Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Homemade Solutions

 Written by,  Sharleen Cainer, BSW RSW
   The trickle-down economic theory has been a debate since the 20th century. John Maynard Keynes proposed that money should flow from government into the hands of the wealthy who would then spend it to finance their businesses. The theory was that this economic initiative would do two things. It would stimulate the economy through the production output from a wealthy business and therefor put money into the pockets of the masses, who were working in these companies owned by wealthy entrepreneurs. The masses will then spend and pay taxes on what they earn, plus buy. That revenue will then flow into social programs. Some argue that it goes the other way. The masses pay higher taxes, while the wealthy is not taxed at the same rate, therefore the flow of financial gain flows from the poorer demographic of the population into the pockets of the wealthy who enjoy spectacular tax breaks.  We have now arrived at an interesting point in time where .6% of the population controls 72% of the wealth.  
Let's talk a little bit about privatization. Take for example Hwy 407. It was planned in the 1950's, but construction started in 1987. The government then decided to make it a toll road so as to alleviate a financial issues which were on the backs of the taxpayer.  Highway 407 ETR was eventually sold for over $3 billion to a consortium of Canadian and Spanish investors. Since the privatization of the 407ETR, there are issues with things such as plate denials for unpaid 407 ETR bills, increasing tolls, false charges, and some questions and arguments about road safety, maintenance, and snow removal. Speaking of increased rates, the 407 now operates like the Ontario Hydro. There are different charges for the use of the 407 ETR, Certain exits off the 407 are more expensive than others. Then there is the charge per kilometer that varies depending on the time of use on each day. Determining what you may pay on any given moment you are using this road, is paramount to plotting the arrival of a moon module from outer space.
Mike Harris, the premiere of Ontario at the time, put forth that there should be tolls on 407 until the debt of construction was paid off. He indicated there would be a rise in the tolls of no more that 30%. The tolls have risen over 200%, from 10 cents a kilometer to 30 cents a kilometer. The kilometer rates now range from 22.50 cents to 88.97 cents comparatively to other Canadian toll roads which range from .44 cents a kilometer to .13 cents per kilometer. Another concern is that the Canadian taxpayers received $3.1 billion for a road valued at $30 billion in the sale. The profits are divided, and the Canadian Pension Fund will receive a portion of the profit with the rest going to the buyer. There is of course no information to be found as to what is the monetary trickle-down responsibility to the Canadian taxpayer from a Canadian/Spanish corporation called SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.  In 2019, the corporation sold 10.01% of the highway to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) for $3.25 billion. After the sale, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc would own only 6.76% of the highway. (Wikipediae) Let us not feel sorry for SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. Their 6.76% ownership in 407ETR gives them a healthy asset of $4.734 billion. The dividend payout on the 407ETR monthly revenue is 182%.  That is revenue that was Canadian build, Canadian paid for and privatized, isolating that revenue from public access. Through the tolls, we continue to pay for this road.
Other corporations have also followed the same pathway from public purse to privatization. The Skydome, which became the Rogers Centre. In what appeared to be back door dealings, the government paid $53million, and several other corporations paid $5million each, along with each Blue Jay, for ownership of what was to be known as the Rogers Centre. The corporations that invested, Coca-Cola, TSN, CIBC. The top breweries, Carling O'Keefe, Labatt's, Molson were invited to pay $5million each for exclusive advertising rights.  Complaints from other corporations were that the cost of doing business was shockingly low, and there was no competition. The concept of the skydome was initially sold to the taxpayer as a phenomenal job creation vehicle. People were so excited about the jobs that were to be offered, in this spectacular stadium. People arrived, awe-struck by the magnificence of this structure, like they were arriving at Mecca. The jobs that were offered then and continue to be offered now, due to the contractual agreements with the Rogers Center are in the food service sector, at a minimum wage. The people that work in the Rogers Center can barely support themselves on their wages. In this economy, the price of housing, the cost of food, in Toronto, and the GTA far exceeds what an employee at the Rogers Center can accomplish.
The CNR (Canadian National Railway) struggled financially for many years. It was reported to the taxpayers as a losing corporation that Canada could not afford to maintain.  It was felt that government took to long to make decisions and the railway was beginning to operate at a financial loss. The CNR, initially a Crown corporation has been privatized for more than 25 years is now worth more than $100 billion. Bill Gates is the single largest shareholder in CN stocks.
While projects to end homelessness depend on government funding, the homeless population in Durham Region expands like a balloon. People who have trusted government and depended on earning an honest wage are struggling, losing their homes, unable to live a healthy balanced life, as the trickle-down theory becomes the biggest con. Taxpayers pay approximately 30% of their income to taxes. The money is definitely flowing uphill into the pockets of the wealthy elite.  Let me just offer a condolence: Dear Taxpayer, I am deeply sorry and regret to inform you, but you are now hemorrhaging money. The End.


 Canada Flag Day

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
     In February when the Canadian winter really settles in, we have something great to celebrate.  Something which made us a nation to be proud of.

You've seen it proudly flying throughout the country. Maybe you've waved a paper hand flag on Canada Day, or worn it as a pin on your jacket. Maybe you've even sewn one on to your backpack and travelled the world! Regardless of where you see it, the National Flag of Canada stands out both at home and abroad as one of the most striking and recognizable symbols representing Canada.

February 15 is Flag Day in Canada, the annual day on the calendar where we mark the first raising of the "new" Canadian flag, the Maple Leaf, on Parliament Hill in 1965.

While the quest for a national flag for Canada dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the flag as we know it today emerged from the major social transformations during the 1950s and 1960s in the lead up to the 100th anniversary of Confederation in 1967.

In 1960, Lester B. Pearson, then Leader of the Opposition, declared that he was determined to solve what he called "the flag problem." To Pearson, this issue was critical to defining Canada as a unified, independent country. As the newly elected Prime Minister in 1963, Pearson promised to resolve the question of a new national flag in time for Canada's centennial celebrations in 1967.

A parliamentary committee was created and given a 6-week deadline to submit a recommendation for a national flag. Debate within the committee was fierce, divided between those who wished to retain the symbols that tied Canada to its colonial history, and those who wanted Canada to adopt its own symbols for the future. This period was known as the Great Flag Debate.

The legendary Flag Debate has seen two respected Canadians making their points, the great John Diefenbaker - who wanted Canada to keep using his beloved Red Ensign - and the equally great Lester Pearson, who wanted Canada to turn a new page with a flag distinctly our own.
While most Canadian historians and commentators have consistently criticized Mr. Diefenbaker for his stand and the long debate on the issue in the House of Commons, this actually helped all Canadians eventually accept the change. Canadians who feared such a radical change in symbols felt that their voices had been heard.  While they feared the switch to a new national symbol, they had witnessed Mr. Diefenbaker fight for their cause and this in turn, helped in the end to cement the Maple Leaf in its earliest years.

One of the more well-received designs considered by the parliamentary committee was proposed by George Stanley, Dean of Arts at the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario. Inspired by RMC's own flag, Stanley recommended a design featuring a single, stylized red maple leaf on a white background with 2 red borders.

On October 22, 1964, the committee voted in favour of Stanley's single-leaf design. Two months later the House of Commons approved, followed shortly after by the Senate.

Let's review the history of the Canadian flag for a moment.  The flag that was first raised on February 15, 1965, the flag that has made us all proud as Canadians to have our own beloved Maple Leaf centered Canadian flag.

Several different flags were used in Canada before our current National Flag. Since the first days of European presence on Canadian soil, flags of European homelands, such as France, have been displayed. The flags of British North America used in colonial Canada showcased ties to the British Empire. Both before and after Confederation in 1867, Canada used the United Kingdom's Royal Union Flag, commonly known as the Union Jack.

Another British flag used in Canada was the Red Ensign. While it was officially a naval flag used by Canadian ships starting in the 1890s, the Canadian Red Ensign - a combination of the Union Jack and the shield of Canada - had been used unofficially both at sea and on land since the 1870s and was widely recognized as a national symbol.
During the First World War, the Canadian Red Ensign became a popular patriotic emblem.
As Canada matured as a nation, it became more important to create uniquely Canadian symbols to represent the country. In 1921, King George V granted Royal Arms to Canada and the shield of Canada's new official coat of arms took its place on the Canadian Red Ensign. It is this version of the Canadian Red Ensign that represented Canada during the Second World War.

Beyond a new coat of arms, many Canadians also wanted a new, distinctive Canadian flag to represent them. Appeals for such a flag increased steadily in the early 20th century. But creating an entirely new flag was no easy feat. Which symbols could be chosen to represent and characterize Canada and its values?

