Thursday, April 12, 2018


  How many of you know the name of your local councillor?  How many of you know the name of your regional councillor?  Hell, how many of you know the name of our beloved Mayor. 
What has the municipality done for you?  Besides, taking your property taxes and waste them on consultants and wastefully spending it...
I say this because the City of Oshawa spends millions on consultants, advisors and studies that in most cases are common sense.  
This brings to question why do we need municipal government?
As it stand we are without choice bound to the region.   The City has given up it’s Police force, ambulance, fire, water services.    Would it no make more sense to surrender to the region and let them govern us?
Would we not financially as a city benefit.   Personally, I say ‘NO’.   Personally, I say we take back our police services, ambulance and water.   Oshawa has always been the jewel of Durham.   But due to bad leadership, arrogance and ignorance.   The Oshawa elect have slipped.  Thinking we are saving millions by having the region do our dirty work... such as running water purification and sewer.  Or managing the police services, ambulance and fire.  Not to mention our hospitals.
I say it is a sham and an out of control system.   The police operate as a separate political entity as does the hospital, fire and ambulance.    We as a City need to take control back of these critical systems and stream line them.
No more waste, no more pockets of self interest and agenda driven organizations.   We must control and manage to better the people of Oshawa.  To bring back that luster that the jewel of the region once had.
Sadly, the voter pool is not what it use to be.   It is not made up of people that care about their community.   Today’s voters pools is made of ‘ME FIRST’ types that only care about getting through the day.  This is evident in the result election after election.
It appears if you sit on City council and you do nothing.  That is an assurity that you will be re-elected.
How can this be?  How can people not care?   I am baffled at the new prejudice and bias in society.   Envy and ignorance prevail over common sense and the integrity of doing what is best for the population at large.
You look down South and see a leader like Trump.   A self made man that in the most miraculous fashion has managed to conquer the beast.   He has turned the American landscape upside down and has assured himself a place in world history like no other American president.
The question still remains... Do we need municipal government?
In my personal opinion.  Yes, we do if we are to move forward as a society.
No, if we are to maintain the status quo.   I say this because the status quo, has proven to bring us to a halt.  
There is no regards for spending and there is no place for the general public as all we are water droplets in a sea that these local politicians must stay afloat on.
Tax increases, no jobs and self preservation are the norm.   We are at the eve of another municipal election.  Can you afford to make the same mistake?  Will you make the same mistakes?
Probably so.  Otherwise how do you explain councillor sitting in office for 20 years and the deteriorating state of the City.
Now I ask again.  Do we need a municipal government?

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