Saturday, January 6, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - As proud small business owner situated in downtown Oshawa for the past 29 years. I always felt a civic duty to do my best for my community. To offer my services and render advice to anyone that asked. through the Central Newspaper I have operated the most successful ‘SHOP LOCAL’ downtown Oshawa campaign in the history of the City. Never expected anything in return. Never receive one ounce of praise or support by our elected officials. At times I felt as they were envious of my successes over the years. I did it out of municipal duty and pride for my city. I much like you reading this work hard 10 - 12 hours at any given day to feed my family and maintain a standard of living where at times it allows me the privilege to extend help to those less fortunate in our community. As you can read to the left of this column. I served my community and will continue to serve. The purpose of this column is one of disappointment, shock and feeling of persecution and or prejudice against me and the good efforts I have put forth through the years from my city the City of Oshawa. According to the City Clerk and the Chief Administrative Officer. Oshawa does not have a newspaper. As per report: presented in this paper pg. 10-11. REALLY. What has the Central been doing for the past 29 years. Situated right downtown Oshawa? I feel as if the City has shown extreme ignorance and prejudice against me. What an insult to me and every small local business. If a clerk and a newly appointed CAO. Two people that hold key positions in the City have no clue of the City paper. We taxpayers are in serious trouble. How many other issues do these two make recommendations to the City that are erroneous. Neither of them ever called and reached out to hear from the local expert on how to proceed with any advertising policy in lieu of Metroland failure. Are we to assume that these two characters have some divine expertise over professionals in the field with over 29 years of experience. The arrogance and the ignorance of Mary Madeiros and Tracy Adams. Shame on you. You failed the people of Oshawa. By the Ontario Municipal Act - A newspaper is: (being a document in printed form, published at regular intervals of a week or less, is circulated to the general public and consists primarily of news of current events of general interest) Question for Madeiros and Adams. Do you even live in Durham? For 29 years you never heard of the Central. When, I have had on other matters numerous conversations with both of you. Their recommendation to city council on the aforementioned report is an insult. A disgrace to any small business operating in Oshawa. An insult to any future business or developer wishing to do business with Oshawa. For the record; The Central Newspaper. A small local business that has served Oshawa and Durham region for over 29 years. The Central publishes every tuesday and delivers to home subscribers across Durham. Available at all reputable convenience stores including all major grocery stores and retail outlets. The Central has build its business on fairness, transparency and integrity. It has numerous awards substantiating creditability within the publishing industry. The difference between fly by niters like the Express, SNAP, SNAP’D, NEIGHBOUR all hand picked magazines not even newspapers that the City wasted your tax dollar and deemed worthy of publishing in.... they are all out of business. Some barely published 2,000 copies and had no paid readership. But they surely reported skewed articles and attended photo opportunities for the elect. How is that they were deemed worthy and The Central is being discriminated so openly? The Central can’t be bought or influenced, much like any reputable publishing company with integrity should operate much like the SUN, STAR and Globe and Mail. The Central during Covid, was given full media accreditation by the Provincial and Federal government as a reliable and respected within the industry news source and as such included in all advertising, notices and articles pertaining to the same. So much so that The Central today works with all major news agencies across the globe. The Central Newspaper with offices in the United States has become a beacon for the communities it represents as a solid, reliable and trustworthy news source. So, then how is it that some city clerk and a CAO of the City fail to acknowledge the same. Do they have more credentials than the Provincial and Federal government and professionals in the publishing industry? NO. IT WAS DONE WITH MALICE, ILL INTENT AND POLITICAL AGENDA. NO ONE CAN BE THAT IGNORANT OF SUCH A HUGE FACT. Where is the Mayor and his pride and support of local businesses. For a city that prides itself on inclusion, anti-bias/prejudice/discrimination. They surely do not practice what they preach. I demand resolve. I demand that the city bring back the old policy and include in it the only still publishing newspaper in Oshawa. The people of Oshawa deserve accountability, transparency and responsible governance. Have pride in your community. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES.


  1. Way to go joe.speak for the people.

  2. Publisher or Mayor. Pick one.

  3. This is the most chaotic “article” I’ve ever read. Wow.

  4. Please spend way more time editing your grammar.

  5. 80+ articles published every day, 7 days a week, for more than 25 years. What an accomplishment to publish 800,000 articles!