In the years following the Second World War, public opinion grew in favour of a new national flag, but the nation was divided. Canadians had fought and died under the Union Jack and the Canadian Red Ensign and many were still attached to these emblems and to their British heritage.
The new maple leaf flag was made official by a proclamation from Queen Elizabeth II on January 28, 1965. On February 15 of that year, it was inaugurated in a public ceremony on Parliament Hill. At the stroke of noon, the new National Flag of Canada was hoisted.

The 14th Prime Minister of Canada, Lester B. Pearson's words on the occasion resound with hope and determination:

"May the land over which this new flag flies remain united in freedom and justice … sensitive, tolerant and compassionate towards all."
In conclusion, during these difficult times with the Covid-19 pandemic and the fall-out from it ravaging our nation, it becomes important that we unite under our beloved national symbol, the Canadian Flag. If our nation endures for a thousand years, the 15th day of February, 1965, will always be remembered as a milestone in Canada's progress as a nation.
Under this Flag may our citizens find new inspiration for loyalty to Canada; for a patriotism based on our deep traditions of freedom, fairness and responsibility, and the pride that all Canadians can feel for our richly endowed and beautiful land.
Happy Flag Day! 

Friday, February 12, 2021

 D.C. Bar's 'jihad' against conservative lawyers
Larry Klayman excoriates those hoping to punish him, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley
By Larry Klayman
The radical, oppressive left is not relegated to college campuses, the media, or Congress. They have no boundaries and have, like snakes, also slithered their way into corporate America, sports leagues, banks, credit unions, major retail outlets (just ask MyPillow founder Mike Lindell) and professional institutions that can silence conservatives far more effectively than can a Silicon Valley tech conglomerate.
The most recent example stems from the District of Columbia Bar's disciplinary arm, a radical far-left organization, like virtually everything else in the swamp, that is using its influence to silence and destroy conservative lawyers who would defend President Trump or any citizen who is maligned by dictatorial government and its minions, such as Big Tech. It is no surprise that the Bar's leadership are major donors to Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other leftist Democrats!
In the past I was one of their principal targets, and this continues on to the present as I ramp up opposition to the Biden-Harris regime. But today, D.C. Bar officials and their equally leftist prosecutors in the Office of Bar Disciplinary Counsel (ODC), run by the equally leftist political hack Hamilton Fox, are trying to disbar anyone who defended or even supported President Trump – Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, Rudy Giuliani and Kellyanne Conway, among others.
Here is how these leftist tyrants work. Anyone who represents conservative interests can receive a threat of disbarment – the worse punishment a lawyer could receive. The threat alone is enough to make many lawyers, and especially law firms, much less likely to advocate for conservative clients, thereby silencing your voice and your rightful legal opposition to a total leftist takeover of our nation. Why do you think nearly all of Trump's lawyers have quit representing him?
The vile and despicable leftists that control the D.C. Bar's disciplinary apparatus see people like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, both former Supreme Court law clerks and now U.S. senators, as troublemakers against the leftist agenda and want to exert their influence to silence them. Quite frankly, they see conservative lawyers standing up for the average citizen, exposing the truth, and that scares their comrades in the Biden administration.
The D.C. Bar's disciplinary apparatus has a proven history of targeting anyone who stands against their far-left politics and protects those who support their agenda.
All the prior presidents and other former prosecutors of the D.C. Bar signed a complaint that seeks to disbar former Attorney General Bill Barr for withdrawing the indictment of Gen. Michael Flynn and remarks he made on Fox News.
They looked the other way when Hillary Clinton's lawyer David Kendall allegedly helped her destroy over 33,000 incriminating emails concerning Benghazi and other Clinton scandals. A complaint filed by conservative lawyer Ty Clevenger was summarily throwing in the trash by D.C. Bar prosecutors, without giving it even a minute of consideration!
The D.C. Bar's disciplinary apparatus include socialists and a communist, Michael Tigar, an attorney and law professor famed investigative journalist Bob Woodward details in his book "The Brethren" as being fired from his position as a clerk to Supreme Court Justice William Brennan for Tigar's communist ties to Cuba's Castro brothers. Not coincidentally, his similarly radical Berkeley trained lawyer and now federal judge son, Jon Tigar, was the jurist in Oakland, California, federal court who blocked President Trump's immigration policy for illegal aliens seeking asylum. Birds of a feather stick together, particularly when they are father and son and Berkeley law grads! And, Michael Tigar and his Berkeley law friends intervened in a case before the 9th Circuit to try to eliminate the pardon my client Sheriff Joe Arpaio had received from President Trump.
Incredibly, the chairman of the Board of Professional Responsibility, Mathew Kaiser, who is the head of the D.C. Bar's disciplinary apparatus, has proudly written columns, tellingly for a leftist publication, "Above the Law," in support of Hillary Clinton's "honesty" and trashing the "dishonesty" of President Trump.
And Kaiser has steadfastly refused to police the unethical actions of leftist prosecutors in the ODC, run by Fox, claiming falsely that they have absolute immunity to do as they please, which would logically include destroying the legal advocacy of conservative lawyers by attempting to have them disbarred.
People like Tigar, Kaiser and Fox are sitting in judgment of and persecuting conservative pro-Trump lawyers at the D.C. Bar. That's why Freedom Watch needs your help to nullify their influence and take legal actions to rein in the most powerful, but corrupted, bar association in America.
In sum, the D.C. Bar threatens to take the law license and livelihood of lawyers who oppose its leftist doctrine, and that is how the left will cancel your voice going forward, unless we have the resources to fight back.
When Big Tech, an out-of-control Congress and radical leftists threaten your rights, few lawyers will be willing to stand up for you – that's where Freedom Watch shines our light.
Just last month, I sued Amazon, Google and Facebook for shutting Parler down. I am also representing Laura Loomer in her Supreme Court case against Big Tech. In the past, I took on the Clintons, the Obamas, and even the National Security Agency for secretly surveilling American citizens. You know my track record, and I will not stop now opposing radical leftist who are in the process of destroying not just everything President Trump accomplished, but our entire American way of life bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers.
Freedom Watch is in the courts and is fighting for you to shine a light on and remedy these injustices, to preserve freedom. We need you to stand with us. Can we count on you today? Go to and sign up for our Justice League. And read my book "It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Also listen to my radio show this week and today's podcast, embedded below, and rise up to help save the nation before all is permanently lost.
The message of the D.C. Bar and it's leftist comrades is clear: If you dare to stand against our total socialist if not communist takeover of the nation, we will take everything away from you, including your license to practice law. The left plays for keeps, but so do I!

 Written by,  Sharleen Cainer, BSW RSW
    The path to homelessness has many avenues. Sometimes the pathways are long and winding but they will all eventually come to an end. Like a plumber's nightmare, the paths flow like water to the lowest point. One of the lowest points in Canadian history is the "un-homing" of Indigenous people. In 1876 the Canadian government provided Indigenous people with a process by which they could become voting members of society. Until this time they were deemed as wards of the state, and incapable of caring for themselves. They were seen as unworthy and uncivilized.
 Historically the Canadian government based its laws on land ownership.  To have access to due process through the court system one must be a landowner. Canadian women did not have the right to legally protect themselves, as the laws supported the landowner. Women and children were chattel. The Women's Suffrage Movement in 1920 led to women being granted the vote. It was also in 1920 when the Indigenous Suffrage movement granted Indigenous people the right to participate in a discussion about voting. The 1st Nations man could participate in the democratic process of voting by surrendering his treaty rights, denounce himself as an Indigenous person, give up his home on his reservation while including his wife and children in the process. It was called enfranchisement, but what was enfranchising about all of this? By disenfranchising themselves from their own communities, family ties, and social networks, they were franchising themselves to the dominant society for the sole purpose of gaining permission to vote. No other demographic in Canada is required to give up anything of who they are or where they come from so as to be able to participate in the democratic process of voting. Women are still women; immigrants keep dual citizenship and so on.
So, let us just call it what it was, disenfranchisement. The agenda to disenfranchise the Indigenous people has been winding with many options and the presentation of it confusing. Until 1985, an Indigenous woman who married a non-Indigenous man, lost her treaty rights as an Indigenous woman, and lost her rights to her land. Her children also lost out. This process of disenfranchisement for Indigenous people has been an active agenda since the European arrived in Canada. The government has had no end to the proposals they want to make to Indigenous people.
In 1960 Native people were deemed to be able to participate in the dominant society and be recognized as contributing self-determining people. The other thing that happened in the 60's was the "big scoop", where all the Indigenous children went to residential schools, up for adoption, or into foster care. The agenda was assimilation into "white" culture. But many children died of illness, broken hearts, and depression. They were molested, raped, robbed of self worth, and tortured.  The residential schools first started in the late 1800's. the last residential school was closed in 1900. By the time, the 60's came about Native people were only habiting .2% of the lands in Canada. Many had been uprooted and relocated many times. Some of those Indigenous Bands were living on the side of a railroad track, in traditional tents, when the temperatures in the winter months would drop to 80 degrees below zero. These people had been removed from their traditional lands 60 years earlier, as their presence had impeded the logging industry Some had been moved to territories that did not fit with their historical culture, or were isolated into areas that were uninhabitable, and inaccessible depending on the seasons. Children were returned to places they did not know, siblings they did not know, and families they could not communicate with.
What happens when a culture becomes disorganized?  All social ills happen. Homelessness happens. Lawlessness happens, addictions happen. With a loss of culture children lose their history and their future. Who is present to guide and educate the upcoming generation? Who is present to care for the seniors when the children are grown? Anybody?  The enfranchisement agenda was created to un-home Indigenous people. The treaties were created to provide an agreement between the Europeans and Indigenous. The Indigenous, who historically did not believe in land ownership, received the short end of the land ownership stick, and have not been able to gain traction in housing their population since the arrival of the Europeans.
The Canadian government has historically and purposefully reigned a campaign of terror against the inhabitants of vulnerable Indigenous communities. Many of those who have been historically disenfranchised by engaging in the illustrious enfranchise programs, which have led the vulnerable to loss, homelessness, addictions, and other mental health issues.  An Indigenous person in this country is ten times more likely to commit suicide than a non-Indigenous Canadian, because what they see is a long road of hopelessness in front of them as they came from a long road of hopelessness behind them. The proud, regal Indian is a racist token and something of a distant past. It is difficult to resurrect a stoic icon in the midst of the fallout that has spanned just two hundred years.  Indigenous people suffer homelessness, lack of appropriate homes, as an agenda that was purposefully put forward by governing bodies.
Homeless numbers escalate, as government agendas continue to stand between the unsheltered and a home. There are many people who are vulnerable to becoming unsheltered. Stand together united, divided we fall.
Please consider the kind of community in which you would like to live, be understanding and ask for compassion for those who cannot ask for themselves.

