Monday, February 5, 2018

Technology 101 By Joe Ingino

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Technology 101
    I remember when the internet was nothing short of a blip on a phone line.  I remember being one of the first to buy at what at that time was top of the line.  It came with a huge monitor.  A huge card reader...paper cards.  An apparatus with an actual old type phone.  It was ‘turbo’ charged... At that time it was the thing to have.  You turn on the computer and the screen was blue with yellow letters.  The applications were very limited.  Mostly typing and accounting.   I remember the printer with the perforated paper...
How far we have come.  I remember we were the first internet provider in Durham.  Could not sell one client.  NO one had a computer.  We would give away free emails. Again no one even knew what that was.
Today, the population has been educated.  The population has evolved...and who does not own a computer and or a smart phone?  Well, let me correct that.   A smart phone for a dummy.  I say this because in our ignorance we give up many civil liberties.
Allow me to explain.  Your smart phone is a tracking device.  A listening device and an image gathering portal.
I was a licensed private investigator many moons ago.   We had to do surveillance the old fashion way.  A good camera.  A lot of coffee.   Listening devices in those days was so primitive.   In today’s world.  A different story.  Many law enforcement services hire surveillance companies to monitor individuals as they can’t due to laws.  The old get a judge to sign for it days... are gone... unless it has to be official.
In today’s world.  As long as your phone is near.  Anyone with the right knowledge of the technology can listen in. Watch you and monitor you 24/7.   You turn off the phone.  No problem.  As long as the battery is attached to the phone it is as easy as pie.  If you remove the battery.  The battery leaves a residual of about 48 hours that can still extract information of the phones surroundings.   You take the phone chip out and the batteries.  Well now you turned the surveillance into a real challenge.  As long as you have the chip.   A signal can be sent to a phone tower as a distress.  The chip will not send a signal back as it has no power... but it can be found by a simple mathematical triangulation formula.
I will explain.  It is like looking for a ring in a sandy beach... The technology is like a big metal detector.... in this case the signal sent over the tower... picks out the card.
In the works, there is a new technology that will utilize a contact lens to project information directly to the back of your eye.  This technology will allow you to make calls, run all your aps and store information in a device behind your ear or in your ear. 
It is a new bio/electronic technology that uses the body natural elements to conduct information...
Talk about the ultimate infringement on your privacy.
I am still at awe... as how technology is nog being challenged by religious scholars.
After all the mark of the devil in society is not one of the great fears? 
In one way or another we are all catalogued.  From your birth certificate to your social security card.
Now electronically we are all assigned a name that  bares all our information including ample DNA.
Some may read this and wonder...  REALLY!!!
Technology for the past 60 years has been developed with only one intention.   To control and monitor the population at large.   Think about it for a moment.   Governments at the highest levels biggest threat is revolt of the people.   Anarchy has to be prevented, predicted and monitored.   In the event of a global incident.  Is it not in the best interest of the elite to be able to control the masses?
Look at what took place in Hawaii not to long ago.   Someone pressed the wrong button and millions of messages went out warning people of a possible nuclear attack.  Was it an accident or a real time monitor of how people would behave, react and or respond.   That in my opinion was a glimpse at the power of technology and how it can be used on a drop of a hat to influence the mobilization of a population not to mention the crafting of public opinion and or thought.

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