Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Bachelorette By Joe Ingino b.a.

By Joe Ingino b.a.
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Bachelorette
    Like really!!!  How pathetic has television become that people are watching programs like ‘The Bachelorette’?
  As if it is not bad enough that we must endure the 24HR Trump network...oops silly me.  I meant CNN the most crooked news source.
Now the Bachelorette... and for un-explained reason after watching I can’t stop saying ‘LIKE REALLY’...  Nonetheless, how low can our social morals go.   20 women falling in love with one looser.  At the least put a half decent looking guy. 
No.  Instead they have Shaggy from Scooby Doo as their prince charming...  I have a question for the show producers... Where are all these low self esteem women that are so hard up to find true love by dropping their panties in front of a camera for America?
You got to wonder... Do these women not have any moral integrity?  The real eye catching thing of the whole show is the fact that they have all these Barbie types.  No fat Bertha’s looking for love.  Why the bias and prejudice or is it that fat chicks don’t need/want or are looking for love.
That would get my attention.  One skinny prince charming.... having to choose from 20 standard SUV type of gals... Pie eating, foul mouthed, ass farting real women.
No instead in the Bachelorette they are all prom queens... looking for love.   Please...  The only real winner on that show is Shaggy.  He gets to fondle, kiss and in some cases have sex with up to 20 women all in the name of love.
What fools these women are.   Do they not have families.  It be a cold day in hell if I ever let my daughter lower herself to such endevours...   Controlling?  Hell NO.  It is called responsible parenting.  She may want to jump off a cliff... it may be her right and choice.  But I sure hell will do everything I can to stop it.
I loved the part when the guy takes these Whorelette’s home to meet the family.   Like really... opps there I go again...  Would you not want to take home a woman that is independent, loving, appreciative, confident and over all well balanced.
Instead the Bachelor takes home a tomato from the basket of 20.  Do these women not know that the bachelor is kissing and being intimate with the other 19?   Does that not matter to them?  How can they be in love or falling in love when the one your are supposed to be in love with is right openly cheating on you right before your face.
How can these women feel love towards a man that is openly cheating on them.   Has American morals stooped so low that women have to compete for the love of some stranger.   Back to my Bertha model... It is not like these women on the Bachelorette can’t get men.   It is not like there would not be a line up around the block of guys that would give their right arm to date them.
Then, what gives?  Oh, I see it is a TV show.  Ok. Now I get it.
After CNN anything is possible.  The masses will follow ignorance to the end of the world and back. Think about it.  During world war II the Nazi introduced the concept of PROPAGANDA.  Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.
Advertising is propaganda... In Latin, the word propaganda means to self promote.   In the case of the Bachelorette I guess the hype draws people in.  I pray that the show is just that.  To think that there are that many desperate women that would compete for the love of an average man.   That is purely insanity.
Propaganda at it’s best when it comes to reaching deep down into the morality of society and give us a look at how corrupt we are as a civilization that our women must compete for just an average man.
And for those gasping for air... The Bachelor show is no better.   In part understandable.  As for men it may be harder to find true love... and a competition for a prized sugar puff has a twisted rationale.
OK. I BEST STOP.  No it is not right either way.... Just thought I get your blood over the  top.

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