  Canada's pandemic wavering

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
As we approach Spring, with the Covid-19 generated pandemic still in place and new mutations on the rise, our leading politicians, their staff and civil service advisers seem to have lost their beacon, or whatever was showing them the way. They look like an exhausted swimmer on the brink of drowning, desperately trying to get to shore.
It seems clear by now that Canada, a G7 country, lacks the true leadership to protect our citizens from the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic. From testing, vaccinations and lockdown measures taken inappropriately and with the wrong timing, politicians both provincially and federally have shown their true incompetence. Factoring in the contradictory advice political leaders sometimes receive from the highest levels of public service management, we now have the full picture of a disaster.
Let us first look at testing. In the early pandemic fog, MPs were briefed by officials on the government's plans. At the time they asked the Public Health Agency of Canada when it would be possible to get more tests so everyone can be tested. Rhonda Kropp of the Public Health Agency of Canada testifying to MPs in the Health Committee said:
"There are rapid test kits that are currently being tested and we're hoping to have them available as quickly as possible. They will be a game-changer."
In reality, it took another six months before the government purchased rapid tests made by Abbott Laboratories and a further month before any arrived in Canada.  Unfortunately Canada lacks the expertise and infrastructure to produce them.  While millions of test kits have now been shipped by Ottawa to the provinces, there has been a strange reluctance to roll them out. One source said 80 per cent of those tests are still sitting in warehouses, with provinces slow or unwilling to deploy them. Is this leadership?
How is it possible that 10 months after a top public health official declared rapid testing to be a "game-changer," few asymptomatic Canadians are being tested for COVID?
The answer seems to be a combination of political will and administrative won't.
Governments both provincially and federally have so many priorities, especially during a pandemic, that bureaucracies running around like headless chickens neglect causes without champions.  Our political leaders should be championing this cause. Where are they?
Despite the rhetoric, the federal government has not been a strong advocate of rapid testing. In fact, quite the opposite, given that the federal health minister has said she believes rapid tests may spread the infection.
On the provincial level, the province of Quebec has one million tests at its disposal and another million on the way, yet it has used just 18,400 rapid tests, preferring to rely on laboratory tests. People should be encouraged to get tested at clinics, said the province's health ministry advisor.  But it is obvious that only people who are symptomatic will go to a clinic for a test. The point of rapid tests is to catch asymptomatic people who are spreading the disease unknowingly. Proponents argue that, while antigen tests may not be as accurate as lab tests, they do catch the majority of cases when people are at their most infectious. Routine rapid testing is a route back to normalcy. It seems that against the best advice of veteran pandemic fighters, perfection has become the enemy of the good.
So here we are, with politicians and their advisors showing their lack of competence to the detriment of the general public, with nobody taking responsibility.
Now let's look at the vaccines. The vaccine producers in Canada have basically been silenced by bad policies inflicted on them for decades by successive governments, regardless of political affiliation.  As a result the only solution was to rely on foreign manufacturers. The Canadian government announced with great fanfare that they had secured enough vaccines to inoculate the entire Canadian population by September 2021.
But guess what. The European supplier Pfizer of Germany and Moderna of the United States, a member of the European Union and respectively US, just said that they have encountered difficulties in delivering to Canada as scheduled. Not unreasonably, the European Union and US will take care of their own citizens before supplying vaccines to outsiders. Furthermore, it seems that Canada only had a verbal agreement with vaccine suppliers, not a contract. Again, a clear  demonstration of incompetence.
In desperation Prime Minister Trudeau announced a memorandum of understanding with Novavax on last week, to produce its vaccine at the National Research Council's biologics plant in Montreal. But the timing is ridiculous, as with all goodwill, it will be the end of the year before the plant starts producing vaccines, months after every Canadian will have had access to vaccines brought in from overseas (assuming everything goes to plan which is not clear at the moment.)
Manufacturing plants in the U.K. were built in the last 10 months and are now churning out AstraZeneca's vaccine (however it is advised that this vaccine should only be administered to people over 65 years of age). Canada could have followed suit, had it not made some inexplicable decisions, including a failed alliance with a Chinese vaccine producer.
To general bemusement, the bureaucracy patted itself on the back for its urgency. Certification usually takes two years but because of the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19, the timeline has been "greatly condensed," said an NRC spokesperson.
This does not seem to be a reasonable answer.  However, by now we should used to the "scientific advice" on which our governments rely. Just take a look at the advice on international air travel over the last 10 months. The scientific advice in the  early stages of the pandemic was that it was not necessary to stop air travel, in fact, the suggestion was dubbed racist. The current advice, justified by fear of spreading mutated forms of the virus, is to lock down travel to the Caribbean, without any mention of US destinations like Florida or Myrtle Beach. How nice.
The real question is: Do we have leaders in Canada to deal realistically with the pandemic or do we only have weather vanes whirling with the wind? Beware of the stupidity virus riding on the wind.  It might be more contagious than Covid-19.     What are your thoughts?

