Monday, July 23, 2018


As we head into the cut off for municipal election candidates, I just have to comment about the quality of candidates running across Durham. I am so pleased that the majority of them are running for the right reasons, to better their communities.

I have personally met with many of the candidates, not just the incumbents and we have a remarkable cultural and ethnic diverse group. This is just what Durham needs, but people from all walks of life together debating and making the decisions that will shape our communities for years to come.

While I am a 5th generation Durhamite, I welcome and love to hear why 1st generation Durhamite's choose our communities to call home. The same reason we live here as multi-generational is the reason they are building a
foundation here and wanting to preserve and protect their chosen home. To all the candidates, I truly say thank you for putting your name on the ballot to shape our Durham together.

This election we find many residents wanting a change mandate, indeed years of perpetual tax increases, 17 percent rise in violent crime calls, poor commuter service, areas of Durham being ignored will do that.

I implore the new candidates to stick to your beliefs and remember why you are running, for the betterment of your community. Indeed municipal staff are the experts, but you as a potential councillor will make the policy that directs the staff for years to come.

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