Saturday, January 27, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Remember the old ‘FANTASY ISLAND’? With my favorite actor Hervé Villechaize -Tattoo and Ricardo Montalbán (Mr. Roarke). It appears that Oshawa has become ‘FANTASY ISLAND’ of sort, as it can only be described as a delusional fantasy the way our city elect govern the city or the island we become within Durham Region. Before you stop laughing... We do have our own Mr. Roarke. In Oshawa we call him Mayor Carter. Our Tattoo is our Mayor brown nosed want to be Mayor in the next election side kick. Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri, Chair of the Economic and Development Services Committee. Talk about make believe. Tattoo as Chair of the Economic and Development Services Committee. How are we expected to grow in a positive way with someone that has never held a real job that demanded the same skill set that is expected for such chairship. An individual that out of office at best held a realtor job. Really, a realtor is making million dollar decision on our behalf? Is there any wonder the city wasted 30 million on a south end park. Made numerous taxpayers waste of money, then the city turns around and hits taxpayers with a hefty property tax increase. Only in fantasy Island you are led to believe that the City is prospering.... while citizens sleep on our city streets and along ravines in -20 weather. The City Mayor loves to spew development statistics while he allows our prime farm lands to the north to be raped by developers looking to make millions off our incompetency. If we need housing would it not make more sense to go high rise instead of spread across prime farm land? But wait. Just this week Fantasy Island released: City of Oshawa launches new 10-year Economic Development Strategy. Pure, insanity and a desperate attempt to fool taxpayers in thinking that those elected care about the city. The release claimed: The City of Oshawa is pleased to announce the launch of its new Economic Development Strategy that aims to drive job growth and further investment in the city. The Strategy focuses on enhanced trade, diversification and quality of life and positions Oshawa for future economies, opportunities and overall growth. This is the same administration that allowed GM to walk away from Oshawa as they left us with a huge environmental mess while giving every Oshawa citizen the famous Trudeau salute. The same administration that feared accountability from GM. I guess that the saying you get what you paid for is so true here: We elect incompetency and we get incompetency. How are we to expect prosperity when those making the decision have never had or will ever have the business experience, academics and or related discipline experience to make the decisions they entrusted to make. So what do we the tax payer get. Pipe dreams. ‘focuses on enhanced trade, diversification...’ Really, this is the same administration that practices, corporate bias, prejudice and discrimination against local businesses. The same administration that fails to acknowledge 30 year old business operating in the City Downtown. The released continued: ‘To complement existing sectors such as healthcare, education, advanced manufacturing and energy generation, emerging sectors were identified in high-growth fields such as: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Cybersecurity, eSports, EV and Automotive Technologies.’ Wake up. Who put this together. Do they even know where Oshawa is. Have they driven downtown Oshawa. Are they blind? The City practically gave away strategic properties to the College/University in hope that the walk traffic would revive the core. This only accomplished the few parking spots in the core to be used by students. This taking away from the possible patrons to local downtown business. Look at the vacancies in the core. Have anyone at the city approached any downtown local businesses and asked what is the biggest issues. I am sure none will tell you. Artificial Intelligence, Augmented reality, Cybersecurity or EV. Like really... EV. Taking up more parking spaces in the core. Who is doing the thinking here Tattoo. How about tackling the high taxes. How about complementing the creating of more housing in the form of high rise. How about complementing the drug/crime/homeless in Oshawa. In 20 years. I have yet to see my local or regional councillor walk in to my place of business and ask me what the core needs. I am the media. Do you think they have any other business? But wait... Let the city put out another pipe dream and overlook the white elephant in the room. I think Mr. Roarke and Tattoo are way out of touch with reality. They have no real grasp of reality and it shows in their 10 year pipe dream. Da Plane, Da Plane is going down Boss. Da Plane.

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