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
  This month it is Black History Month.   Without much thought everyone in this era of politically correctness jump on  face value in celebration.  Personally I believe that it is a very prejudice and sagregational celebration if you think about it.
As per Webster definition: PREJUDICE a liking or dislike for one rather than another especially without good reason. 2 : a feeling of unfair dislike directed against an individual or a group because of some characteristic (as race or religion) 3 : injury or damage to a person's rights.
What if this celebration was called ‘WHITE HISTORY MONTH’?  How would this bee seen by the population at large?   Are we to celebrate every shade of skin. Every races history?   Why are we so hung up on BLACK?  It is not prejudice to speak
As per Webster definition: SEGREGATIONAL the act of segregating or state of being segregated. 2. ( Sociology) sociol the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority group.
In an era of equality and multiculturalism are we not to integrate instead of segregate by race and or color of one skin?
Then again why do we have a celebration for BLACK HISTORY?   Would it not be more appropriate to call it ‘WORLD HISTORY’ with special subsections for contributions from all races and colors combined.  After all we would have a ‘WHITE HISTORY MONTH’,  It would be seen as prejudice and bias towards all other races and colors.
Why the hypocrisy?
Hypocrisy as per dictionary definition:  the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.   a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. Could it be that in our quest for equality we are all hypocrites? Hypocrisy is a common trait, but sometimes it's more acceptable than others, and that's what this article is about. Let's start with a definition: Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. We are, all of us, hypocrites.
Is everybody a hypocrite?
Hypocrisy is the natural state of the human mind in all race. ... In clear language, full of wit and rich in examples, Kurzban explains the roots and implications of our inconsistent minds, and why it is perfectly natural to believe that everyone else is a hypocrite. We're all hypocrites.
Since we are celebrating ‘BLACK HISTORY MONTH’,  one has to wonder where we draw the line on being black?    After all there are officially six skin types.
Skin colour is primarily determined by genetic inheritance but exposure to sunlight also alters skin colour. There are six skin types, fair skin that always burn, dark skin that never burns and everything in between. Melanin is the pigment that determines skin colour as well as hair and eye colour.
There are 32 shades of skin:  The rich and diverse range of over 32 shades of black is produced by a substance called melanin, a pigment which is produced by melanocyte in the skin. Did you know that regardless of your ethnicity be it White, Asian or Black, we all have the same amount of melanocytes?
To complicate matters there are 105 Types of Black Color - Simplicable
What is the darkest color besides black?  It's considered the darkest material known to man. What's really revolutionary about this Vantablack is that it's a color the human eye has never seen before. The "blacker than black" material, which absorbs all but 0.035 percent of visual light, looks more like a black hole on Earth.
What color is black skin?  Dark skin is a type of human skin color that are rich in melanin pigments, especially eumelanin. People with very dark skin are often referred to as "black people", although this usage can be ambiguous in some countries where it is also used to specifically refer to different ethnic groups or populations.
What is hypocrisy?
Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence, in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham.
Could it be that in our quest for equality we are further admitting our differences.  Could it be that at a deeper level our celebration of a difference is the fundamental root of our belief system?
Is being hypocritical a sin?  Most assuredly, hypocrisy is a sin in the sense that all immoral acts are sins. A hypocrite professes to have a certain moral standard but then in practice ignores that moral norm. Only a person who claims to have a moral code can be a hypocrite. ... Many religions consider any sex outside of marriage a sin.
Why is everybody a hypocrite?
In his book Why Everyone (Else) Is a Hypocrite: Evolution and the Modular Mind, Kurzban asserts that the human mind consists of many specialized units, which do not always work together seamlessly. When this harmony breaks down, people often develop contradictory beliefs."
If so then how are we to deal with race?  Race relations and equality.  After all, in order to be fair... should we not celebrate others skin colors?    
What is a desegregation?
Desegregation is the process of ending the separation of two groups, usually referring to races. Desegregation is typically measured by the index of dissimilarity allowing researchers to determine whether desegregation efforts are having impact on the settlement patterns of various groups.  Now does this not makes sense?  No more black and white.  No more everything in between.  Instead on people with difference that help make the great thing we are.
What is your take?

Saturday, January 30, 2021

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
  Come on people am I the only one that is tired of swallowing the pill that it is for own good?    It appears that the government keeps dishing out one shit pie after the other as we are forced to eat and not question.   At first they put fear in our hearts and told us that if we stayed at home that the COVID situation would subside.   So far if anything it has gotten worst.  They used the togetherness pill.  Together we can beat it.  Why can’t the government come out and tell us that they have  no clue on what they are doing and it is better to hit and miss then to actually do something positive. With all the top notch world recognized Universities in Canada.  You mean to tell me that we can’t put great minds at work to find out once in for all.  1.  How this is really transmitted.  2. How to develop technologies to visualize real hot spots and spreads.
No instead the government is playing the isolate and wait game and in the process they are finding new ways to issue out fines and penalties for anyone opposing their lack of knowledge.  Not to mention restrict our human rights.
In my opinion the government has no clue on how to put an end to this virus attack from China.   Just this week the government passed a resolution that read in part:
‘ As soon as possible in the coming weeks, all air travellers arriving in Canada, with very limited exceptions, must reserve a room in a Government of Canada-approved hotel for three nights at their own cost, and take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival at their own cost.’
The heading read, it could cost travellers up to $2,000.  Really where are they forcing people to stay at the Royal Hilton?   
Personally I think this is so wrong from so many angles.  First.  Why are we not shutting down all flight until we get a grip on the original COVID.  Only in coming CANADIANS citizens =to be allowed back in.  No one is allowed to fly out of Canada.   This would stop the infection of the Brazilian and African new variant.
Secondly if the government demands quarantine of citizens.  Citizens should not be made to pay for it... I think it is the duty of the government to make available such facilities.  No instead they are forcing people to pay.  This is wrong.
Sociologist for decades have been warning us of the importance of keeping the population ignorant.    Under communist regime this reigns number one.     In North America we are kept ignorant by creating confusion.   A confused mind is easily controlled.
I say this because we are being distracted from the bigger picture.    First it was the COVID attack.  Our economies went down the tube.   We put up a strong fight to come up with a  vaccine and when it finally looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel... We quickly find out that no it is not light but instead the 5:00 o'clock Express out of Sao Paulo Brazil.   A new strain of COVID-19.   As we scramble with the realities of this new threat we look to the sky for guidance only t be bombarded by the reality of an African strain different then that of Brazil and the U.K.   
Where will this end.  Is this the end.   After all, religious or not... it did say in the bible that the end of time would come via disease.   Social scientist have been warning us that the only logical way to control population is through war, famine and disease.
But before we get overly dramatic.   Can we first focus on point of origin.   When the the EXXOn oil spill took place.   EXXON was held liable.  The damage to the environment was monumental.   EXXON paid and we recovered.    Now today we have China for whatever reason infected the world with an agent that has killed millions.   Why is the world sitting idled and not hold China responsible?   
Furthermore.   In north America and Europe have been pushing world class pharmaceutical to come up with a vaccine.   We did.  The west  begun immunization... and just as the ball to success began to roll...  The west gets hit with a new  variant of Covid.    
Now let’s look at the source of these new strains.   Brazil and Africa.  Poor countries and poor continent.   Who is supplying these countries with a vaccine?   Yes China.  
According to a world report, China’s drug makers have arrangements to supply nearly 400 million Covid-19 vaccine doses to other countries, as roll-outs begin around the world and governments scramble for access to jabs.  
Three front-running Chinese firms – China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), Sinovac Biotech and CanSino Biologics – have made those deals to supply countries in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, according to public data compiled by both British analytics firm Airfinity and the Duke Global Health Innovation Centre in the United States.  
The question is who assures that the vaccines from China are effective?   Are we to suspect that the China vaccine is the causation of the COVID variant?     As we the west  battle for survival could the enemy be once again attacking us without our knowledge.   Are the Letters: Nikita Khrushchev's chilling prediction: 'We will take America without firing a shot' coming to reality as the Chinese communist regime continues it quest for global domination without firing a shot?    
What is your take?

Left out to kill all opposition! Shades of the Third Reich, Stalin and Mao!


Left out to kill all opposition!
Shades of the Third Reich, Stalin and Mao!
By Larry Klayman

With the fraudulent election of the CHICOM bought and paid for criminal and Manchurian candidate Joe Biden, and his evil sidekick Kamala Harris, as the alleged 46th president and vice president of the United States, I predicted that there would be a stepped up inquisition, if not purge by the left, of any opposition to its mission to totally enslave We the People in a socialist, and increasingly communist godless state.

Sure enough, following the events of two weeks ago last Wednesday at the Capitol following a peaceful speech by then President Donald Trump, the FBI, an integral part and weapon of the now Biden-Harris controlled Department of Justice, has been summoned to round up and prosecute ordinary citizens who were there that day, most of whom were obviously allowed by Capitol police to enter the building, which incidentally belongs to the citizenry in any event.

It is obvious that these police, as is true with the 35,000 plus national guard who later entered the nation’s capital and ironically who Biden and Harris feared could move against them, largely sided with the protesters. Many of them, particularly the police, have been much maligned, denigrated, assaulted and even killed by the radical left over the last many years.

Indeed, these ordinary Americans at the Capitol that fateful day, who had enough of the rank and cancerous criminality in all three branches of our so called government, had risen up and delivered a warning shot across the bow of the clowns, court jesters and criminals who pass themselves off as our elected representatives. Not coincidentally, these representatives in the Senate, had just rubber stamped the fraud that resulted in the “election” of Biden and Harris, thus turning over control of all three branches of government to socialists, communists and atheists.

While any lucid American has by now come to understand that our system of justice is irreparably compromised and corrupt, this was the crowning blow to anyone in his or her right mind who had at one time believed that any branch of our so-called government represents We the People. That is the story of the so called “Capitol riots,” which were not riots at all, but instead a natural reaction to years of deceit and tyranny by the “elite” in our national and state capitals.
But coupled with the Gestapo tactics of the now Biden-Harris controlled FBI and its Justice Department, who have been roaming the countryside threatening ordinary Americans who attended the Trump rally with arrest if they did not turn over their cell phones in an attempt to “Trump-up” crimes for which they could be prosecuted – and to scare anyone in the future who would exercise dissent to the total leftist takeover of the present government – has been a full court press – more aptly put a purge – generally to kill all freedoms of not just free speech, but any form of dissent, protest and opposition.

