Friday, April 20, 2018


  You have to wonder on the logic used by world powers.  A nation commits a crime.  This allows other nations to reciprocate in the name of sending a message?
  Is this logical thinking to you?  In criminal law.  Someone breaks the law and there is retribution not reciprication.... or wait.  Are they not one of the same, just labeled differently?
Interesting questions. 
In my world if we send in troops and over take a government.  We did not liberate.  We conquered... and as such.  Why is it we in the West keep wasting billions to liberate with no reciprocation.
It would make sense that if we go to war we should be compensated.   We should be able to plant our national flag on their soil and reap the benefits of their natural resources to say the least.
With the recent global developments.  Syria is punishes militarily.... to what real gain?   So we bombed a few buildings...  What is the value of hitting a building that is worth 100,000 with a 20 million dollar missile. 
Does it make sense to you?
On the other side of the coin if we do nothing.   This leaves Syria to continue developing weapons that incorporate chemical agents.   I know it is a humanitary issue...  but why should we care in the west that Syria is using these weapons on it’s own people?   I guess the fear that those weapons can find their way to our shores.
This is not logical but strategically rational.  
Politically it is a way to flex world muscle and assure that some sort of global humanity is maintained.
The real question is.  Why are we so barbaric and who gave the west the God given right to police the world?
Question, and more questions...

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