Thursday, August 26, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” This is not about politics. This is not about preference. This is about common sense and basic human decency. Come on folks.... We are about to come on September 11, 2021. Have we forgotten so quickly? Was the pull out that important to national security? To National economic interests? It does not take a scholar to figure out that as soon as Biden announced the pull out. The Taliban would be ready to pounce back. 20 year war for no American benefit. Thousands of American lives sacrificed for what American benefit. American tax dollars spent to train an Afhan army that surrendered at first light. The real question is what was America doing there. Who were they really training and for what. It is obvious that all the American training of National Afghan troops was a waste and now that training is being used against the U.S. Biden has taken America back 20 years and Afghanistan 100. Then again. How are we in the West ever to begin to rationalize Afghan culture or even attempt to think we can westernize them when the Afghan people have lived under cultural restrictions not to mention religious oppression for so long by the hand of their own country men. Freedom is a word. Much like opportunity. The Afghan people are not stupid. It is Afghanistan first everyone else second. The real war was not against the Taliban. The real war was against culture, customs and traditions. Culture ruled by the sword, custom based out of tribal principles and traditions that have carried for thousand of years. Civilized and rationalize thinking was impeded by greed and power. Democracy can never work there as it is failing within our own borders. The Afghanistan war has been a phantom war with no benefit to America. Trump in his deal with Afghanistan made sense. He did say he would pull out under the conditions that the Taliban honor the government the American had put in place. Trump lost the election and all that was left in the political horizon was that America was pulling out. Biden without a clue on what he was doing disregarded the agreement Trump had put in motion and just pulled out. The Taliban sat quiet and it was open season. With no pressure to live up to Trump agrement. The Taliban took over their country with ease. Now we are left with the after math of having to shelter Afghanistan people that within their thinking and rank also hold Taliban ideology. Did we not only fight a war against a phantom but were made to pay for it and subsequently made to give refuge to possible terrorist cells. The media is so worried about those that stormed the airport looking for refuge. How about reporting the thousands of Afghan being raped, tortured and murdered right now? To assume that the country was taken without a fight or resistance is as insane as the thought that America should have been there in the first place or that America benefit in any way by being there. In my estimate thousands of people are being executed every day in Afghanistan. The Taliban in my opinion are coming back with a vengeance. The Taliban recruitment effort will now be that much more appealing as the Taliban is now seen as the winners. The Taliban fighting with sticks and stones, beat and ran out of their country the big strong Americans. We are coming to September 11. The Taliban, ISIS and Al Qaeda will come back bigger and stronger. Since Trump took office. The beheading, the bomb threats and the threat against America had stopped dead on it’s track. Under Biden administration. The gas prices have gone through the roof and still climbing. Job security has once again been compromised. Soon in my opinion we will be subjected to more bombings and terror type of attacks on American soil. Joe Biden is not a free thinking politician. He is a careered politician playing the popular opinion game. He has failed to honor or at the least carry Trump deal with Afghanistan and instead attempted to just pull out. Left with the reality of such an act. We pray and trust in God that there are no future attacks on American soil. We pray and hope that the Taliban do not celebrate their win against America by attacking on September 11. One thing for sure. We need to revise our foreign policy when it comes to the liberation of nations. America should stop declaring wars against phantoms and instead. If America deems a nation as a threat to national security and war is to play out. That the nation America attacks becomes part of America. That the American people benefit from all their resources. No more hand outs. No more retreat. No more pull out. We invest in war we the American people should be able to benefit for our military efforts. As it stands. We must pay for the deployment. We must pay for the maintenance, the up keep and the ongoing supply to keep the efforts alive and healthy. As it stands we left behind our hardware, our weapons and our structures only to be used back by those we had suppose to defeat. Biden should had been pulling people out of Afghanistan months ago. Destroying all military equiptment left behind. It smells like someone has made money on the selling of the used U.S. equiptment to the Taliban. What an American F*#k up by a F*#’d up administration.

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