As occurred in the years leading up to World War II in soon to be Nazi Germany and thereafter until VE Day, industrialists, professors at universities, scientists, lawyers and bar associations, doctors and medical associations, sports leagues, the mainstream and cable news media, and other so called intelligentsia, as well as other factions of an increasingly degenerate, immoral and unethical American society and body politic in general, seeing that the demise of Donald Trump was inevitable, decided to throw in their lot with those who they perceived would turn out to be the winner. And, many of these forces did not need to be coerced or convinced to join those on the left who are bent on destroying the vision and conception of our Founding Fathers, embodied in our Declaration of Independence and later Bill of Rights, as they were the ideological soulmates of these modern day National Socialists, Bosheviks, and Maoists in the first place. As just one example, I am talking about not just the Big Tech social media tycoons, but from my own personal experience others such as the District of Columbia and New York Bars.
Indeed, the dictatorial tactics of not just the Third Reich, but also the Stalinist Soviet Union and Mao’s Communist China are in full battle mode and likely to get even worse in the near term.
If our nation’s sinking ship of state is to be righted short of violent counter- revolution, the logical vehicle would be those lawyers, such as myself – however few – who are willing to try to use whatever is left of our comprised and corrupt legal system to challenge the radical left, which now has a total hold on our government institutions. To eliminate this avenue of dissent and opposition, the disciplinary apparati of the District of Columbia and New York Bars– the two most corrupted and leftist infiltrated bastions of tyranny professing to regulate the legal profession – have been systematically trying to eliminate conservative activist lawyers from their rolls.

Not only has yours truly been the target, even having been subject to a District of Columbia Board of Professional Responsibility before hearing committee which included an avowed and proud communist, Michael Tigar – not coincidentally the father of the federal judge in Oakland, California, the less than Honorable Jon Tigar, who had enjoined President Trump asylum policy ending illegal entry to undocumented aliens – but so too have others, such as former attorney general Bill Barr and former White House Counsellor Kellyanne Conway, to name just a few.
As I detail in my latest book, “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!,” phony complaints, decades old and vindictively filed by non-lawyer and jealous opportunistic adversaries such as current Judicial Watch head Tom Fitton (who was left behind when I ran for the U.S. Senate in Florida in 2003-2004), were dredged up, long after statutes of limitations would have run in other jurisdictions, to try to remove me from the practice of law in the District of Columbia. One such complaint, the one involving communist Tigar, was even dismissed nine years ago, when the same one was filed by the complainant in Florida and Pennsylvania, where I am also licensed to practice law. (This is discussed in greater detail in my new book, which can be ordered at and is available from Freedom Watch at
To the contrary and by contrast – and as only one example among many showing selective sham prosecutions of conservative lawyers – a bar complaint filed by Ty Clevenger, a conservative activist lawyer and like myself a former Justice Department prosecutor, against David Kendall, who as a partner at Williams & Connolly represents Hillary Clinton, and who allegedly assisted her in obstruction of justice in destroying her “missing” 33,000 emails, was summarily thrown in the trash.

Bar proceedings are currently also underway in the District of Columbia, whose disciplinary officials all have given large amounts of political campaign contributions to the Clintons, Obama and now Biden, among other leftist Democrats, against Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, who argued against certification of the November 3, 2020, presidential election without a full and fair audit investigation.
And, the New York Bar is proceeding, on its own, without even a complaint having been filed, to disbar Rudy Giuliani for having defended Donald Trump. Giuliani is also under criminal investigation, as is the entire Trump family, by the leftist district attorney of New York City, Cyrus Vance, not coincidentally the son of President Jimmy Carter’s secretary of state, also by the same name.
The bottom line is this fellow patriots! All conservatives, libertarians, people of faith and those who truly believe in the vision and creation of our Founding Fathers, have been targeted for extinction if not extermination, and the forces of the radical left have as their considerable allies, immoral, unethical, and lawless pliant elements of the legal profession and the unelected federal judiciary, high tech, universities, industry, labor unions and corrupted society in general, to do their dirty work.

Shades of Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Mao’s China!
If you would like to join in the battle to wage a peaceful and legal counter- revolution, and stand up to this “deadly” tyranny, join and support Freedom Watch’s Justice League by going to

Just Stay Home

 Just Stay Home
 Written by,  Sharleen Cainer, BSW RSW
One of the interesting things about the lockdown on this pandemic is that large corporations, Enbridge, Bell, Summit Energy, just to name a few, are having a spectacular difficulty understanding the crux of the matter, which is we are supposed to stay home.
I saw the Premier of Ontario hollering at the constituents just on the national TV stations, "Just Stay Home." He then reiterated for those who were confused, "There should be no confusion, just stay home." Then like an irritated authoritarian, he stomped off, probably muttering God-damn-it under his breath.  So along comes my Bell account, which is in the process of being cancelled. It is impossible to get this right on the 1st attempt. Apparently knowing your account number, your name, the round about amount you paid, on the last bill and the approximate day you executed this action is not enough to clear your own security. The customer service person in his sing-song voice happily resolved the situation by issuing me a directive to attend the Bell store in the shopping mall. Two things crossed my mind immediately. Is the Mall not closed? Are we no longer on lock down? So, I said. "Sir, with all due respect I am wondering if you are aware, there is a pandemic, and with this pandemic Ontario is on lock-down and I believe the Mall is closed." I was incredibly happy to hear that he had heard about all this, but he insisted I must leave my home to bring a resolution to this matter. I reiterated that the mall was closed. Before the gentleman gave me an alternative address, in an attempt to reiterate the seriousness of the situation, I informed him that a woman here was fined over $800.00 because she left her house with her children with the intention to leave them at her father-in-law's home for babysitting. I had no response from the customer service person on that comment. In an attempt to ignore my comment, he confused the name of a street with the name of a mall, as he was trying to tell me there was no street number for the street name he was mistakenly providing while still trying to send me out into the wilds of a lockdown. Once that confusion was cleared, and he stopped shouting, he provided me with the phone number of the store front. I asked the customer service man if there was an alternative to going in person to close this account as I am a senior citizen with a respiratory condition. I had the distinct feeling that his English vocabulary did not provide him with a clear understanding of the sentiment I was bringing forward. I gave up, and I called the number he provided. It was the wrong phone number.  After locating the correct number and calling the store, I was informed that they would not be receiving the equipment I was sent to drop off to them, because apparently they do not do that sort of thing at that particular store. She then in a somewhat condescending tone informed me there were certain restrictions because we are in a lockdown-and-you-should-know-that-madam kind of tone.  One may only visit the store by appointment. I thanked her very much and I then called Bell again. With another run a round, similar to the ones I had experienced on previous occasions, I managed to land in an office where someone agreed to disconnect my account. However, it was not to be disconnected until Bell Canada received payment from the bank and I was informed for about 1 millionth time that the bank can take 5 business days to send them bill payments. If I wanted to expediate the process, I could go into a Bell store. I declined the offer. This whole event was in fact a two-day process.
This is how so many people in Ontario are so confused about why they must stay home.  Small businesses are going out of business. Doors are closing daily. Others are fighting for their lives. Small businesses are being fined into oblivion but corporations such as Bell believe they are above reprisal, and the rules do not apply to them. Bell Canada directs people to go shopping, while the country issues a state of emergency, because the corporate reality is that something like the state of an emergency it has nothing to do with them, and that they may press anyone they wish into servitude, with punitive fines should their lone customer not comply. How many people has Bell Canada sent out into the community this last month, despite the directive from the Premier to stay home? Was Bell Canada fined for their complicity? Not bloody likely.  So many people are having to give up so much, can Bell Canada just please be creative and help out a little?  Bell Canada  continues to make a spectacular profit. Wouldn't it be fantastic if Bell and other large corporations pooled some resources and helped keep Canadians alive?  Bell Canada is not the only guilty corporation. There are many. Bell is just the only corporation I delt with this week.
We all want the numbers to drop. We all want to get off lock down. We all need to pull the weight. That includes the major players in the economy. So many small businesses are gone now. Those businesses were owned by someone. Those someones are now unable to pay their bills. Those someones, have now joined the downward spiral to an unwanted personal experience. There are many pathways that intersect and create the roads that lead to loss and homelessness.

