Thursday, December 20, 2018

In The Spirit of Christmas

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
In The Spirit of Christmas
    I It took me years to fully appreciate Santa’s real HO, HO, HO.
When in reality it is more like HOW, HOW, HOW...
How did we not know GM was going to leave?
How is it that we the people of Canada  failed to plan for the closure of GM?
How can we stand against corporate Canada and send a message, ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’?
Allow me to explain.   I know to some this column many not be what  would be expected as b eing Christmas and all I should be more traditional.   I feel this has to be said.
Oshawa, has been given a huge blow to it’s image, industry, commerce and people.   GM announced that they will be finally closing operations.  This meaning that an icon in Oshawa will no longer be.  This after billions of tax payers dollars were invested over the years.  Only to have GM without civic conscious think first of their bottom dollar and make such closure announcements.
   Soon after the GM announcement droves of politician at all levels of government putting on the shocked face and pretending to care and pledge to do something about it.    How can we even begin to save Oshawa GM from leaving when Oshawa municipal government has known for years and decided to do nothing to prevent it and or circumvent it by immediately going aggressively after other industry to offset this huge loss.
Soon after the announcement the Provincial government was noted waving a white flag and putting up their hands surrendering to GM corporate greed.   Our Federal leader was to busy playing Canadian Royalty in Argentina and kissing royal Saudi ass for business to even acknowledge where Oshawa was on the map.    In turn the people of Oshawa are left at the will of the Union to gather up the troops and create some sort of momentum to get politicians involved.
Just this week the Union held a rally of sort at Memorial Park.   Not the Mayor or the newly elected regional chair attended.  One would think...that whatever they had scheduled would take a back seat to supporting the local Union attempting to do what the city elect should have been doing.   Gathering up the people and put pressure on GM to stay.
I must say that the Union is trying... the question is.. is it doing enough and is it on the right track.   I think an announcement of this magnitude calls for more than a public awareness campaign.  I think personally all the union bosses should get together and in solidarity call for all membership across Canada of all unions shut the country down.
This would be sending a major message to Ottawa that the people of Canada will not become slaves to Corporate Canada.     We the people matter and we the people have a voice.  So if it means jail time for some of the union bosses.   Let it be.   If it means going against the wishes of corporate Canada.   let it be.   Let’s put a stop to this raping of our land by corporations.  We are not just a number.  We are hard working people that deserve our government to protect us from all threats.   A nation wide shut down will force the government to take some serious concern.   We can’t wait and see.   As you read this.  GM Oshawa is possibly selling off all equipment... Should we wait until they are done... and have to deal with the impact of their greed?   Who will clean up their environmental mess they leave behind?   In my estimate 40% of Oshawa has been contaminated by GM manufacturing.    Lakeview park, the harbor, the courthouse lands,  along Grandview Street north to name a few... not to mention the mess that will be left at the south plant.   I  hope that 2019 brings greatness.  My heart goes out to all the families affected and to all of the people of Oshawa.  Let’s make them pay.  Merry Christmas.

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