Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Establishment vs The People By Joe Ingino

LogicBy Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Establishment vs The People
   It appears that the municipal race for mayor of the City of Oshawa may come down to the establishment vs the people scenario.
As it stand there is only one candidate for the office of Mayor.  The candidate is Dan Carter an incumbent councillor.  If no one steps up.  Carter would win by default.   Is this what the city needs?   If anyone shows up of credible integrity.   The vote would be ‘The Establishment’ - meaning nothing will get done for another four years and you can bet your bottom dollar your property taxes will go up another 3 - 6% to pay off for the incompetence of true leadership.   Versus whom ever pops up to bring in new and innovative ideas to the table.
Can Oshawa afford another four years of nothing... I have a question for Dan Carter... What have you done to make this city a better place.  Did you do anything to lower taxes?  Did you do anything for the airport?  Did you do anything for the harbor?   Did you do anything for the struggling business of the downtown?   Did you do anything to attract new business and industry to Oshawa?  Did you do anything to improve the infrastructure of Oshawa?  Did you do anything to improve relationship between the public and city hall?  Did you do anything to improve our roads and highways?  But most importantly.  Did you do anything?  If so what?
The answer to the above questions are as obvious as the fact that under this administration has increased it’s over all debt by 100 million to close to 300 million.    They are as obvious as the fact that we keep loosing business every month in our core.    It is as obvious as the fact that the harbor still sits empty even after the Federal government gave the land to the city to develop... and now are possibly facing a fine for doing nothing to the tune of 10 million dollars.  And yes, their incompetence has you on the hook for the cash.   And Dan wants to be Mayor.
Really.  Are you deservant of a promotion for doing nothing?   Do we need another pretty boy in office as a token of leadership?  Or do we need someone with conviction.  Proven track record in the City and Durham Region.   Someone with a vision. Someone that knows the value of a hard earned dollar.  Someone that is one of you (us).  Do we  not need change.  Do we not need true leadership.  Do we not need to protect our future through the investments of industry and trade that want to come to Oshawa but Oshawa elect fail to see or seek the opportunities that other municipalities are benefiting from?
Is it not time for change.  NO TO THE ESTABLISHMENT.  YES TO THE PEOPLE.

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