The other day I was asked... Are you running for mayor this election?
The only candidate so far is Dan Carter. Dan Carter represents everything the establishment stand for.
Mr. Carter is the classic ‘YES MAN’ with an ability to go about making it look like he is doing a thousand things when in reality he is just afloat.
I posed a question to him on social media. I asked. What has he done for the people of Oshawa in his term in office? He has yet to give me an answer that is not a bunch of pie in the sky rainbow and unicorns.
One thing I must give him credit for is the 3% property tax increase that we are all burdening. He sat on his hands and did nothing to oppose it. He must be given praise for also sitting back and doing nothing to pressure GM to bring more jobs to Oshawa. Instead he jumped on the band wagon with Mayor Henry and ran around praising Costcos for bringing minimum wage jobs to Oshawa. While the downtown core is forgotten.
I know one thing... that if I was to run. I would run to improve the way the City of Oshawa does business.
Take for example. Events come and go and no one at the City informs any of the local media.
One would think that would be priority one. The City of Oshawa without the knowledge of tax payers keeps spending with little or no regret money they do not have. On new equipment, consultants and much more.
Did you know that the City of Oshawa owes the region close to 200 million dollars...
What is Carter planning on doing about that... the same thing he did as a councillor!!! NOTHING.
I know that if I was to be your new mayor. I would make sure that GM bring back the jobs we have lost over the years. I would work hard with GM the province and the federal government, not to mention the union to bring back the jobs lost.
I would assure that we develop our harbor. That we finally take our harbor front back and turn it into a major tourist attraction. That we put in there a world class marina and all at no cost to the taxpayers. It can be done... It is being done in other municipalities... Why do we lack the vision and know how in Oshawa. I tell you why. Because we keep electing the wrong people. YES MEN were great during the small town mentality municipal government era. Today, we need fresh thinkers. Visionaries and people that are not afraid to take a chance.
The money for projects is out there. The people wanting to come are there. We just don’t have a City corporation that has a clue on how to attract them.
I know if I was elected. I would turn around Oshawa’s downtown. I personally have for the past four years been doing my part with the DOWNTOWN OSHAWA INGINO INITIATIVE. I am sure most of you by know have seen the black signs with yellow letter proudly promoting our downtown core. I know first hand what the needs of those merchants are.
1st. I would any business owner that owns the building they are running their business from a 40% off property taxes. This does not mean landlords that lease out units to businesses.
I would give each business owner in the core a 50% off their OPUC rates. These discounts would be absorbed by the deduction of waste both at City Hall and the OPUC.
Can it be done? You better believe it.
For all the local service clubs I would put aside $50,000. This money would go to any local service group that showed the most fundraising over a period of a year. What this would do is bring back the community spirit. It would get more members of the community involved in events that are taking place all across Oshawa.
To the Legion, Navy club, Wing 420 and other groups I would award $50,000 to the leading group that could show the most advancement over a year. No one would be able to win it two consecutive years.
As your new mayor I would finally bring life to Oshawa’s airport. For the past 20 years the airport has been under used. In my new Oshawa I would turn our airport into a major training center. From virtual reality environments. To hands on. I would encourage for executives to utilize our airport by giving special fuel discounts.
You ask.. Oh yea. Who is going to pay for the discounts. The more you sell the more the price becomes negotiable. The City of Oshawa spends 100 of thousands on legal matter if not millions and we can’t subsidize fuel at the airport to increase jobs and businesses.
What we have running our municipal government is not leadership but YESMANSHIP. A bunch of good old boys that make it a point to fly under the radar and do nothing in the hope of re-election.
As a City leader. You can’t look at one or two aspects of your community. You must address the whole. We need to improve the way we do business. We need to improve the way we treat our people and those interested in coming to Oshawa.
If I had a penny every time someone has complained about how Oshawa deal with tenders and permits. I would have millions.
Yet, the people of Oshawa keeps voting the same time and time again.
Our Oshawa will incorporate all of us. It will be an Oshawa as it should be. An inclusive Oshawa that is free and open to all. Anyone with a concern or thought should be able to walk into the Mayors office and speak his/her mind. Results should not be filtered through countless committees only to be shelved and ignored.
Our new Oshawa starts with your vote.