Saturday, February 17, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.
   Please someone pinch me and awaken me from this horrible Canadian politics nightmare.   We have lowered our standards so much that we might as well vote for either COKE or PEPSI to lead us.   At the least these corporations have global leadership in their ranks and are profit driven.
I say this because, in Canada it appears that we are bankrupt when it comes to true red blooded leaders.   No matter where you look.  Greed and the usual me first mentality prevails.   The good old boys club is even corrupt to the point that it is not a good old boys club.    The code of honor and decency has been compromised.   In today’s good old boys club it is all about kissing ass in hope to  be pushed up the feeding chain. This is predominant in all political parties.   It is not about doing what is best for the country.  It is not about doing what is best for the people of the Country.   It is all about looking good in the eyes of a phantom perception of democracy, freedom and rights.
We lack anyone taking back what is great about this nation.   That being our people.  The hard working folk that all they want is to make a living and raise a family.   These folks are used as peons in a game of political/social chess.   Their values and priorities are constantly on a rollercoaster of popular opinion. For all that people like to say about TRUMP.  He has put his foot down and he has clearly shown he has the character to turn a nation around.   Don’t give me the bleeding heart crap.  Name one politician that was perfect?  Name one politician that did not have a controversy.
Then stop the bitching and lets learn from our friends to the south.   During the last election, the liberals had no one that stood a chance.  Who ever the liberal strategist is.. my hat off to you... as you truly revived in a sublime way old Pierre’s salute to the nation by coming up with the formula to pull the carpet from underneath all voters by bringing into the spot light the Trudeau name again.   The name raised from the death of the Liberal party to once again reign supreme with an individual that if his last name had been Smith.  Would not qualify to greet you at the local Walmart.
Look at what is taking place among the Conservatives.   Another dieying horse with no real agenda nor leader.   Come on quick who can name the leader of the Conservative party without having to think about it?   Ok so you got that one on two thoughts a burp, and a fart and a personalize rude message to the Gods.  Tell me what is the Conservative party agenda?  Forget about the burp and the fart... for this one you require a playboy and have eaten alot of Taco Bell.  In my opinion they do not have a platform.  I say this because.  You talk to any of the so called delegates and they all point a different direction.  Is this unity and leadership.  Please. Now not to forget the NDP.   They are stirring the pot of delusion and attempting to create a concoction from the Liberals ‘WE WELCOME ANYONE TO CANADA’ platform and a m ix of the conservatives, ‘WE THINK WE CAN, WE THINK WE CAN’. mentality...
So what is their end product.  A visible minority that by his presentation and his demeanor clearly has the  best interest of his racial profile people.   One thing about Obama.  He was American first.  Afro American second.     With the NDP’s Singh.  He is Indian first and Canadian second.
Don’t get me wrong this is not being prejudice.   This is calling a spade a spade.  Why is it that if you walk into their environment you should not offend and show respect.  Yet, the man that is supposed to represent all Canadians lacks the decency to show respect for those that do not support foreign culture being forced to be accepted.  Mutliculturalism is one thing.  But force acceptance of a foreign culture is prejudice in itself.   So no matter if you vote COKE or PEPSI. Once that seal is broken.   It is all cola to me.  Let’s turn politics corporate

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