Saturday, January 20, 2024


WHY AM I BEING ATTACKED BY CITY COUNCILLOR DEREK GIBERSON. IS THIS WHAT WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE FOR. I CALL FOR HIS RESIGNATION. Oshawa mayoralty candidate and newspaper publisher Joe Ingino will face an audit over his 2022 campaign expenses because “of a number of questions that remain over his advertising.” That was the decision made Thursday by the Joint Compliance Audit Committee, which looks into and evaluates complaints made by members of the public regarding spending or contributions made to candidates for the 2022 municipal election. The committee heard from Ingino, who was the subject of a 99-page complaint over the amount and value of election advertising he placed for himself in the Oshawa/Durham Central newspaper, of which he is owner and publisher. Ingino was also a candidate who ran in the 2022 election, declaring his candidacy on May 4, 2022. Oshawa Ward 4 councillor Derek Giberson was one of six complainants who filed the 99-page complaint against Ingino. He and Roger Bouma, who also signed the complaint, spoke to the committee in support of the complaint on Thursday. At issue was the rate card for candidate advertising Giberson said candidates received from the Central, after nominations opened May 1. Giberson said that rate card valued ads in the Central at amounts going from $250 for 1/16th of a page to $400 for 1/8th of a page to $600 for 1/4th of a page all the way up to $2,250 for a full page. Giberson then added up all of Ingino’s ads throughout the election period to come up with a total ad spend of $219,687. Giberson pointed out that the total spending limit for mayoral campaigns in Oshawa was $111,153.25, calculating that Ingino spent $108,000 more than allowed under election spending limits. Ingino said that he had taken what he called a “gold” package for advertising which he valued at $3,000 in total. He didn’t provide the committee with a receipt at the time but said he would provide it to the auditor. Ingino’s total campaign expenses came out to $6,586.63 of which he said he spent $3,000 on advertising and $3,028.40 on signs, his two biggest expenses. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK... IF THEY DO THIS TO ME IMAGINE WHAT THEY DO TO YOU. GIBERSON I CALL FOR YOUR RESIGNATION IN THE NAME OF ALL THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SLEEPING ON OUR STREETS. IN THE NAME OF ALL THE CLOSED BUSINESSES. INSTEAD YOU WASTE OUR TAX DOLLARS IN WITCH HUNTS....

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