Monday, February 12, 2018

Another 3 - 6% by Joe Ingino

Another 3 - 6%
    How do you like them apples... after all is said and done.   It appears that the City of Oshawa may be facing another 3 - 6% tax increase.  Thanks to the great leadership from our phantom municipal elect.
The question here is have our municipal elect done their jobs this term?   In my 20+ years at the newspaper I can tell you that this council has operated in total silence.   No rocking the boat. No questioning direction and no leaks.
Is this good leadership?  Or is it just a synchronization of the good old boys club?   In my opinion Oshawa city council is prejudice and bias.  They have shown time and time again clear bias and prejudices towards business people in our community wanting to do business with them.
I remember not to long ago.  Having a conversation with a major Toronto developer.   In conversation I asked why he did not initiate any of his projects in Oshawa.   He looked at me and said, “as long as Oshawa has that type of government, I will not waste my time or money.”
From the hefty charges for permits to the endless red tape.  I have a question for our development department... why is it that the same ghetto  builders keep getting approved.
I have a question for council.   What are  you planning on doing with our lake front property that that the Feds so generously allowed you to have to develop?
What gives with the airport?  A new tower, a repaired run way and no customs? 
Personally I believe that the city has missed it’s opportunity for major changes in Oshawa.  They keep giving up prime farm land to Ghetto builders.   We need to refocus our development.  We need to revamp our downtown by flattening out what we have and build new and modern structures to bring in industry and trade.
Under former administrations.  The giveaway of our downtown to the College/University has proven to be another mistake.
We need to work with investors and world class developers to rebuild our core.  To attract the right folk that will invest in the future of our city.
Under the Johnny duo dormant reign... of John Gray and John Henry.  Their biggest accomplishments are a Walmart a Costco and a few third rate buildings that when summed up together don’t add up to a bag of beans in comparison to the billions we could generate from working with investors and developers.
During the last election some may remember that I ran for the office of Mayor with the intention to bring a world class structure to our lake front.   Some called it to advanced, aggressive for Oshawa.
Yet here we sit.  Last year Oshawa taxpayers got hit with a 3% tax increase.  This year with another 3 - 6%.  No real explanation.   No real direction... It is as if our city elect have followed some game book pre-set by a former administration.
As a tax payers and citizen. I hold every city official responsible for the lack of jobs, progress and the tax increases.
I as a community leader have yet to see one major development.  I have yet to see one person walk up to me and comment on how better life is due to their efforts.
Then the question is.   Should they be voted back in?
Can we afford another 4 years of nothing to show for?   Or is that what  the tax payers want?
Otherwise why would you keep voting the same incompetents in?
Interesting questions that are left in the wind of “I don’t care, they are all crooks anyway” mentality.  Sad, as our children will pay or our negligence.

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