Tuesday, December 11, 2018


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
    I don’t know about you.  But I am tired of being raped by Global corporate.   No matter where you go.  You feel it inside you.
From Bell to your local church.   The ‘ME, ME’ mentality is so prevalent.
Look at the recent fiasco with GM.   GM to close down their main plant in Canada and we as good Canadians take it in the ass and nothing is done about it.
Bell, Rogers and many other corporate take away our jobs and offshore hire people to dictate and mandate how we the customers will pay and what services we are entitled to.  If we don’t like it. Tough luck for you.
Is this customer service?   Is this how the world should be.   Corporations not caring about their clients as they base their profit not on customer service but on the bottom line.  Knowing that due to the sheer populations number.  Loosing a few does not really mean anything to them.
Let’s go back to GM recent announcement.  The day of the announcement the line up of political hypocrites flooded television screens.   Out raged and making all kinds of empty promises.
The next day.. .much like a storm.... No one gave a shit.
Like really!  I can understand the municipal government not doing anything about it.  They are a bunch of incompetents.  They rather jockey for where they are going to sit during the new council term...then dealing with a real serious issue like the major industry closing.  Then you have the Provincial circus.   The ‘ME’ mentality reigns supreme....  What are we left with.
The Feds!  The Feds are so wound up with handing out tax dollars to refugees that the closing of GM is like... Who is GM.    We have a Prime Minister that is nothing short of a flag in the wind to social outcry.  
I wonder in all this where is the Union?   The Union President talked big.... talking about meeting with the Prime Minister... what they hell is that going to accomplish them... playing scrabble with the Prime Minister... you may be laughing... but really... it be just as productive to talk to a Prime Minister that clearly does not care.
In most countries an announcement like this would produce a general strike across all unionized industry.  People would take to the streets.  Major protests would follow.   Canada must be the only country in the world that would not dare think to call all unions across the country to unite and shut the country down until the Federal Government came up with a solid proposal to keep GM open.
No instead our Prime Minister is playing royalty in Argentina, kissing Trump ass.
I call on the Union to resolve this.  I call on the Union President to show some balls and stop this corporate raping of our jobs.  Enough is enough.
In Canada we would not dare unite and walk off the job... Hell, even though we feel for our brothers and sisters... ‘i can’t afford to walk off the job at $30 dollars an hour’.    The Union President would not dare call an illegal strike... After all he is making well over $250,000 a year and can’t afford possibly going to jail...   Plus it is to cold to be out protesting...  What about the insurance liability if someone gets injured...  LIKE REALLY FOLKS...  How about growing some balls and putting aside the ‘ME, ME, FIRST MENTALITY’.  Have we not learned from WWII that it does not affect me so I will do nothing MENTALITY is the first step to you being next.
I call on the Unions to unite and call all their people off the job.  Force the government to act and to take action NOW.   Today it is GM closing.  Tomorrow it may be where you work.  If no one is going to help workers in a place like GM. Do you think for a moment anyone will give a shit at the place you are working.   Let’s put an end to this raping of our people.

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