Keystone XL and Covid-19

 Keystone XL and Covid-19

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East

   As the pandemic continues to rage with ferocity and our vaccine supply flutters in limbo, the economic picture of the country is becoming bleaker.
When the new President of the United States cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline project within hours of taking office, he put a big question mark over Alberta's economic recovery. The Premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, became understandably upset because his government had invested quite a lot of money in this project.
Conversely Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed only a mild reaction to the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline project, saying that he was "disappointed" at President Biden's action.
That was a fairly tepid reaction to losing an infrastructure project billed as a job-generator and an essential prop for a struggling Canadian energy sector.
But Trudeau doesn't really have an incentive to take on the Biden administration over Keystone because economic and environmental arguments for and against the project notwithstanding there simply isn't much of a political case for fighting for it any longer.
With the NDP and the Greens jubilant over the news of the cancelation, and the liberals needing their support in securing a majority in the upcoming election, we will not see too much political action from the liberal government to fight for the Keystone pipeline project.
So here we are. Alberta, once a well-heeled province that contributed immensely to the federal coffers, has apparently been abandoned by the federal liberal government to have-not status. We will certainly see future repercussions from this issue.
With the Parliament of Canada resuming its session we can expect to see the old rhetoric with nothing changed from the previous one.
As the lockdown in various provinces of Canada continues, it has emerged that there will be a slow down in the deliveries of Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer, an European Manufacturer.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said last week that he spoke earlier in the day with the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and "was reassured to hear that the transparency measures taken by Europe will not affect Pfizer and Moderna deliveries to Canada."
These assurances did not please the provinces, however, especially Ontario, which are in charge of administering the vaccine.
In the meantime Pfizer and BioNTech will cut back on the number of vials of COVID-19 vaccine they send to Canada this year if the federal health regulator agrees to change the vaccine label to say every vial contains six doses instead of five.
Medical professionals in the United States were first to discover in December that they could get six doses from each vial by using smaller syringes or special ones that trap less vaccine around the needle after an injection.
Initially heralded as a way to stretch the precious vaccine even further, the company stepped in to note its contracts are for doses, not vials: If a recipient can get six doses instead of five, then Pfizer and BioNTech can ship fewer vials and still fulfil their contractual obligation.
Pfizer pushed the U.S. and Europe to change the label information on the number of doses per vial and both did so in early January. Last week, Pfizer asked Canada to follow suit, and Health Canada's vaccine regulatory team is now considering the request.
"The final decision on the label update will reside with Health Canada," said Pfizer Canada spokeswoman Christina Antoniou.
If Canada agrees to the change, Canada's 40 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine will be shipped in about 6.7 million vials. Antoniou said if Canada does not, then the existing deliveries will continue based on five doses per vial, for a total of eight million vials.
"We will supply to Canada in line with our supply agreement and the label valid in the country," she said.
Health Canada told medical professionals they could use sixth doses if they can get them from single vials, but advised against taking partial doses from multiple vials to make one dose due to the risk of cross-contamination. However, to get six doses from a vial you need special syringes, of which there is a shortage.
Getting that extra dose requires the use of smaller syringes that allow less vaccine to go to waste with each injection. The best version is called a low-dead-volume syringe, which leaves less room for vaccine to get trapped in the needle and syringe after the plunger is pushed in all the way.
Those syringes are not as common as the three- and five-millilitre syringes commonly used in Canada's vaccine campaign now, and the smaller ones have become the latest hot commodity of COVID-19.
Public Services and Procurement Canada tendered contracts last year for 145 million syringes, 95 million of which are of the three- or five-millilitre variety.
There are 50 million one-millilitre syringes on order, including 37.5 million low-dead-volume versions.
The department wouldn't say how many syringes of each type have arrived in Canada. A tender for one-millilitre syringes issued in October set a deadline for the first 15 million to be delivered at the end of this month and the rest by the end of March.
But whatever contract was awarded, the terms have not been made public, including who the supplier is, how much it is worth, or when the supplies will be delivered.
So with these technical issues on the roll, let us hope the vaccination campaign will go on with speed. Let's hope for the best.
Another issue rising on the horizon in the background of the pandemic, is the censorship of free speech practised by the big IT companies Google, Twitter, Facebook and more, under the excuse of containing hate speech. This is concerning and adds to the already difficult societal issues we are experiencing, but more about this in a future article.
For the moment stay safe and hope for the best. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

IT SMELLS LIKE CIA U.S. coup d'état - Ala Carte

U.S. coup d'état - Ala Carte
By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

 In this age of high tech highways, gadgets and the likes.  It has become real easy to keep the population at large ignorant of the facts.   Today population control has never been easier as the new technology has not only made it easier to track, monitor and influence the population at large like never before.   From your smart phones tracking/listening/habit monitoring computer servers to the manipulation of the digital media.   We the people are victims of our own ignorance.   Can one speculate that the 2020 elections is a corporate/high tech/CIA covert operation as part of the largest ‘GLOBAL RESET’.   At a reset that will benefit corporations.  Give them the power to make unlimited wealth and control governments at will?
AS PER WIKIPEDIA DEFINITION:   (CIA) United States involvement in regime change describes actions taken by the United States government, both overt and covert, to alter, replace, or preserve foreign governments. In the latter half of the 19th century, the U.S. government initiated actions for regime change mainly in Latin America and the southwest Pacific, including the Spanish–American and Philippine–American wars. At the onset of the 20th century, the United States shaped or installed governments in many countries around the world. Look at what happened in the Ukraine for example:   Ukraine was a playbook CIA coup d'état
The very first act of the western-backed insurrectionists which represent a small percentage of the population and have managed to overthrow the government was to attempt rob Russian speakers in Ukraine of their language.   In reference to the U.S.  Could it be assumed that the democratic party is that small percentage of the population?   Could a covert coup d’etat happened in America?  Can big tech have monitored as they are doing now.  Controlled peoples votes?   Has the CIA been compromised and be working for profit for global corporations including FB, Twitter’s of the world?
Look at what happened in On Aug. 19, 2013, the CIA publicly admitted for the first time its involvement in the 1953 coup against Iran's elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh.
The documents provided details of the CIA's plan at the time, which was led by senior officer Kermit Roosevelt Jr., the grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. Over the course of four days in August 1953, Roosevelt would orchestrate not one, but two attempts to destabilize the government of Iran, forever changing the relationship between the country and the U.S.
Mohammad Mossadegh (COMPARED TO MODERN DAY TRUMP) was a beloved figure in Iran. During his tenure, he introduced a range of social and economic policies, the most significant being the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry. Great Britain had controlled Iran's oil for decades through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. After months of talks the prime minister broke off negotiations and denied the British any further involvement in Iran's oil industry. Britain then appealed to the United States for help, which eventually led the CIA to orchestrate the overthrow of Mossadegh and restore power to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. August 19, 1953: Massive protests broke out across Iran, leaving almost 300 dead in firefights in the streets of Tehran. Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh was soon overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the CIA and British intelligence. The Shah was reinstalled as Iran's leader. According to Stephen Kinzer, author of the book All the Shah's Men, Roosevelt quickly seized control of the Iranian press by buying them off with bribes and circulating anti-Mossadegh propaganda. He recruited allies among the Islamic clergy, and he convinced the shah that Mossadegh was a threat. The last step entailed a dramatic attempt to apprehend Mossadegh at his house in the middle of the night. But the coup failed. Mossadegh learned of it and fought back. The next morning, he announced victory over the radio.  Impeachment proceeding, the onslaught of CNN type broadcast denouncing Trump.  In Iran they used Islamic clergy.  In the U.S. they are using Congress and the Senate.  Could this be happening in American soil by our own Intelligence Agency?   Has the CIA been compromised and working in the best interest of the highest bidder?   After all.  Trump in his tough stand on many issues has brought upon himself many that envy his ways of enduring all challenges.   This self made dynamo has turned the political arena upside down and accomplished many feats that other presidents only dreamt.    From his oil and gas changes to the wall.  His tough stand on many items that others never dared take on have made Trump a target of controversy and embarrassment as how Trump could accomplish so much in so little time.     As you look at the bigger picture and ask yourself... how in the world did a careered ‘YES MAN’ like Biden ever win 2020 election.   As you hear Biden speak.... You can’t but shake your head at asking the obvious.... what went wrong.     Nothing but the possible use of the CIA playbook. After all to over throw a government or regime who else would you call?  Who else has the experience to operate covertly.
Who are you going to call with more experience in coup d'état?
No other than the CIA.  Here are the CIA world accomplishments:   
1800s: 1805: Tripolitania. 1846–1848 Annexation of Texas and invasion of California. 1865–1867: Mexico. 1887–1912: U.S. Empire, Expansionism, and the Roosevelt Administration. 1887–1889: Samoa. 1893: Kingdom of Hawaii. 1903: Panama. 1903–1925: Honduras. 1906–1909: Cuba. 1909–1910: Nicaragua
1900s:  1917–1920: Austria-Hungary. 1918–1920: Russia. 1941–1945: World War II and the aftermath. 1941: Panama. 1941–1952: Japan. 1941–1949: Germany. 1944–1946: France. 1944–1945: Belgium. 1944–1945: Netherlands. 1944–1945: Philippines. 1945–1955: Austria. 1945–1991: The Cold War. 1945–1948: South Korea. 1945–1949: China. 1947–1949: Greece. 1948: Costa Rica. 1949–1953: Albania. 1949: Syria. 1950s. 1950-1953: Burma and China. 1950–1953: Korea. 1952: Egypt. 1952–1953: Iran. 1953–1958: Cuba. 1953: Philippines. 1954: Guatemala. 1954: Paraguay. 1956–1957: Syria. 1957–1959: Indonesia. 1958: Lebanon. 1959–1963: South Vietnam. 1959: Iraq. 1959–2000: Cuba. 1960–1965: Congo-Leopoldville. 1960: Laos. 1961: Dominican Republic.  1987: Burkina Faso. 1989–1994: Panama. 1991: Iraq. 1991: Haiti. 1992–1996: Iraq. 1994–1995: Haiti. 1996–1997: Zaire. 1997–1998: Indonesia. 2000: Yugoslavia. 2002: Venezuela. 2003–2011: Iraq. 2006–2007: Palestinian territories. 2006–present: Syria. 2007: Iran. 2009: Honduras. 2011: Libya. 2015–present: Yemen. 2019–present: Venezuela.
From this list.  The United States seems to be the only one not included.   The question will it soon be. This to me is troubling to think that the CIA has sold out to the highest bidder.  Under mining the president in order to over throw the United States.
All the markers are there.   If you follow the CIA playbook.  It is as if it follows all protocol.   Has the global reset begun and we the people are being led to catastrophic future.    Not to seem bias... but I would have respected Hilary running against Trump.   Biden in my opinion lacks the mental integrity to hold office.  He has been a ‘YES MAN’ for over 40 years and he has difficulties public speaking?   Is he just a puppet the CIA and supporters picked in order fully control the U.S. government?   Could this actually be a  foreign government initiative utilizing key people at the CIA to accomplish the weakening of the U.S. across the globe?    We await with anticipation January 20th,2020.  We await with even more anticipation the outcome of this very dangerous time in America.   What is your take?

