Why the bias and prejudice or is it that fat chicks don’t need/want or are looking for love.
That would get my attention.  One skinny prince charming.... having to choose from 20 standard SUV type of gals... Pie eating, foul mouthed, ass farting real women.
No instead in the Bachelorette they are all prom queens... looking for love.   Please...  The only real winner on that show is Shaggy.  He gets to fondle, kiss and in some cases have sex with up to 20 women all in the name of love.
What fools these women are.   Do they not have families.  It be a cold day in hell if I ever let my daughter lower herself to such endevours...   Controlling?  Hell NO.  It is called responsible parenting.  She may want to jump off a cliff... it may be her right and choice.  But I sure hell will do everything I can to stop it.
I loved the part when the guy takes these Whorelette’s home to meet the family.   Like really... opps there I go again...  Would you not want to take home a woman that is independent, loving, appreciative, confident and over all well balanced.
Instead the Bachelor takes home a tomato from the basket of 20.  Do these women not know that the bachelor is kissing and being intimate with the other 19?   Does that not matter to them?  How can they be in love or falling in love when the one your are supposed to be in love with is right openly cheating on you right before your face.
How can these women feel love towards a man that is openly cheating on them.   Has American morals stooped so low that women have to compete for the love of some stranger.   Back to my Bertha model... It is not like these women on the Bachelorette can’t get men.   It is not like there would not be a line up around the block of guys that would give their right arm to date them.
Then, what gives?  Oh, I see it is a TV show.  Ok. Now I get it.
After CNN anything is possible.  The masses will follow ignorance to the end of the world and back. Think about it.  During world war II the Nazi introduced the concept of PROPAGANDA.  Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.
Advertising is propaganda... In Latin, the word propaganda means to self promote.   In the case of the Bachelorette I guess the hype draws people in.  I pray that the show is just that.  To think that there are that many desperate women that would compete for the love of an average man.   That is purely insanity.
Propaganda at it’s best when it comes to reaching deep down into the morality of society and give us a look at how corrupt we are as a civilization that our women must compete for just an average man.
And for those gasping for air... The Bachelor show is no better.   In part understandable.  As for men it may be harder to find true love... and a competition for a prized sugar puff has a twisted rationale.
OK. I BEST STOP.  No it is not right either way.... Just thought I get your blood over the  top.

Audacity from Wayne & Tamara

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara Audacity
   Here’s the deal. I just broke up with my girlfriend of a year and a half because I sensed she was losing interest in me. Later I found out through her girlfriends that she wanted to be single and unattached. I am 36, divorced with three kids. She is 24, divorced, no children. According to her my “baggage” is not a problem. We got together not long after her split with her husband. She dated two different guys for a brief time before getting serious with me. She was very serious about me and loved me more than any other man she has known. She still claims to love me and care about me, and she calls or emails every three or four days. Usually it is about some insignificant topic which seems like a reason to see how I am doing.
Two weeks ago she called and asked me out for a beer for an hour or so. After listening to her talk about everything she has been doing, she asked if I was dating yet. Just curious, she said. She has also shown signs of jealousy because some of her friends like to hang around me.
I would love to win her back, but I need a strategy. I feel she is checking out the single life while trying to keep me in the picture, because she might be making a big mistake. She even admitted to me once she might regret breaking up with me. Do I just totally ignore her and remain friends while she goes through this stage?

Zach, you are in a child’s game of choosing sides. You think: pick me, pick me. But either you are her first choice or you aren’t. No one wants to be another’s fallback position.
Her stance is simple. “I am not madly, passionately in love with you, but I would settle for you if I can’t find someone else.” Your stance is, “I’m divorced with three kids, she has no baggage, and she’s 12 years younger. Yeah, I’d like her back.”
Her second thoughts come from, why haven’t I met Mr. Right yet? She says your baggage doesn’t matter, but it does.
She doesn’t have a problem with your kids. She has a problem that the kids are not yours and hers, but yours with another woman. But how can she say that? How can she say, you’ve experienced all the things I haven’t experienced; we won’t be experiencing them together for the first time.
She sees your link to your ex. She knows, I don’t have to see my ex again in my whole life. She wonders, what about the expense of his kids, and what will vacations and holidays be like?
With age difference, people often push aside the real issues because they don’t have to be dealt with today.
You probably haven’t considered the history she brings. She’s divorced. She’s chosen badly once, and the second divorce is often easier than the first. While you are a percentage of sufficient for her, a percentage of right—even if it’s 99%--still isn’t 100%.
It’s simply this. She went to the store and found a pair of shoes. They don’t quite match the outfit. But they’ll do in a pinch. So she hides them behind another shoebox, so no one else will find them, in case she can’t do better.
That mentality alone should warn you away. But her foot in your door keeps you from moving on.
Wayne & Tamara
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