Saturday, February 24, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   Much like Trump.  Our Prime Minister takes his share of ridicule and insult.  I guess that comes with the job.   As an educated voter we must look beyond the discontent of the people and judge him on his achievement and on merit.
I am sure the position of Prime Minister has it’s unknowns and for someone of the stature of Justin Trudeau one has to wonder how many time he has to push that ceiling of intellectual aptitude.  On the surface he is a text book Liberal.  Going around championing the people and their rights and freedoms.  I praise him for that.   He has taken the role of championing causes.  Causes that at times may end up not in favor of all Canadian but a selected group.
After all if Justin last name had been SMITH.  Would the people of Canada had voted him in on his intellect and or credentials?   Personally I think Justin is a breath of fresh air to Canadian politics as he is clearly a candidate from outside the political norm.   I just wished he would embrace this opportunity to truly use his power to benefit all Canadians.  His father was a Canadian political icon.  I think that Justin will be in office for a long time coming and he should rethink his social priorities as average Canadian need  him to champion them before any other.
They say that with power comes responsibility.  With power comes commitment and understanding that there can’t be no hidden agenda other then that of serving the people you represent. In Canadian politics we have seen time and time again that it is not the case.  It appears that in Canada power corrupts.  That leadership is a group effort.  A communal committed of sort that looks for their self preservation first and the interest of the people at large second.
Look at the recent trip our PM took to India.   Like really, a  trade trip?   You got to be kidding me?  What could we possibly trade with India?  As it stand many of our Canadian based corporations are taking our jobs to India, due to the lower wages and less regulations pertaining to labor laws.
It has been posted that India to Canada trade will be in the realm of 250million.  Canada to India $750million.   Is this good trade for Canada?
The PM has been quoted this past week as wanting to give back to Canada’s native community.   He feels that it is Canadians fault that their living conditions are what they are.   Now don’t get me wrong.  I know that there are problems within the native community.  You do not have to be a sociologist to figure that out.    But you need to have some sort of comprehension that passing the buck is not the answer.
Giving up wealth or money to the native community is not the answer.   The native community  pointing fingers and blaming is far from the answer also.
I believe that we as Canadian people can’t feel guilt for what history has dealt the world.  We should not be made as anything is owed to anyone.  I think what we need to do when looking at the native situation is invest more resources so that those in remote and no to remotest part of Canada have access to the basic necessities.  Hell, we fly supplies to foreign lands to assist  people we have no association with in times of civil war.  So why not put aside resources to assure that all Canadians have access.  As for the land rights and sovereignty.... the right to self govern.   It is Canada. One country under one flag.   Our strength is our unity.  Much like Quebec.  Native Canadians have no justification as Canadians to want to divide a country.  If so then is that not anti patriotic and deemed an enemy of the state?
We need to make Canada what it was and what it is.  Our PM has to be recognized for wanting to be the people’s champion.  In the same breath.  You have to appreciate the PM limited understanding and his bleeding liberal heart.
To surrender out of passion to a particular cause is not rational as passion is an emotion that sways rationality. In my opinion Canada is broken.  We as a population are emotionally bankrupt.  We have lowered our standards so low that we accept anything and anyone's cry.    For example.  The fact that our PM is considering changing parts of our Canadian government to be more inclusive of our native Canadians will only open the doors for other slowly growing groups in Canada to want the same privileges and rights.   If we set the precedent and allow a people to have special priviledges over others.  Are we not being counterproductive to the betterment of all.  Is that not prejudice in it’s own right?
History is just that.  A book of lessons that we should all learn from.  It is not as book of possible wrong to be made right.  It is a book to learn from.
Imagine for a moment....  We are 35 million strong.  Imagine if the government issued a 1 million dollar cheque to every Canadian every five years.   You may say... are you crazy Joe?
Well, maybe but that is for a different column.  Think of the boost it will give the Canadian economy.   Think of the boost it will give to the quality of life for all.    Think of the millions we waste on foreign aid.  Think of the millions we waste on all kinds of project that benefit others in the world.  WOULD IT NOT MAKE SENSE TO INVEST IN OUR PEOPLE?
Why can’t this happen?   Well, it is because thinking outside the box is something that needs some understanding of the fundamentals of the human mind.   Power and Politics are blinding factors that intoxicate our minds with causes and not solutions to real problems.  As it stands in Canadian politics it is a constant race to assure votes and to keep those that scream the loudest happy.  Is this our Canada.  Should our PM be chasing causes and in the process slowly eroding what made this country great?  It is not about Liberals, Conservatives or NDP as they all have the same symptoms of incompetency.  I say this because they are all in self preservation mode.  They are all wrapped on political satire and are far from interested in caring about the little guy.  The modern day slave that works 14hr days or the guy that has two or three jobs and has problems paying his/her bills.   The guy that is in a rut job and has no way out or possibly light at the end of  his tunnel... or even the pigeon holders... those that sit on a hefty wage but are limited by the anchor of commitment to a job that may not be there for eternity.
In my Canada no one goes without.  In my Canada, we take care of all our people.  In my Canada we stand united.  In my Canada everyone count.  Canada is broken. Let’s fix it.

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