Canada under siege


Canada under siege
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
   As the Coronavirus pandemic ravages the country, Canada's political leaders gesticulate wildly, taking erratic measures of their own accord in desperate attempts to confine the spread of the disease.

The two most populous provinces, Ontario and Quebec, have declared states of emergency and respective curfews, introducing drastic limitations to personal movement, hoping that these measures will stop the pandemic.

The arrival of a COVID-19 vaccine in Canada was the first truly good news since the pandemic began nearly a year ago. But it was also a false dawn.

That small glimmer of hope may have obscured the daunting challenge and the profound personal suffering that still stand between us and a new day.

So while the new year started with several days of fussing over how fast vaccine doses are being distributed, the announcement of new epidemiological modelling and new restrictions on businesses and individuals in Ontario and Quebec should remind us that this pandemic is not yet under control and will not pass easily according to the predictions of various medical advisors.

The recent dialog between federal and provincial governments over vaccination began when a concern was raised about the seemingly sluggish pace at which provinces were injecting the vaccine doses that the federal government had distributed. In Ontario, for example, most vaccinations paused for three days around Christmas.

So we are again subjected to political spin around the pandemic instead of action in the best interest of the nation.

After picking up the pace of vaccinations, several premiers are now insisting that the problem might soon become one of supply. "We're all hopeful the federal government will get us more vaccines," Ontario Premier Doug Ford said last week. "Without them, hospitals will have to start cancelling appointments and all the progress we've made getting our daily vaccine numbers up will be lost."

Premier Jason Kenney of Alberta said that his government was exploring the possibility of purchasing its own vaccine supply from manufacturers that currently don't have a deal with the federal government. "I want to be clear, this is not a blame game," Kenney said - before suggesting that blame might ultimately be directed at the federal government. "But we're just saying that Alberta's health system has stepped up in a big way here and we need more doses, bottom line, it's very simple."

The federal Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc replied to these concerns that it was a "bit simplistic" for provinces to claim that they were in danger of "running out" of vaccine doses.

If there is a faster way for Canada to acquire 37 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, no one has explained it yet at the federal level. Also no one should have been under the illusion that vaccinating the entire population would happen quickly. However, there is certainly pressure on the Trudeau government to show that it is at least holding its own in the global vaccination race. The federal government is forecasting that vaccine shipments will continue to increase on a weekly basis through February and it continues to insist that a sufficient number of doses to cover every last Canadian should be available by September.

As we stand today on both a per-capita basis and in terms of total vaccinations, Canada ranks tenth among the world's 193 countries. Among the G7 nations, Canada's rate of inoculation is fourth - behind the United States, the United Kingdom and Italy, but ahead of Germany and France. (Japan has not yet started to vaccinate its citizens.)

Even though vaccines now available and on their way to citizens, the Covid -19 numbers are still on the increase. So here we see some wavering among politicians. They don't really know what to do.  It seems they are unable to combine medical advice and common sense.

We citizens must do our share to contain the pandemic and our political leaders must do reasonable things. We need to avoid unnecessary meetings with other people, wear masks when social distancing is not possible and stay home as much as possible.

Coercive measures promoted by governments might well be counterproductive.  Instead, they should concentrate on assuring testing, contact tracing, case management, monitoring self-isolation and quarantine, supporting people to stay home, and effective communication in multiple languages and across multiple platforms for the purpose of advising people of the best practices to contain the spread of the virus.

If we focus exclusively on vaccination over the next few weeks, there's no doubt that thousands of Canadians will die unnecessarily.

The rate of infection in Canada's largest province is already far above what it was last spring. The curve has yet to flatten and the question looming over the Ford government is whether it should have moved faster and further to restrict unnecessary activity.

According to new projections, Ontario's daily case count could reach 10,000 by mid-February if the current rate of spread continues. A new and more contagious variants of COVID-19 is now on the rise. And while so much attention was being paid to the arrival of vaccines, another 198 residents of long-term care facilities and two staff members have already died this year in Ontario - months after Ford's government vowed to build an "iron ring" around such facilities.

Other provinces might take comfort in the fact that their second waves have been less dire, but surely no government can assume that the weeks and months ahead won't be difficult.

Nearly a year later, in the Covid-19 pandemic, political leaders are contending with much more public fatigue and impatience and should be careful to make fewer mistakes. Since the existence of a vaccine might help consolidate the public's resolve to accept some new restrictions, political leaders might give more thought to balancing concerns over public health and the economy.

The ultimate goal here isn't just to ensure that every Canadian gets the vaccine, it is to ensure that as many Canadians as possible are still alive to receive the shot.

Be safe!

Love's Beggar

 Love's Beggar
Q I am 20. Five months ago I started dating a coworker, 29. We work in separate departments, so we are not on top of each other every day. When we started dating, I told him I was looking for a relationship. He said he had just gotten out of a two year relationship four months before.
     We talk on the phone every day and see each other at least twice a week.  I thought we were on our way to making it official as a couple—at least until two days ago.  That’s when he confessed this new girl at work wants to get back together with him.  That was a shocker.
     Before we started dating he dated her for a month, but she broke it off because he was moving too fast.  Now he says he is stuck in the middle because he has feelings for both of us and doesn’t want to hurt either of us.  I told him he was too late because he is already hurting me by leaving me to get together with her.  I said I was beginning to fall in love with him, which is true, and if he cared as much as he said he did, he would stay with me.  Well, he told me he wanted to be with me and he would tell her his decision.  And he did. Problem solved, right?  Wrong!  While I was on the phone with him, she shows up at his house, and they have a long talk.  He tells me she said he is confused, and now he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore because he’s stuck in the middle of a situation he doesn’t want to be in. I hurt so much when I realize I could lose him, because I have strong feelings for him.  I want to be with him, and I already told him how I feel.  What else am I to do? Shauna
A Shauna, some stories stick with us because they condense a truth in an unforgettable way. For us, one such story was a news item about a pilot guiding a large ship into port. When the ship collided with the pillar of a bridge, gravely damaging both the bridge and the vessel, the first words out of the pilot’s mouth were, “Don’t tell anybody.” People aren’t honest naturally.  We are animalistic.  Our self-preservation mechanism is still so strong that a lie is the first thing which tries to come to our lips.  Only our good character can stop it. Your boyfriend is weak and a coward.  When you jumped up and down, arguing with him, he didn’t have the courage to say he doesn’t want to be with you.  Instead, he threw his hands in the air and said, “I’m confused.”  But he doesn’t love you.  He can’t explain why he doesn’t, he just doesn’t.
No man can tell any woman exactly why he loves her.  Love is an unmeasured quality, beyond factors and reasons.  With a man who cares about you, you don’t have to beg.  But when you beg, you know for sure you are not loved.  Arguing will not change that.
You think you have to make this relationship work because you are hungry for love.  That is the first misstep in falling down a long staircase.  When you find yourself tripping on the first step, you must grab the rail so you don’t fall all the way down the stairs. What railing are we talking about?  The railing of reality.  Grab hold of reality and say I’ve dated him five months, I told him how I feel, he doesn’t love me, and I’m not going to beg any man to be with me.
Treat yourself as a person of value.  Prize yourself, as the one who loves you will prize you.  You need to be some man’s first choice, his right choice.
Wayne & Tamara       Email us at

Questions About the Ketogenic Diet

Questions About the Ketogenic Diet
 W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones

What is a ketogenic diet? How does it differ and is it more effective than other diets?  Apart from the hype surrounding this diet, what are the medical concerns about it?
Recent marketing of the ketogenic diet suggests it’s a new one. But a report from the University of California says it’s been used for years to treat medical problems such as epilepsy in children.
But what is it about the ketogenic diet that causes weight loss? A major factor is that it’s low in carbohydrates and high in fats.

