Monday, February 12, 2018

Local budgets By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
Local budgets are being passed across the Region this past week with many touting low tax increases or trying to say it will cost a cup of coffee a week type of spin play.
If you look at the budgets and factor in that they have approximately 3 percent in assessment growth, consider that is the increase on top of what the tax increase is. This means that the growth did not pay for the increases in the City.
Budget increases have become way too easy across the GTA. We pay for services that are not mandated or required under the Municipal Act and the money that should be set aside for Infrastructure renewal is not. That money is gobbled up by special interest groups, Councils trying to be all things to all people and funding hospitals, colleges and universities that the Provincial government should be funding.
I was reading another local publication that went after Oshawa City Council bigtime for not setting aside dollars for Oshawa's public infrastructure deficit and the crumbling, degradation that will ensue.

This is not an Oshawa only issue, but an issue that exists in all older towns and cities. I would liken this problem to needing a new car. You know you will need one desperately in 5 years, however you decide to spend the money on frivolous items until the day comes that you need the car and you are now screwed.
It is possible to put aside money and significant money for infrastructure renewal and hold the line on taxes. You won't see that happening around Durham, but I have several of Canadian examples of municipalities that are doing this.
My message to our taxpayers is to look well to the future, someone has to.
Till next week
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

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