Thursday, April 26, 2018

Traitor or Patriot? By Joe Ingino

Traitor or Patriot?
   Former  F.B.I. Director, James Comey. 
Traitor or Patriot?
Mr. Comey, was quoted on national television claiming that his  former boss and commander in chief is not morally fit to be President.
What qualifications does he have to make such judgement call?  As FBI Director... his morality is constantly compromised.  From the many illegal tap wires to the many un authorized surveillance not to mention the millions the FBI launders from confiscated drugs and goods used to pay off snitches and informants.
Comey went on that Trump runs his administration much like the mob.  He went as far as making comparisons to ‘LA COSA NOSTRA’, the notorious New York mob family headed by John Gotti.
Here is a guy that was the F.B.I Director... the head of what many deem legalized crime, calling the commander in chief a mob boss.
Talk about irony.   Not to ad insult to stupidity.  James Comey as head of the FBI has compromised his own integrity as a professional law enforcer by making such claims.    Then again.  One has to wonder his own moral constitution.
Here is a guy that is clearly a republican sympathizer.   He is clearly anti Trump.   Now that he has been fired decides to go public and breach the honor of the position he held.  Does he not have duty to nation to respect the chain of command?
Is his outburst for self profit of the sale of his book not anti-patriotic?   Is his behavior not treason against the state, he swore to protect?
Democracy is not about rebellion but instead about respecting the integrity of the process.  This means that if he/she leads, it is up to all of us to uphold the principles of which democracy has prescribed.
To me James Comey should be facing treason charges.   At the least libel and slander against the President of the United States.   Let me explain.  On the high side.  Comey has gone public and openly denouncing  the leader of America.   Something that he as a personal opinion should had been kept to himself.   Out of respect for the nation and the integrity of his profession.  He has or had no business making the statements he made against Trump.
Sure he has the right to express his opinion and thoughts.  After all he is protected by freedoms and right found in the constitution.  The question is...  Does this make it right?  Does this not surpass the responsibility as a patriot to uphold the integrity of the union by keeping personal opinions and dislikes just that ‘personal’.
As for him come out and openly ridicule the President....  that just goes to show you the level of professionalism and the reason why he is out of a job.   Imagine calling down to his office and he has such bias and prejudice towards his boss and or chain of command.
Trump if anything has a good libel and slander case against  him...then again Trump is a public figure and open to personal opinion. Trump was right to get rid of him.  He was not an asset to the FBI.  He was clearly a liability. I watched Comey on one of those talk shows making statements like... “now that I am an author, I have to write to my audience.”  What a load of crap.
The real question is how did this guy become director of the FBI.    Any ideas.   The FBI is a dog eat dog environment.  And entity truly above the law in many aspects.
The funny thing about all this is his comparison of Trump to a mob boss. 
Sad that we live in a society that if you don’t like the hand you been dealt.  You just turn around and do what is best for you first without care for the betterment of society at large.  Sad.

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