Blood sugar (glucose) is normally the body’s main source of energy. But when blood sugar is diminished by eating less carbohydrates, the body is unable to maintain needed levels. To compensate, the body must start burning fat for energy. It also obtains more energy by converting some amino acids from protein in foods. And if this does not suffice, it gets energy from muscles.

The breakdown of fat, and to a lesser extent, protein, creates a condition called “ketosis” which is also used for energy. Hopefully none of us will ever be in a situation where we’re starving. But if that happens, we develop ketosis. It also occurs in uncontrolled diabetes.

Ketosis starts within a few days after carbohydrates are decreased to between 20 and 50 grams a day. This is not much carbohydrate, as two one-ounce slices of bread contain 28 grams of carbs!

How does a ketogenic diet compare with a normal diet? The average North American gets 50-55% of energy from carbohydrates, 30-35% from fats, and 15-20% from protein. The ketogenic diet obtains 5-10% from carbohydrates, 70-75% from fats, and 20% from protein.

A ketogenic diet contains full-fat dairy, eggs, fish, poultry, meat, nuts, non-starchy vegetables and butter. You are allowed to eat as many of these foods until you are full. It eliminates starchy vegetables, most fruits, grains, and sweets.

The British Journal of Nutrition analyzed 13 diet studies and reported that most, but not all, found that patients on a ketogenic diet lost more weight than those on other diets. They also ended up with lower blood pressure and blood triglycerides. And it helped those with type 2 diabetes. The negative of this diet is that it also increases bad cholesterol because of its high content of saturated fat.

Another negative is that the low carbohydrate content makes it hard for people to stick to it. Also, by eliminating most fruits, many vegetables, whole grains, and fiber, constipation is more likely to be a problem. Moreover, it removes ingredients essential for good health. No one should start a ketogenic diet without the help of your trusted family doctor.

It’s unfortunate that most diets wouldn’t be needed if people would follow a sound lifestyle. The first error is not having a bathroom scale that you step on every day. Scales tell it the way it is. Focus on losing any gained weight the same day the scale reports an increase.

This means saying no to high calorie desserts, eating smaller portions on smaller plates, and declining any offered second portions. Healthy weight loss also means an increase in daily exercise. Loss of excess weight and common-sense healthy living significantly reduces the risks associated with the epidemics of obesity, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes. A sustained commitment can add years of longevity.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Republican rats & Trump flee sinking ship of state! They Exit Stage Left!


Republican rats & Trump flee sinking ship of state!
They Exit Stage Left!
Larry Klayman says nothing short of revolution will return nation to We the People
By Larry Klayman
Last Wednesday, Americans rose up because they could not take it anymore, and entered the Capitol Building, to try to take control of their own so-called government, which had abandoned them with lies and deceit and subverted our democracy with fraudulent November 3, 2020 elections, both presidential and otherwise. Sure, there probably were a few non-representative Antifa infiltrators in the masses, but not even these persons committed any major crimes by simply breaking a few windows. The patriots who then chose to sit at the desk of the evil and vile Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, did no harm and indeed that desk does not belong to Pelosi but to We the People. Not a hair on the head of any senator or congressman, who fled to hide in the bunker like political cockroaches, was assaulted. To the contrary a brave female military veteran protestor was shot and assassinated at point blank range, by a Capitol security guard.
The people rose up in defiance as our greatest of Founding Fathers and presidents, Thomas Jefferson, predicted they someday would, because they finally came to fully understand that they had been left defenseless to government tyranny by a totally corrupt legislature, evil Deep State in the executive branch, and worse of all a federal judiciary who had just crowned, through their dishonest rulings, the nation’s new king, one Joe Biden, the Manchurian candidate and now anointed head of state.
Biden, who through money laundering with his son, had accepted billions of dollars of bribes from the same Communist Chinese who, if they had been in charge last Wednesday in the nation’s capital, would have, as occurred with its Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, murdered the Capitol protesters. Between April 15, 1989 and June 5, 1989, these butchers of Beijing, who now literally own the incoming President of the United States, slaughtered in cold blood over 10,000 peaceful protesters who, while carrying a re-creation of our Statue of Liberty, were speaking their peace about the Communist Chinese dictatorship which had enslaved them.
Incredibly but to be expected, cable media in particular from all quarters, Fox News, CNN aka the “Communist News Network,” and MSNBC raced to call this protest an undemocratic insurrection and riot, widely condemning their provoked actions. Fox News, which had in its early years been seen as the network for conservatives, people of faith and the masses who believe in the creation of our Founding Fathers, readily jumped on the leftist media bandwagon, fearing that it would be blamed for inciting what the socialists and communists were calling this attempted coup d’etat. Next in line were former criminally minded, incompetent, and/or clueless former presidents – all part of their elite “presidents club” – from Jimmy Carter, to Bill Clinton, to George W. Bush, to Barack Hussein Obama.
Seeing all of this, the Republican establishment, which at first was attempting to pull off a phony dog and pony show in the Senate by “doth protesting too much” the fraudulent elections – simply to take the monkey off of their cowardly backs – followed suit. Trump White House officials and cabinet secretaries jumped the Trumpian ship, fleeing like the rats who they are. Most notable, and ironically, was Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, not coincidentally the wife of outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (who has just thrown Trump under the bus in a disgusting speech on the Senate Floor). Chao, whose family is tight with the butchers of Beijing, as my then Judicial Watch uncovered in the late 1990’s, had during the Clinton years laundered money from the commies, through Chinese spy John Huang, into her husband Mitch’s coffers, although a mere pittance compared with criminal Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
A short while later, the Wall Street Journal, owned by the owners of Fox News, the Murdoch family, demanded that Trump resign the presidency.
If this situation were not so tragic, perhaps one could have found some humor in these the Keystone Cops, by cutting and running under pressure from the left, particularly Fox News and the Murdochs who had profited handsomely from the Trump presidency. But wait, just hours later, President Trump himself joined the mass exodus, now to try to save his own skin from being removed as “insane” under the 25th Amendment by his own Vice President Mike Pence, the American equivalent of Brutus in the Roman Senate who had stabbed Julius Caesar in the back, and/or impeached by a Democrat House of Representatives. Trump then jumped ship himself, conceding the election to the Manchurian candidate, and branding the protestors criminals for having committed a “heinous” act, promising that they all would be prosecuted.
And, so as not to hang around for the inauguration of our new compromised and corrupt leader, leaks from the White House suggested that The Donald would instead hop Airforce One on January 19, 2021 and flee to Scotland, where he could seek asylum to golf at his own course. But cutting this apparent plan short, the Scottish government said that it would not allow Trump on its shores, citing the phony excuse of Covid-19 quarantines as a pretext.
So there you have it, not just Fox News, but its Republican minions who were showcased on this network, including the president himself, a man who had billed himself for years as a person of courage, fled the sinking ship of state like rats, condemning Americans who, after they could not stomach more government tyranny and corruption any longer, simply chose to occupy for a short while the Capitol Building that belongs to We the People.
If this cowardice had been exhibited in the years, months and days leading up to July 4, 1776, and the over two centuries which followed, we would not even had the broken and tattered republic that today we must reclaim with all due speed.
A few of’s “readers,” probably leftist trolls, have criticized me for pushing my new book on and, “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!” This is unfair as the reason that I wrote this work, the culmination of 43 years as a public advocate fighting the corrupt government and legal system, is because the American people need urgently to be educated, emboldened and have a real roadmap and plan to wage a new American revolution, peacefully and legally, before all is lost.
With the events of the last week, the citizenry is now totally on its own, with only the Father and his Son in our camp. But with Divine Providence, as our Founding Fathers proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence, We the People, risking our lives, fortunes and pledging our sacred honor, must now rise up, forget the Republican cowards and so-called conservative media who just jumped ship, and save the greatest country ever known to mankind!
So help us God!