Monday, August 23, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Why is it so hard for people to learn from history. Why is it so easy for politician to make mistakes only to have the masses pay for it. What is happening across the globe that we have lost the ability to reason and use common sense. Where is basic human decency? Canada and the Americans along with UN forces spent 20 years fighting a phantom war. It took 20 years to oppress the Taliban and all the supporters only to have the country taken over in less than 10 days. Really!!! What does that tell us? Well, I do not need to be a military strategist but common sense would tell me that the American’s were not fighting anyone other than oppressing the people of Afghanistan. Something that took 20 years to achieve. Denounced and sent back 20 years in a matter of 10 days. Now Biden is left with the reality that thousands are probably being murdered and it will never be reported. Instead the media is only allowed to report on the immediate disaster of how to get American’s out of Afghanistan. What about the hundred of thousands of Afghan all over the country that supported the American’s in one way or another. No reports on their well being. Or could it be that the West does not care about their well being. I am no CIA operative. But by looking at world history. This pull out has to be one of the biggest blunders in world history. First, Trump negotiation of the pull out to my understand was totally different than the actual pull out by Biden. Under Trump deal. The Taliban were forced to work with the government in power or the American’s would come back. Under Biden pull out. There was no respect for previous agreements and the pull out signaled a free for all. Knowing this the president of Afghanistan pulls out. His top aids also leave the country. The military surrenders as within the ranks soldiers in order to save their lives and that of their families put up minimal resistance. The real tragedy is not the political black eye to Biden. The tragedy is to the many innocent people that will be made an example for any future denouncing of the Taliban. Furthermore, in the event of a real threat as they were during 911. No one in Afghanistan would dare support the American re-invasion. 20 years wasted. Thousand of live sacrificed for no gain. Hopefully we learned a lesson. We the West should get away from the liberation business and when we send our military any place. It will be to win and conquer. No more playing peace keeper. We loose a life those responsible should pay dearly. We become involved in your country. Your country and all it’s resources will become that of the people that are invading you. What I suspect is that someone among the ranks of the military and investors that during time of war gained financially deal making broke down. Greed among the ranks cause the decay of something they had going using the American military. Trump’s pull out idea, had more than what we will ever know. The deal Trump had negotiated made sense. American’s pull out as long as the Taliban does not invade and respect the elected government. Trump lost, Afghanistan went south and the Biden administration got caught with their feet flat on the ground and still today have no clue on how to deal with the Afghan situation. I am worried that in the near future. We will begin to see attacks once again in the United States and Canada. As it stands, the Taliban have defeated the American military super power.

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