Saturday, January 13, 2024


Tahir Khorasanee, LL.M. Senior Associate, Steinbergs LLP There is an unprecedent housing crisis in Canada, the interest rate and inflation are the highest they have been in three decades and the City of Oshawa voted down a city-wide extension of the rental housing program. A resolution that targets its working class and the poor, the very people that built this city with their blood, tears and toil. As the winds of economic uncertainty sweep through Oshawa, the residents and concerned citizens, urgently bring forth a plea that transcends signatures on paper – it's a call for empathy, a call for change. At the center of our concerns lies the pressing need to reconsider and abolish the bylaw that prohibits residents from safely renting their basements. Amidst the numerical intricacies and policy debates, it is crucial to remember that behind every statistic, there is a human story. Let's put a face to these statistics. Take, for instance, the Smith family, who, after years of hard work and savings, find themselves on the verge of losing their home due to the skyrocketing interest rates. Or consider Sarah, a single mother desperately searching for an affordable place to rent while fearing eviction from her current residence. In the face of these daunting numbers, the basement rental bylaw stands as an additional barrier to housing security. By prohibiting the safe rental of basements, the bylaw not only exacerbates the challenges faced by struggling homeowners but also displaces renters, pushing them further into the abyss of limited affordable housing options. Meet David, a father of three, who, despite working two jobs, is grappling with the fear of foreclosure. His basement, a potential source of supplemental income, remains locked due to the current bylaw. Or hear the story of Rachel, a recent graduate burdened with student loans, desperately seeking a place she can afford, only to find the doors of available basement units barred. In this time of crisis, abolishing the basement rental bylaw is not just a policy adjustment; it's an act of compassion and shared responsibility. It is an acknowledgment that policies have a profound impact on the lives of real people – people like the Smiths, Sarah, David, and Rachel. The economic challenges facing Oshawa demand innovative solutions. According to recent studies, cities that embrace inclusive housing policies experience not only economic growth but also enhanced community well-being. Abolishing the basement rental bylaw is a step toward fostering an environment that supports housing accessibility for all, regardless of economic status. Oshawa has the opportunity to lead by example, showing that it is possible to balance economic viability with compassion. Let our city be a beacon of change, unlocking doors for its citizens and ensuring a brighter, more equitable future. To advocate for change, please go online and sign this petition:

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