Thursday, April 12, 2018

Domesticating Issue By Joe Ingino

Domesticating Issue
  There is no excuse for violence.  But there sure is reason. I ask this question in that an unrelated topic I happen to visit the Northern Regional Jail web page.   Out of interest I began to look at the inmates charges.  Much to my shock.  80% of those in there are due to domestic related issues.  From domestic battery to malicious assault.
You got to wonder what is going wrong in our society that there is such a large number of people committing these type of crimes.
Is this becoming our new social cancer?  Has our society failed to such a degree that we are committing these heinous crimes against member of family?
I started looking at case law.  I also talked to local police on the issue.   Much to my surprise the victims in many cases are the instigators.  The end result poor or no communication and violence erupts.
Violence in most cases stemming from substance abuse.  Others from rooted psychological imbalances.    A crime is a crime.  Yet, we can’t persecute without understanding circumstances.
Family law has been criticized for it’s harsh penalties towards perpetrators of domestic abuse and or violence.   But failed to take into consideration that in many cases there is a catalyst that causes the eruption of violence.
I think education is the key to combating this very serious social issue.  We must look at ways to teach our population on coping mechanism and family dynamics.  
In this modern age everyone has a right.  But fail to acknowledge that rights come with responsibilities and commitment.   This means that just because it is your right it does not necessarily mean that you must exercise it.
What does all this mean.  We need to invest in educating people on family dynamics.  On the importance of each members role and the responsibilities associated with each.   We must also teach appreciation and respect.  As without either violence is only a whisper away.
A police officer explained that in many cases they press charges and within a few hours the victim and perpetrator are back together as if nothing had happened.   This in my opinion is the reason behind the violence.  Even there is no excuse.  I think it merits reason.

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