Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Election and Vaccines


The Election and Vaccines
    by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament
Pickering-Scarborough East
   It looks like we are going for an early election; in late summer or early fall. The vaccination against Covid-19 seems to get special, if not dedicated attention from all political parties. As the pandemic may have another shot at increasing the number of people testing positive for the coronavirus, the issue of the vaccinated versus the not vaccinated is moving into position to take center stage.
Certainly, the issue is a little complicated:  The first question is, which vaccines? Political leaders such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the leader of the opposition Conservative Party's Erin O' Toole are all for vaccination even though the combinations concocted in Canada, like Astra Zeneca combined with Moderna (and other combinations) are not recognized by many countries.  Hypocritically, the prime time media in this country is suspiciously silent on this issue. Might this be the reason that the US is not opening the land borders to Canadians. It might well be that the US does not like the cocktail vaccinations administered in Canada.
Never mind that the luminaries in Canadian politics, strongly supported by the dedicated civil service employed medical professionals are constantly preaching that all people should be vaccinated.  They are calling first of all for the federally employed public service to be treated, for which the PM asked to be considered. With the approximately 300,000 members of the federal public service vaccinated, and another two million in federally regulated industries and institutions treated, the copy cats will soon follow at the provincial and municipal levels.
The question now arises, whether this hysteria will ever come to an end or will people be subjected to a life-long stream of vaccinations in light of the delta, lambda and the rest of the Greek alphabet exhausted variants. Let us hope some level-headed reasoning will prevail.
But let us turn our attention to the federal election expected to come up soon. All the parties are frantically preparing their supporters and volunteers.  Excuses and spins touting that an elections can be conducted safely will abound despite the heralded pandemic.
Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole bending as the wind blows, like a true weathervane, has now said that in his opinion "all Canadians should get vaccinated so that the country can turn the page on COVID-19".
Interestingly enough however Conservative MP David Yurdiga, who represents Fort McMurray, Alta. in the Commons, said a government plan to study the value of making vaccination mandatory for federal bureaucrats was "another example of the Liberals using severe government overreach for political gain."
"Canadians deserve the right to liberty, whether they choose to be vaccinated or not. Mandating the vaccine as a requirement to work would be the beginning of a slippery slope," Yurdiga said.
The Conservative MP said that such a policy would be discriminatory, punishing Canadians for "what they choose to do with their bodies."
When asked to comment on Yurdiga's argument that mandatory shots would be "tyrannical," O'Toole was vague.
"I've been very clear - vaccines are the most critical tool in us fighting COVID-19. We encourage all Canadians to get vaccinated. It's actually why my wife and I took the unusual step of videotaping our own vaccinations," O'Toole said. But he forgot to say that was Astra Zeneca…….then the rest of the cocktail….
However, the fervent proponents of mandatory shots maintain it's the best way to develop herd immunity, protect the collective health of Canadians and rid the country of a very serious disease.
They say that almost universal vaccine coverage has eradicated other diseases, such as polio and tetanus, except that they forget to mention that Moderna and Pfizer for example are based on principles completely different from what we classically consider vaccines.
"It's time for people to get vaccinated, and for those who are hesitant to go and get their first and second doses," PM Trudeau said last week.
As the much more virulent delta strain of the virus takes hold in the U.S. and elsewhere, pushing case counts to levels not seen in months, a number of private companies and government departments already have said they will demand their employees either get a shot or find a new job. Nice way to promote equity and diversity…..
We will soon see if the choice to get vaccinated will be cancelled from Canadian democracy. It seems more and more that we are heading in that direction, the way towards a new type of elitist, globalist, delusional marxisistic society in the making.
As the leader of the PPC Maxime Bernier said:
"The vaccinated and the unvaccinated should oppose vaccine passports. Everybody's basic freedoms will be destroyed if we become a surveillance and police state."
As we near federal elections be aware for whom you vote. Vote for the people and the party whose main interest is to maintain freedom, fairness, respect and responsibility rather than buying votes.
Be aware and vote!

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